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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. I am so sorry for your loss.
  2. Chanting for normal platelet count today. Will be anxiously awaiting a full report. Prayers for Kylie and hugs for Mom.
  3. Oh, Henry is such a sensitive soul! It's no wonder he had a seizure - it's written all over that photo of him worrying about Riley! How is Henry this morning? Praying that this is just an isolated incident.
  4. Checking in on the adorable Canyon. How is handsome this morning?
  5. Oh, I can't believe it! This is just the worst! I am so sorry! I just can't imagine the shock and horror you must be feeling right now. Please, please know that there are many, many prayers being said for you and Alan right now. Words just fail me at times like this. My heart is breaking for you.
  6. What adorable photos! You have many memories to use to start the healing process. I am so very, very sorry for your loss.
  7. I am praying that Friday will be a turn around day for Diamond and her family. Enough already! They all need to begin the healing process! I am just so sorry this happened and will keep all of you in my prayers.
  8. I wouldn't categorize Canyon as "normal". Adorable, yes, but normal? Umm, no. I am not dimishing Dr. Sharp. Could it be that the word "average" would have been a better choice to describe Canyon's rcovery? "Canyon's level of distress isn't "average" for 3 weeks post ventral slot/disc fenestration surgery." Is Canyon exhibiting other symptoms that would cause you to describe his condition as "deteriorating"? Like you, I would be demanding another CT scan or MRI. At least then you would know what's going on from a purely diagnostic point of view. We are keeping all of you in our prayers and will be waiting patiently for the next update.
  9. What a sweetheart! Keeping him tucked in our prayers.
  10. I hate to be repetitive, but WOW. Not only a killer drive but all that info! Will keep you both tucked tightly in our prayers. Bionic puppy. Has kind of a catchy ring to it!
  11. I am having difficulty typing today - all hair, eyes, fingers, toes, arms and legs crossed for Canyon - the most handsome guy in the universe. Praying harder than ever.
  12. Checking in for the latest on Kylie! Still praying, chanting and sending healing white light!
  13. for Canyon for Kylie for KC for all those in need, hurting, ill, injured, in need of support, lonely or grieving.
  14. Just seeing this. Waiting for an update and hoping that KC is ok. Sending prayers and hugs.
  15. Sending the most powerful of prayers and healing light to Canyon. Come on, Sweetheart. Show Mom and Dad that it's just going to be ok.
  16. Oh, Anne! I feel your pain.............I really do! I asked that same question, "how can a happy, healthy girl go from playing toys..................." on February 14! It's so very, very scary when our kids go down like this! Please know that there are so many of us that have been there and are praying just as hard as we can for you and Kylie. Trust the specialist (internist? neurologist?). Some of them are more than a little "gloom and doom", but they are usually very, very good at what they do! It took 3-1/2 days for the Internist we saw to stop talking in "hours" and start talking in "days, weeks". It was all I could do to hold it together, but I knew that Suze needed me to be the strong one. I truly believe that my determination that she was KNOT going to die is part of what pulled her through. Kylie needs you to make her believe that you are going to make it all better! In the meantime, we are praying, chanting, sending hugs and healing white light in torrents to you and Kylie!
  17. We had a perfect night and a perfect morning, thanks! Poop has never made me so happy. I hear that!! Oh, just wait until the baby comes! You have no idea the weird things about which you will be ecstatic!
  18. Greyt! Now I'll be able to sleep tonight knowing that zoomies are still being performed in Lexington, TN! You go, girl! Hugs for everybody!
  19. I have only seen 1 case of discoid lupus - the nose looks like you would imagine if all the pigment peeled off! It's very red and looks like it would be very raw, but doesn't seem to bother the dog at all! As far as grain free food, I use Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream, a fish based, grain free food, not because of any health concern, but rather an attempt to stay away from "fillers". There are as many grain free foods as there are protein sources in all price ranges and you could go insane trying to make sense of all the foods and ingredient combinations out there! The Whole Dog Journal is a good source for what's out there or find a specialty pet food store in your area, visit and ask questions about what sells best, if there are any other greyhound customers and what they are purchasing and the reliability of the distributor. Good luck and I hope you get a dx for Bama!
  20. Inquiring minds want to know how Miss Flippydoo is doing!
  21. I am so sorry for your loss. Godspeed Jeany.
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