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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. I am so sorry! I am sure Nikki and all the other greyt dogs were at the Bridge to greet him and show him the ropes. Run like the wind, dear Abbey!
  2. Amber, I am so sorry that Soul is under the weather this morning. I have no advice (you probably know as much as anyone by now), no experience either, but sending healing thoughts and healing light your way. Soul Man - feel the light, calm the tummy. Feel the light, calm the tummy. Feel the light, calm the tummy. Oohhhhmmmm!
  3. Just catching up with Mango and her wonderful Mom. She look absolutely fabulous and I just LOVE the modified collar! Hugs all around and prayers bombarding you both!
  4. Praying until tomorrow's visit to the Vet. Please update when you can.
  5. Just saw the update! Isn't "benign" the most beautiful word in the english language! Yippee!
  6. Let's start the New Year with some c-a-l-m for Beau's tummy!
  7. Oh, Valentino! Feel better, soon! Bad spiders! Bad!
  8. I sure hope that wish for a good night's sleep came true! Ours was more than a little rocky with all the fireworks! Hope the big guy is doing well today! No more "adventures" for a while, ok?
  9. Sending prayers and hugs and hopes for many good days to spoil her rotten.
  10. Praying for self-healing! Is she on an anti-inflammatory? Isis, Dad needs you to feel better soon, sweetheart!
  11. Oh, that's wonderful! She might actually be feeling better than ever! Good girl, Lily!
  12. Sending many prayers for Willie. Let the difficult days be few and the healing swift.
  13. Sending prayers for Penny. Keeping all fingers and toes crossed that "it" is not the big O.
  14. Waiting anxiously for news about Dallas. Hoping it's nothing, or at least nothing serious.
  15. ....just catching up with Miss Bonnie - and oh, what a beautiful girl she is! Sending bucket loads of prayers and blinding healing light to that gorgeous girl!
  16. How's Black Jack doing today? Prayers for him and tranquilizers for you.
  17. So glad he kept something down! Is he still acting like he wants to eat? Maybe smaller meals more frequently? Monty, we're all pulling for you. Sending many hugs of encouragement!
  18. Oh, that's wonderful! Good goin', Monty! You just keep chowing down everything that Mom puts in your bowl!
  19. Ouch! Thinking about how hard he must have hit the pavement gives me the heebeejeebees! Poor baby! That deserves more ice cream! Kisses on the booboos!
  20. Oh, I sure hope this phase passes soon, the weather cooperates and the pain meds work as intended! Many prayers for Ranger! Hugs for everyone!
  21. Like SoulsMom, I'm allergic to everything except food - seriously! Depending on which school of thought your Dr prefers, either dander or a component in the saliva (more appropriate for the self-cleaning cat) that causes the majority of reactions. CLEAN is the operative word, both for the environment and the dogs. I have 3 cats and 3 dogs and there was a time that I couldn't even walk into a home where a cat resided, let alone live with one! Oh, and since I can't take Zyrtec unless I need to sleep for 2 days, I rely on the non-drowsy generic version of Claritin during the time that my other allergies are kicking up, and TylenolPM (with generic benadryl as the sleepy component) to keep things in check the rest of the time and get a good night's sleep. Everyone has to find what works for their individual situation/sensitivity. Good luck!
  22. Oh, poor Streamer! I have never seen anything like this, but if it's worse tomorrow, I would definitely have him seen! Was he with any other greyt dogs when this happened? Is there anything else in his zoomie turf that could have inflicted these injuries? (Think outside the box - this is a greyhound we're talking about! ;-) ) If this happened this morning, how is he doing this evening?
  23. Any update on Molly? Boy, that's greyt news about Racer!
  24. Oh, it sounds like it's time for MickeyD's! Yee-haw! Ember is such a trooper! We love you sweetheart! Hope this one is as uneventful as the rest! You're doing great!
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