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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. D*mn! Will continue to pray for the stunning Butch! Take advantage of those offering advice here at GT. They have an unbelievable wealth of knowledge to share. If you need ANYTHING, just ask!
  2. Oh, that's not the way to start out in a new location. The stress of the move much have disturbed the karma in your household. Hope things get back to normal soon. Question for all: Does Cephalexin have the same reputation of killing the good intestinal bacteria in dogs as it has in humans? My mother's quack dentist prescribed it for the remote chance of an oral infection about 10 years ago and it killed all the good bacteria in her intestinal tract. Since she moved in with me, I have her on probiotics and Metamucil and she's much, much better.
  3. Ugh! Sorry there was no diagnosis. Did you mention Rudy's current symptoms to your Vet during your conversation? Hope a diagnosis comes along quickly.
  4. I wish I had words that would make it go away. I can only say that I am very sorry you are going through this. Love her with all your might and then do it all over again. Sending prayers.
  5. She's adorable! Hope it's nothing and Miss Pikachu is back to her old self soon! Sending prayers and hugs.
  6. Checking on Mr. Rudy. How is the bruising? I sure hope it's going away! Any word on the tick panel? How long does it normally take for results to come in?
  7. H-e-a-l-t-h-y! She sure is a picture of health! Love, love, LOVE those ears! You're gorgeous, honey!
  8. I have no experience but I am sending my wish for a diagnosis. Hugs for Rudy! Get well, big guy!
  9. Poor Rusty! Sweet boy, I have a feeling that there may be some extra treats in your future, so it's not ALL bad! "Nothin' says lovin' like somethin' from the oven!" Or ice cream or biskies or whatever your little heart desires! Hope he heals flawlessly!
  10. Prayers for the absolutely gorgeous Butch! Prayers - it's something else, it's something else, it's something else. It just HAS to be something else!
  11. OMG! What a scare! Thank goodness for clean xrays! Oh, I love the smell of clean xrays in the morning!
  12. Sending prayers and hugs. Frustrating............................
  13. How's Willie this AM? Sending prayers and hugs.
  14. One friend's dog lived 6 months post surgery for a rupture. Another friend's dog was diagnosed during an ultrasound performed to look for "something else". The spleen was removed and she's doing fine 7 months later with no further treatment. "H" is a thief that steals our best friends. Sending hugs and prayers.
  15. Oh, crap. Was hoping and praying for better results. But hey, no backsliding is a good thing, right? Joining Misty's fan club with chants for improvement - and quick! Hang in there, girl, we're holding you gently with our prayers.
  16. Oh, Casey! You have to forgive your Mom for not "getting it" the first three times! Nice try, though! :lo So glad she's feeling well enough to let her sense of humor come through! Praying for continued improvement!l
  17. Sounds like you are doing everything possible. If steps are a problem, would a ramp be a possibility? I'm not clear on your set up, but if a dog door and ramp combo were workable, they would allow him to get outside when he needed to "go". Jay is sure lucky to have you and Kevin as parents! Nikki was on the max dose of pred for her last 3 months and although the volume and frequency of urine was unbelievable at first, it regulated itself to almost normal.
  18. If the infection is long standing, then a culture for sensitivity might make sense, but there may not be a clear cut answer. As far as drugs from Canada, there are ways to insure that you are dealing with a reputable pharmacy - do a search for Canadian pharmacies and you should find phamacy associations and government websites with resources to check.
  19. Just caught up on the adventures of KoolAid. Whew! What a scare! So glad he's ok and hope there are no after effects.
  20. Waiting for an update on the beautiful Miss Cricket.
  21. Thanks for the update! I have been wondering how Ranger is doing! Joining the chant for pictures!
  22. In the latest edition of Care of the Racing & Retired Greyhound, there is a statement that reads "In addition, the current Bordetella vaccine was developed many years ago and does not provide reliable protection against current strains of Bordetella that cause disease today." Any virus can mutate in order to become more opportunistic, but should we vaccinate "just in case" and hope that a stimulated immune system will react appropriately? Since the big C is a disease of the immune system, will an immune system that is busy reacting to vaccinations fail to respond correctly to the formation of cancer cells? Is there a statistically predictable number of dogs that will succumb to these diseases regardless of vaccination status? It's early and my mind is wandering, but these are the questions that drive me crazy. I realize that there are no guarantees, and everyone should work with their Vet to make the best decisions for their own circumstances, but are there any resources that provide statistics of disease prevalence by county, state or region?
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