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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Hoping for smooth sailing! Sending gentle kisses, hugs and many prayers for an uneventful treatment.
  2. ing for miracles - the miracle of health, the miracle of adoption, the miracle of love, the miracle of hope the miracle of finding those who have lost their way.
  3. I love fatty lumps most of all!!!
  4. Merry Christmas Mango and Takoda and the kitties!
  5. Chanting - it's nothing. Chanting, chanting, chanting.
  6. That's the way to go, Monty! Whoo-hoo! Yeah! Uh-huh, uh-huh, you got it, you got it! Three cheers!
  7. Hope Rosie can get into be seen tomorrow. Will be a miserable Christmas if she doesn't. Sending prayers and healing white light.
  8. Sending loads of prayers and good thoughts for Sammy! Hope the time until Monday goes quickly and the news is good.
  9. Welcome! Glad everything came out all right! Love the pics - whew! That kinda pressure can really wear a guy out, don't ya know!
  10. Just catching up. Ranger, it's absolutely wonderful that you're home and I'm sorry Mom had to fuss with that stupid tape around your butt! Yuk! Anyway, there ought to be a universal sign for "drugs, Mom! give me drugs!" Luv, luv, LUV the comment by the Vet - me, too! You want to chop off my leg? You better give an arsenal of drugs! Note to self - leave the Fentanyl patch on, like forever! Many prayers going to you, DH and Ranger! He sounds like a special guy!
  11. Darn! My eyes are leaking again! Oh, sweet baby girl, you have absolutely stolen my heart! I can only imagine the big smile on Mom's face when she looks at you! Welcome home! Let the healing begin!!!
  12. Scar tissue would be "a good thing".
  13. Yes, how is the lovely Miss Mango doing today?
  14. What a wonderful early Christmas gift! Thank goodness Renie is free of the big "C"! However, many healing thoughts going to DH - sure hope he's feeling much better very soon! And Jack, big guy, all will be back to normal soon! Don't pout!
  15. Many, many prayers for that sweet girl, Truffles!
  16. Sending many prayers and positive thoughts for Beau. Get well, sweetheart!
  17. Oh, Mr. Parker! You're such a party animal! So glad things are looking up for Parker!
  18. That's absolutely, positively, beyond-a doubt the best news! We have all fingers, toes and paws crossed here for successful surgery. Hugs and prayers! Hugs and prayers!
  19. Oh, there go those leaky eyes of mine again! Yee-haw! Wonderful news!
  20. Oh, boy! Homecoming is a wonderful thing! You and Ranger are in our prayers. We're here for the duration, so keep us updated when you can.
  21. Molly, Red is one of my very favorite colors, but I have to be honest; GIRLFRIEND, YOU DO NOT WANT RED PEE! On the other hand, if you hadn't been peeing red, your mommy wouldn't have dragged you to the Humiliation House and you wouldn't have met Racer! Whoo-hoo! You go, girl! BTW: what color is your pee today? We're sending prayers for Racer - the only "c" we want to hear about is the one in his name!
  22. Oh, lovely! Just the dose of sunshine that is needed right about now. I am sure that everyone - including the staff at the clinic - knows how badly you want her home - heck, we ALL want her home with you - but they want to make sure that she's ready. Sending an unending stream of prayers for Mango and all who love her.
  23. Oh, I am so sorry! My only experience is with lymphosarcoma. I did the whole chemo thing, but Nikki only made it to treatment 8 of 13 - she just couldn't tolerate the chemo. Of course, that was 3 years ago and I didn't know about GT and the wealth of experience others offer so willingly. We did consult with Dr. Couto who not only concurred with the chemo protocol but agreed when it was time to suspend chemo. This is very, very hard to say, but had I to do it all again, I would have just made her as comfortable for as long as possible and just spoiled her to pieces without chemo. She did end up with 3 good months after the chemo was stopped. Only you can decide what's best for Abbey and you. DO NOT feel guilty. DO NOT condemn yourself as selfish. I beat myself up on both sides of that fence; I should never have done any chemo or I should have done more research on meds that would have made her more comfortable during chemo. I should have fed her MickeyD's. I should have taken her to an oncologist. And on and on and on. At the end of the day, I was dealt a hand and played it to the best of my ability. I will always love Nikki with all of my heart - she was my heart. I hate this disease. I hate the fact that not a day goes by that another beautiful greyt dog is diagnosed or crosses the bridge. I pray that in my lifetime there will be a cure or at least more of a fighting chance. I pray that someday I will hear Dr. Couto say that the the 2 of 3 odds that racing greyhounds will get cancer that he told his audience at 2008 Sandy Paws are changing in the greyhound's favor. Most of all, I pray that you and Abbey and all of the greyt dogs with owners fighting for their lives will have many sunny, fun filled, love filled days together.
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