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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Sending more prayers and healing white light.
  2. You and Ken and Harmony will be wrapped in the gentle but powerful prayers of GT while you work through this and get a diagnosis.
  3. Go, Ranger! Run, walk, sprint, gallop - no matter! Go get em'!
  4. Wow, she looks wonderful! Prayers for a speedy recovery!
  5. Oh, Winslow you fuzzy fella - congratulations! 1 year and 11 months cancer free! I have a spare pair of Raybans if you're interested. Don't worry about the puparazzi - that last disguise will work just fine! You're an inspiration to all!
  6. Pearl's devotion is written all over her face in that precious photo. Prayers for precious Pearl and gentle hugs for Mom.
  7. I am so sorry for your loss. Run free with the wind, Renie. Pain free forever.
  8. I am so very, very sorry for your loss.
  9. So glad she's doing so well! Praying for a smooth and speedy recovery!
  10. As someone owned by a greyt dog with a "mystery limp", I am so glad that you have found a Vet who will work with you and lucky, lucky you, a Vet who has Greyhounds! Wow-oh-wow!We still don't have a diagnosis, but we're going to keep trying. We use a TheraPaw and have been extremely satisfied. Good luck. One step at a time.
  11. Sending more prayers for handsome Romeo and hugs of comfort for Leah. Let us know what the cardiologist has to say.
  12. Aaww! You can see the question in his eyes, "Can we go home now, please???" Poor baby! I hope he keeps improving so you can get him home to rest and heal. Prayers for Maxx. Praying for a negative biopsy.
  13. Praying and sending hugs of comfort. Please update when you can.
  14. Sending prayers that it's nothing. Maybe he should go back on the ID and do a wait and see?
  15. Sending prayers and comfort while waiting for an update.
  16. Goody, goody! He's bbbaaaccckkk! You go, Monty, but gently! Just take it easy for a couple of weeks, ok, big guy?
  17. What a beautiful girl! Elsa honey, please don't give Mom another scare like that! We are sending many prayers for a speedy recovery and hugs for Mom. Please let us know how she's doing.
  18. Directing all prayers and healing white light to Sadie in recovery!
  19. Ok, Monty, listen up. We absolutely ADORE every bone in your body, but I think your Mom could use just a little more P&Q, so could you PLeeeaaassseee keep it down to a dull roar for a few days??? DO KNOT under any circumstances do anything little cotton-pickin thing to delay total and complete healing! Now, in addition to this typed version, I'm sending vibes, karma and a telepathic photo albumn of what life should be like from now on. Ok, big guy? Love ya to pieces!
  20. Could be my story. No answers. Just prayers that all of our limping babies will be spared the big "O".
  21. Don't the words "no tumor" have a musical ring to it??? Will wait for an update on Thursday. In the meantime, prayers and comforting light going out to you and Casey.
  22. Aawww! So, so glad that Lewis is on the mend! Sending prayers and hugs of encouragement.
  23. ......sticks, mulch, dead worms, fish gills and scales (courtesy of the neighborhood osprey) and some other "unmentionables". Yuk! Garbage disposals - they are four legged garbage disposals! Or to be more politically correct - canine recycling machines!
  24. I have no idea, but GO STRIDER! That's awesome!
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