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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. I hope you get to look into those soulful eyes as soon as possible! I've said it before, but I will say it again, angels walk among us and one is named Dr. Couto. Maxx, we're sending powerful mojo to OSU! Prayers for Maxx and hugs for you .
  2. I have one with a mystery limp, too. Clean xrays and I'm still worried to death. Fortunately, while my Vet is just a little stubborn when it comes to buying into the "greyhounds are different" credo, he will do EXACTLY as I ask and will search to the ends of the earth for answers. (I secretly think that he searches just as much to prove me wrong as anything else. ) So, if you think you have a Vet that's receptive, I would use the resources of GT and use search engines to see what other information is out in cyberspace, print it out, take it to your Vet and be specific with your requests/demands. In the meantime, we're sending prayers that after Friday, you will still be dealing with a mystery limp.
  3. Ok, we'll trade 2 teeth for B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B!
  4. The power of GT does it again! (With a little help from Mom, Dad and the Vet!) Way to go! You're amazing!
  5. I wish the Rabies Challenge was complete and that we were already at the 7 year interval! If you haven't yet, please take the time to research this project and consider making a contribution. (I am not connected to the Rabies Challenge in any way!) Immunity is a c**p shoot regardless of whether you're testing humans or animals; it varies on any given day. As much as we would like to talk about, request, demand or attempt to legislate absolute immunity, the immune system doesn't operate that way. I have had this discussion with my Vet (his words about absolute immunity), and although he would prefer to err on the side of caution and immunize yearly, I vaccinate for rabies every three years as required in FL and titer for the rest where a titer is available with the intention of boostering every 3 years. Additionally, I will be asking for individual injections - no combo shots. The more I read, the less I like "messing around" with the immune system.
  6. Sending power prayers and good thoughts for both of you! Please update when you can.
  7. Yes, yes, yes! It's over, ladies and gentlemen! It's finally over!
  8. Aren't Monday's wonderful when all is as well as it can be? Ranger, you're a ray of sunshine! Keep letting your Mom know that everything is going to be ok - do you think that she believes that the bunny just "happened" to be on the other side of the fence? Nah! It's a sign! Yee-haw!
  9. Easy does it, Casey. Still praying and sending healing light. Update when you can.
  10. ....it's nothing! Sending prayers and healing light to Casey girl and hugs for Mom. Please send an update when you can.
  11. for Wayne. Will be chanting until after the pathology report comes back: B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9B9!
  12. What a way to start the New Year! Thank goodness there's some really greyt news to post! Hallelujah!
  13. So glad that Willie is home, doing so well and has the lovely Simone to watch over him when you're not glued to his side! What a handsome guy he is! I hope Willie ends up being one of those dudes who sleeps off his troubles/illnesses/surgeries. Wouldn't that be great??? Prayers for Willie and hugs for Mom!
  14. Nasty spiders in TN! So glad he's on the road to recovery!
  15. Wow! Thank goodness everyone is OK! Glad Dora is doing so well!
  16. Just catching up with everybody/everything and was so relieved to read that Spencer is home and doing well! You obviously have much company in the fear department - I cry just thinking about making an appointment, but as you were so successful in pulling off, I too remain calm, nonchalant and cheerful until AFTER I get in my car! Then I go to pieces! I'm sure Spencer will be none the worse for wear and probably more comfortable without those sensitive, exposed roots!
  17. Oh, poor baby! Praying for clean edges and a talented seamstress!
  18. It's just a strain.....it's just a strain........it's just a strain............it's just a strain............it's just a strain
  19. So glad the beautiful Miss Bonnie is doing better! Still sending prayers of support and keeping that candle lit.
  20. Sounds like Soul Man and Mom had a really close call! Thank G*d for FWF (friends with flagyl)! Soul Man, we're all praying as hard as we can for this little episode to fade into the background like a bad dream. Mom needs a break, too! Is there any way of posting a link to the article about B12?
  21. Altogether now: "Good new, good news, good news." Sending prayers.
  22. The bond you shared was preordained. Some people never get to experience that magical moment when human and dog become one. Pity. Cindy became all that she was meant to be thanks to you and you had a whole new world open up thanks to her. Godspeed Cindy.
  23. What a lovely description of a special girl! May your heart heal quickly with the help of your cherished memories.
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