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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Thank goodness it turned out as everyone suspected. Hope healing is quick and uneventful. Hugs to all.
  2. Crossing everything, praying non-stop, sending an unending stream of positive thoughts.
  3. Thank you for letting us know the diagnosis. I, too, have been wondering about you and Ken and watching Rememberance, anticipating the time when you can post a tribute to Harmony. I hope the knowledge allows you to move forward, even though your heart is still broken. Run free sweet girl.
  4. Baby steps are good. Eating a little bit often is good. Being at home with everyone around him is good. Not having been diagnosed with "C" is good. A steady stream of prayers from GT is good. So many good things on the positive side of the balance sheet. Sending positive healing thoughts to Beau and his hurting tummy.
  5. This just absolutely, positively cannot be happening. Someone pplleeeaassee give Monty and Mom a break! Have you contacted OSU about the conflict? Sending our most powerful prayers for Monty hugs for Mom.
  6. How is Beau doing this AM? Still sending healing, calming and soothing thoughts. One day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time, one breath at a time. Beau wants to feel better just as much as you want him to. He can feel your emotions and will use them to heal. Feed him your most "I-am-mommy-and-we-will-lick-this-thing-together." calming vibes. for you, Robin.
  7. Poor Lucius! Sounds like he and his meds need to be re-evaluated - today! I agree that one day of any anti-inflammatory will not take care of the swelling. Prayers and healing thoughts to precious Lucius and hugs to you. Please keep us updated on how he is doing.
  8. Any update available? Hope it's just a bad tooth.
  9. Thank goodness Lite made it through the horrible trash can monsters with only a skinned chin! Hey Lite, my man! Just ignore those trash monsters! Sending calming and healing thoughts.
  10. So relieved that you have a workable diagnosis! I think Beau may know something about the kibble and is trying to tell you - it may be a NO-GO until his tummy settles down. I agree with an earlier post that soft, moist food may be the way to go until the pred really takes hold and calms things down. Canned, poached, slow cooked, whatever it takes to establish the one protein source and then someday reintroduce kibble one kernel at a time. May take weeks or months. I have a cat that had all the symptoms but no confirming test results of IBD/pancreatitis. He ate Wellness canned turkey for a year and we managed to get his vomitting down to once a day unless he ate dry food which would result in an automatic regurgitation. Fortunately the bloody diarrhea cleared up almost immediately, but it took another couple of years for his stool to take any sort of form. We didn't get to the turkey right away - we spent an obscene amount of cash trying all sorts of food in an orderly and patient manner before hitting on the turkey. Let Beau tell you what is going to work. If you let him, he will tell you. Sending calming thoughts to you, Robin and healing thoughts to Beau.
  11. Tons of prayers and healing thoughts on their way to you and Cairo. Feel better soon, baby boy!
  12. I wouldn't take a greythound under these conditions due to the lack of body fat. I don't have those conditions now, but did in "a former life". If you were talking about a pointer or retriever, that would be a different story. But a Greyhound? No.
  13. Just saw this. So sorry about Adam! Any news? Sending prayers for Adam!
  14. Ouch! It sure looks like it out of whack! Sending prayers for a simple dx, treatment, booboo bandaid, kisses and an uneventful trip home to recoop. Specky is sure a cutie pie! Love that smile!
  15. First there was Mark Spitz, then Michael Phelps came along and took the throne. Little did anyone realize that Winslow was waiting in the wings to blow them both out of the water! (Pun fully intended - lol) Wish we could come to your party and deliver smooches in person. Will you settle for long distance?
  16. Wow! How scary was that? Except for the bulging eye and disorientation, Cooper's seizure sounded like what turned out to be a panic attack that my first girlie-girl had the first time I attempted to trim her nails which was about 2 weeks after she adopted us. It took some investigating, but I later found out that she had the same reaction the first time she was turned out with the other dogs at the adoption kennel. She was a bounce - 7 years old. Never happened again, thank goodness! Let's hope it never happens to Cooper again!
  17. So glad Beau's home! Just whisper in his ear, "There's no place like home! There's no place like home!" Praying for a restful night for everyone and a refreshed appetite in the morning.
  18. Don't you just love the word "benign"? This is wonderful! Must be allergy season, my eyes are leaking!
  19. OH........MY.........God!!!!! Can you fricken believe this. I can't even put into words how I feel Monty FINALLY caught his break!!![ Could not have said it any better myself!!! OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG! I can hardly type this through my tears! Thank doG for OSU! Thank doG for Dr. Cuoto! Thank doG for Monty! Whoo-hoo! Holy cow! Holy moly! Way to go! Hooray! Halelujah! OMG!OMG!OMG! Can you see me doing the happy dance of joy-joy???
  20. Rabies and titer. Is DL autoimmune? If so, if it were my dog, I would definitely only do rabies.
  21. One step closer to a definitive dx - praying for IBD!
  22. Winslow, Mom and Dad must really, really lub you berry much for u to git ur oon swimsoot! U luki dog!
  23. Hope you have a good supply of movies. Hope the healing starts soon!
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