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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. I feel as though someone kicked me in the gut. I checked Ember's webcam every day hoping to catch a glimpse of my hero. Grace with dignity. She was, at the very least, extremely special. And her Dad...........Tom, what can I say? I think we see our reflection in our dog's eyes and that being the case, you were meant for each other. Sobbing through the video just reminded me of how cruel osteo is. But you have a record of so many great memories before osteo that I hope that the pain of losing her are replaced with the memories of how truly special your time together was. Words seem so inadequate but I am truly, truly sorry.
  2. No experience with bruising, but sending prayers for Rudy, anyway.
  3. Sweet Monty, we're sending prayers that this treatment is a breeze!
  4. Normal. Now stay that way and no more scaring Mom half to death! We love the photos of Cricket - silly - girls just wanna have fun!
  5. "No tumor" sounds like great news to me! I know kidney disease isn't what you wanted to hear, but we're praying it's manageable. Now about those tires, it s*cks! Your vehicle should have had the courtesy to wait until Pearl's crisis was past! Sending continuing prayers for the lovely Miss Pearl!
  6. I have no words..........sending voluminous prayers and comfort.
  7. Good news about Isis! Hope you see continued improvement.
  8. So glad that you came to GT for answers and so glad that Griffin is feeling better! Sending prayers and healing thoughts that he improves steadily.
  9. All appendages crossed that this does the trick for the beautiful Sadie!
  10. I think I'm in love! Logan, you're one handsome fella! Keep making us smile! Hugs and kisses all around.
  11. Prayers and gentle hugs for Cricket and her Mom. You're the best Mom Cricket could ever have! We're praying and holding you close to our hearts.
  12. Oh, it does my heart good to read such encouraging reports! Yippee! Casey, you're gonna be just fine!
  13. Hoping she continues to improve. She's a beauty!
  14. Oh, my! Never heard of anything like this before. Sending prayers and healing light.
  15. The third time just has to be the charm for Harmony! Will continue to pray for her, you and her caretakers.
  16. Sending prayers and positive thoughts for you and Sam.
  17. Whew! What a ride! This thread reads like a nail biter! So glad that Safari is home! Sending many, many prayers for you both.
  18. Continuing to send prayers, hugs and healing light to Cricket.
  19. Oh, Frosty! Hope that foot feels better soon! And Vinny, like someone posted earlier.............there are no words. Hugs all around.
  20. Still sending prayers and powerful healing white light to Harmony. We're holding her gently in our hearts.
  21. No experience here, just concern that Lexie is having "issues" again. Sending powerful prayers.
  22. Sending prayers for Demas. I hope you get a diagnosis so treatment can commence to get your boy on the road to recovery.
  23. Fluids at home are very manageable. Food perferences, on the other hand, are a cr*p shoot. I would just rotate, rotate, rotate and keep your fingers crossed. Don't remember, but have you tried nutritional yeast? Still praying for your sweet girl.
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