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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Checking to see how Misty is doing this AM. Did she decide to eat a little something yesterday PM? Hugs to all.
  2. Oh, this is just heartbreaking! Many prayers for Willie and constant support to you, Lora.
  3. Oh, how agonizing it is to be away from your best friend when he needs you! Please let us know how he is when you have some news. In the meantime, you have tons of prayers and support going to you from our little family.
  4. Thank you so much for sharing Grandpa's story! He was obviously a very special boy! Godspeed, Grandpa. Run swift, run far, run pain free!
  5. I am so sorry for your loss. Love the photos of that handsome guy!
  6. Here's hoping that's the end of the story!
  7. Oh, such good news really warms the heart! Good girl, Ember!
  8. Oh, this is just not right! Praying as hard and as fast as we can! Hope tomorrow brings better news.
  9. Loads of prayers for Clark! This whole situation is breaking my heart. Please keep us informed on how he's doing. If the meds are going to work, there should be some changes tomorrow. I am trying very hard not to be very, very angry about the treatment of this dog by the Specialist. A dog's health should never be compromised because of lack of funds.
  10. Awww, Flashy! You really know how to get to a girl's heart! The girls think you look divine in pink but they also see that you're not quite feeling like your old self. Keep warm and let Mom spoil you a little. And please don't worry about that bone! You'll have it back in no time!
  11. Muscle strain.......muscle strain..........muscle strain.................muscle strain................muscle strain................muscle strain.................muscle strain....................muscle strain.........
  12. Sending prayers, healing light and hugs to Charlie, Midge and Mary.
  13. The biopsy should tell the whole story. I hope you take that trip back to the drawing board! Prayers for Cyah!
  14. Hurry home Flashman! There's loads of goodies waiting for you! Prayers and hugs for everyone!
  15. Sending powerful prayers for Clark and all his caretakers.
  16. Oh, thank goodness! Get better soon, Penny honey! Mom sounds exhausted - and you do, too! Sending loads of hugs, prayers and healing white light to you both!
  17. Yay! Good goin, Misty! Just eat whatever Mom puts in your bowl, sweetie pie! Just don't let her know that you can see her gag. She'll get over it.
  18. Hope all went well for Flash at the clinic. Update when you can.
  19. I am so sorry for the loss of your handsome Wallace.
  20. Would a protective boot help? I have one with a mystery limp and her TheraPaw boot makes all the difference when we go for our walks. Sending our best thoughts and prayers for Mork-man! Feel better, big guy!
  21. Have you checked out the "Lexie and The Mushy Poo" thread? There is some good info from others - info that you may need to have with you when you take Wilma to the Vet. Let us know how it goes. Meanwhile, prayers and healing light for Wilma.
  22. Oh! Was hoping that there would be no more seizures. We will pray that an difinitive answer will materialize and you can concentrate on minimizing your migraines. You don't suppose that the seizures and migraines are connected, do you?
  23. Sounds like adding water was a good thing! Not sure that she's being picky, she may have just wanted water in her food like Berry's!
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