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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Wonderful knews about the clean margins! Sending prayers for clear x-rays, too!
  2. Sending prayers, hugs and kisses to Sexton and his family.
  3. No experience with lumps but plenty of experience sending power prayers to you and Monty! How do the stitches look? If they look dry and the skin looks good, can you sneak Monty in early? Our vet usually says 10 to 14 days for stitches.
  4. All of Florida wants to know - how is Nadir and his Mom? Prayers and hugs to both of you.
  5. Good morning Miss Misty and Mom! How is Misty doing this morning? Prayers for Misty and hugs for Mom.
  6. Oh, so glad that Misty ate SOMETHING! (It's ok if she "plays you" just a little this once, right?) Sending continued prayers and joining Xan's chant!
  7. How is Miss Molly doing? Getting lots of moochies? Sending prayers for a swift recovery and a not-so-smelly-splint!
  8. Let's hope the lump is a harmless bump. Prayers going your way. Positive thoughts are flying in virtually every direction but they all end up surrounding Chase. Keep us posted!
  9. Misty, please, please, PLEASE eat for Mommy, please! Sending bushels of prayers.
  10. Pave, Pave, Pave! What were you thinking? Now I understand why Mom is mad, but it was fun, wasn't it??? I don't think those beads in your eyes felt too good, did they? I think maybe you should cool it for a while and think of something to make it up to her. In another life, a hundred years ago, two German Wirehaired Pointers got a hold of two bags of kitchen cooking staples that a relative had graciously given to a young family with not a lot of money. I left the house for about 20 minutes and when I returned, there was 5 lbs each of flour and sugar along with a box of pancake mix strewn all over our 900 sq ft house. I think I would have rather cleaned up the beads.
  11. Batmom and PrairieProf give very good advice. Nothing to add, but I would definitely start with the teeth first. If she's having a problem with her mouth, she may equate it with any food that you offer. Do your hounds eat once a day, twice a day? Does she go out to potty before she eats or after? Does she eat out of bowl on the floor or from an elevated feeder? Is her bowl close to Dax or Berry's bowls? Just some food for thought..........pardon the pun. Good luck and let us know how it goes.
  12. We are SSOO relieved about Alans test results! Woo-Hoo! As far as kitty goes, my Aby gets about a year out of any one food before he starts giving it back multiple times a day. He has been through the test wringer more than a few times (he's 10) and nothing ever shows up. Every cat is different - Frank does better on wet food only and small meals throughout the day.
  13. Sending loads of prayers, good thoughts and healing white light to LuLu.
  14. The urn will be a fitting tribute to a very special little girl so deserving of a place of honor in your memorial garden.
  15. What a tribute to the dog that you were always meant to love. He will always be with you because he reshaped your world. Isn't that amazing? That one, silly, grey-faced hound could have changed the world as you knew it? You and he were so fortunate to have found each other at just the right time! I hope the good memories quickly replace the bad. I am so sorry that you had to say goodby to Jack. He will be waiting for you.
  16. That is beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
  17. I am so very sorry. They were meant to be together - forever.
  18. Our condolences to his family, friends and his three companions who are probably confused by his prolonged absence. The Bridge must have been in need of a special friend, what with all the hounds passing recently. Dennis sounds like the perfect candidate.
  19. What a wonderful tribute to such a thoughtful girl!
  20. We are so sorry for your loss. Jed is at the Bridge with all of the other greyt dogs that were lost recently; too many, too soon. Run free, Jed. You will be missed, but you were loved - greytly.
  21. Oh, happy day! Do the crazy dance of joy! Happy, happy, joy, joy!
  22. The prayer train has left the station and is gathering speed. It's packed with prayers for Bill and will arive in NC shortly. It's just a sprain, it's just the cold, it's just some aches, it's just arthritis, it's just an old injury. There. That ought to cover just about everything.
  23. I am so very sorry. Please give Jed lots of hugs and kisses to keep him on his trip to the Bridge. Prayers for you, DH and Ripple during this difficult time.
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