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Everything posted by duncan41

  1. Keeping all appendages crossed for a definitive diagnosis. Thank goodness he's out of surgery and doing well. Sending prayers for complete healing.
  2. Now this is the right way to start the day! Congrats all around. And Louie, you are one lucky dude, my man! Just listen to that little voice whispering in your ear...............she will tell you all you need to know.....................after all, it was her huge paw influencing your journey!
  3. I am so sorry for your loss. Dowland crossed the bridge in the same dignified way in which he lived. He will be sending you a sign..............it will be subtle and dignified, just like he was. You can count on it.
  4. Sounds like Lulu knew exactly what she was doing when she bowled you over! I think she found you because you were the one who would be right there beside her when she was making her mark on the world. My heart is breaking for you and Lulu. You certainly don't need the grief of the vet/med drama, so I hope you can put it all aside and make more outlandish memories with your special girlie. She sure is a stunner! Sending tons of prayers and hugs for you both.
  5. Oh, poor Pepper! Heal quickly, big fella! Sending prayers and healing thoughts.
  6. Happy Birthday, Lucius! Sorry you hurt your ankle! Sending prayers.
  7. Oh sweet Monty! You sure have had a time of it, haven't you? With such a good report today, we sure hope that this is the last corner to turn with a return to normalcy. OK, big guy? Hugs and kisses for sweet Monty!
  8. Prayers for a quick and simple dx. Nothing serious, just treatable.
  9. Thank goodness! Hugs for everyone and special smooches for Miss Polli.
  10. Any news? Still praying - clear xrays, clear xrays, clear xrays.
  11. Hope everything is calm, cool and collected at your house. Enough with the excitement, already! Sending calming thoughts.
  12. Oh I do hope that Miss Bug can maintain her wonderful, bouncy self! Sending prayers for continued improvement.
  13. Wonderous, marvelous, stupendous news!
  14. Sending prayers for a good outcome today. Please send an update when you are able.
  15. How is Miss Polli this AM? Sending prayers for a return to her sparkling self!
  16. Thank you for giving Seminole the best home for his final days. I am so sorry that you couldn't have shared it with him for as long as you would have liked. He was obviously very happy right to the end. I hope the memories you created will one day help to heal your heart. I am so sorry for your loss.
  17. Oh, I am so sorry Miss Bug isn't feeling well! Sending prayers.
  18. When one of my girls was only 3-1/2 years old, we went through a spell where her bladder would leak while she was laying down. We ran a urinalysis and culture to rule out infection - all negative. I started her on a homeopathic bladder control medicine which took a couple of months to kick in. She was pretty good about laying on her bed most of the day and the hospital grade bed pads worked just fine. When she would leak on the carpeting in our bedroom, I used a lot of Nature's Miracle to keep up with the "spots". Hope that helps.
  19. Buckets of prayers for Lewis!
  20. So sorry poor Monty has had another run of bad luck. Will light a candle , pray and call on all good karma to heal him quickly . You and he have been through so much!
  21. Sending stimulating prayers to Sheila. Come on, baby girl! You can do it!
  22. No experience, just prayers and hugs for Maggie.
  23. I am so sorry. You were the best mom. Run pain free, Demas.
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