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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. It's so greyt to get some really, really good news!
  2. My three love their Victoria Peak beds! They come with an inner liner which I have covered with a cheap waterproof mattress pad. Anna, who adopted us in September, used to make a nest on the people beds in her previous home but has since opted for the Victoria Peak bed at our house! Smart girl!
  3. I have had the "booster vaccine" conversation with three Vets within the last month and received three different answers. One said there's no harm in vaccinating as compared to the alternative, the second said to vaccinate conservatively - every three years - and administer only one at a time, one year apart and the third said to vaccinate for rabies only every three years and titer for everything else. I do not get the "warm fuzzies" from the Veterinary community in general on the subject of vaccinations. One rule that cannot be contradicted is that if a dog has ANY condition compromising the immune system, vaccinating prior to complete resolution is not advisable.
  4. No experience in this area, but there's LOTS of advice in this thread! Print it out and take it to your Vet! At least you'll have a checklist to work through. In the meantime, sending prayers and healing light to Billy and gentle hugs to you and DD.
  5. Breathing and praying. Breathing and praying. Waiting for an update on Canyon. Breathing and praying.
  6. That cutie pie just has to be ok! Will hold you both close to my heart and will be breathing a prayer with each brreath tomorrow. Hugs to everyone!
  7. Greyt news! Glad she's home! Praying for a quick recovery.
  8. That is the BEST news! Sending hugs, prayers and healing white light for a quick recovery!
  9. I imagine he's very uncomfortable to put it mildly. Hope the new pain meds help. Sending prayers and hugs for Rocky and his Mom.
  10. Wonderful, wonderful news! Thank doG or whatever, it doesn't matter as long as Beau feel better! Praying this is the first of many, many happy and healthy days for Beau and his family. Prayers and hugs.
  11. How is Rocky doing this evening? Praying for you big guy!
  12. Just now seeing this! This is my "daymare" having had encounters with 24 unleashed dogs on our regular walk route that is only 9 tenth of a mile and having my 3 girls attacked by a Boxer with no injuries, thank goodness! So glad that Rocky is out of surgery. Sending mega-prayers for an uneventful recovery!
  13. Oh thank goodness no surgery! Compared to that, the next 4 weeks will be challenging, but manageable. Sending buckets of prayers and healing light. Hugs to Dawn!
  14. Oh, I hate cancer! I hate it that Fly had to leave so soon! I am so very sorry for your loss because it is obvious that you and Fly made quite a pair! I hope your memories will help to heal your heart.
  15. For all those in need of comfort and support.
  16. Prayers for Vinny and your family during this stressful time. Will light candles, send prayers and will be joining everyone here on GT in keeping Vinny in our thoughts and prayers on Monday. Let us do the worrying while you support DH. Hugs to all. Vinny will be just fine!
  17. Oh, poor Soul! Maybe he's the one stalking the Vet??? Nah! Couldn't be. Looks like you have all good advice, so all I can do is add prayers for quick/uneventful healing. Oh, and Soul, could ya please just cool it for a while? We love ya, but enough already!
  18. May you have the strength to lead him gently to the Bridge. Whisper in his ear, stroke his head and send him with all your love. I am so sorry you didn't have enough time with him. It's never enough time. Sending prayers of comfort and healing for your broken hearts.
  19. Oh, thank heavens! Sending powerful prayers for a full recovery! Any word on the beautiful Miss Maggie this morning?
  20. duncan41

    Fg's Goodbye

    A very special hound and a very special woman. Thank you for sharing - the love just oozes off the screen through your words and the photos.
  21. What a perfect drawing! I love the faint smile! When does it get better? I have no idea. My DH still mourns our Newfie who has been gone 11-1/2 years. Oh, it's not like he's crying about her, but when the subject come up, he admits that he's "still not over it". Nikki will be gone 3 years on May 1st and I'm not "over it", either. Adopting Suze & Fuzz 5 days after Nikki died was a huge help - at least they were a huge diversion! But almost losing Suze last month (February 14) to acute renal failure changed something. I mourn for the dogs gone from other's lives and my heart breaks for the humans and others who loved them, but I now live much more in the present. Suze is reminding me to do that every day - she will be coming to get me any minute for her nightly belly rub. That never happened before February 14. She actually cuddled up to me Saturday night and put her head in my lap. That never happened before February 14. I look forward to our evenings and I'm looking forward to more changes. Take your time. Do what feels right and keep your heart open to possibilities. In the meantime, look at the drawing often. I think there's a message in there for you.
  22. No idea, but I would second the biopsy suggestion. Sending prayers.
  23. But you know what it's NOT! (I always try to be the-glass-is-half-full voice of reason.) Whatever "it" is, I hope it's just a transient thing - no meds, just time. I can only echo the common sentiments expresses here - I am so sorry this is happening. Enough, already! Sending prayers for a quick, simple answer to what's bugging Beau.
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