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Everything posted by greysmom

  1. Miss Noo Carol we those Bloo Meanies are done with you!! That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  2. Hello my Friendlies!! Sposed to be mostly sunnings and warm in the 70lebendees today, but so far it's kinda overcasting. Miss Nutmeg!!! We DID get your Chrispmix card - I just went and looked to make sure!! - but did NOT know that your Momma maded it in her lino class!!! Did she say that somewhere's and I missed it?? It's a really great card!! We're sprry about the lost little batty. Welcome Home Miss Kathy and Mister Jim and Miss Ivy and Miss Cherry!! Mam, what did the docters say about Mister Pap's broozing?? Is it just all related to his blud thinner?? Have a fun riding today!! Miss Molly, you get the really BIG Milky Bones??? We just get the medium size - one affer breakkie and dinner to clean our teefs!! But huh. Momma now wunners if that mite be why Flizzie is having more leaking ishoos lately. Hahaha!!! Miss Wiki!!!! Poking herown nose in the baffroom!!! My sisser Lilly would open the door if she could get her nose or paw in there, but NOT me!!! I won't open no stinking door!!! I just stand outside and whine really loud!!! Here's a picher of ME affer I gotted home from giving my bloods!! 20240411_130545 by Chris Harper, on Flickr We got our delivery yesserday of almost alla our veggie garden plantings, so Momma's got a LOT to do today!!! I hope the sunnings come out so I can get some sunbaffing in whilst she's working!! Wishings for a satisfying Satidday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  3. That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  4. Hello my Friendlies!! Sposed to be cloudy with showerings some today, but it seems to be dry and partly sunnings. Teevee mens are wrong again!!! Miss Molly, I wunner if your Momma rememmers there was a houndie in the Club years ago who had leaking and aksident ishoos because - they figgered out - the peenut butters they were using had too much salt in it. And when they switched to a differnt kind (or stopped using it all together), the ishoos cleared up. Maybe that's what happened??? Miss Lizabeth maybe that birdy was protecting a nesting?? Tho I think they nest in trees. Hmmmm... But there's coyotees everywhere, ya know. Thanks for the snakkings Miss Jenn!!! But some of em didn't come throo on my lappytopper!!! There's plenty for everyone tho! Momma thotted that pome was particularly good for the Club this time. I been trying to change it up lately so the first postie isn't just boring and the same. You gotta change things up!! Miss Nutmeg, has your Momma maded any printings from her lino art?? Is that what they are gonna be for?? Sounds like you and Zavvi are slowly working things out maybe?? Safe travelings Miss Kathy and Mister Jim!!! Mam, we sure the Mister Pap gets alla this worked out soon and can come home riteawaykwik!! Miss Nancy, Momma loves those olives too. Which is funny cause when she was a kidlet she didn't like em at all!! There's this one vendor that she sees at lotsa the craps show around Chrispmix she goes to that only sells differnt kinds of olives - plain and flavored and stuffed and others - she could spend so much bikkie munnies at that booth!!! Her favorite is garlic stuffed green olives!! She could eat jars of those things!! Miss Patsy!!! How are you doing??? Are you gonna be ready to go traveling soon?? Mister Roman!!! Be a good houndie!!! I hadded a good time - essept for the laying down for so long part - going to give my bloods yesserday. I got, like, haff a bag of chikken jerkies, and a whole can of wet foods!!! It was awesome!! During the whole proseedure Momma was talking to the vetamarian that runs the program about my teefs looking pretty good, and Momma menshuned Flizzie's gotta have a dentill - Dr Heidi is the one who got us into the program that tested me and Flizzie's DeeEnnAyy for that bleeding disorder - and that Momma was having trubble finding the Amicar for her. And Dr Heidi wented and got us two little bottles of it for FREE!!! That's cause I don't ever use the heartworm pills I could get for free from them, and Dr Heidi said it all worked out kinda even. So Momma was super duper appreshative and almost cried!!! Now Momma's gotta get Flizzie's dentill skedooled and she's gonna be a mess about it!! I mite hafta have one later this year too. We are getting a big groshree delivery this affernoon, and Momma mite get some more garden chores done. She's gotta get alla the deck and frunt door pots cleaned out and ready too cause she's getting the itching to go to the plant nersery!! Wishings for a finiky Friedday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  5. 20240411_212512 by Chris Harper, on Flickr Remember the Houndie Rules: 1 - No see, no sky, no pee And the important one for winter: 2 - If you see (or are standing in) snow, let it go!! And the Humin Rules: 1 - No politicking ever!!!! We celebrate our Friendlies joys and we support them when they're sad. Wishings for healing riteawaykwik for any hoomin or houndie that needs it. We are there for our Friendlies whatever the problem and however we can help. Welcomings to all our Lurkers, Club Members, New Posters, and any body else that has something to contribute to the fun! Friendlies Fru Fik & Fin!! Later Gaters!! Andipants
  6. I LOVE POPPY SO MUCH!!!!!! And I also really miss my own puppies!! Treasure this time...
  7. Hopefully you have a good physical therapy team to help you out. Underwater treadmill was my suggestion too. Plus, just time and patience. It takes as long as it takes. Fortunately, these dogs are so resilient and they surprise us all the time with what they can come back from. I had a dog literally code out from a stroke in the back of my car on the way to the emergency vet. They were able to revive her, but the e-vet told me to not expect her to last the night when I finally went home. She couldn't move her limbs, was on oxygen and an IV, and generally looked horrible. Three days later she bounded out of the clinic, just a little wobbly, and we left on vacation to the beach the next day where she proceeded to have a ball.
  8. Your sweet girls, Jan!! That's why you *always* get lumps checked out!!!
  9. I've had two greyhound puppies and several under-2-year-olds. Several thoughts. Greyhound puppies are often misunderstood. They are puppies, just like any other large breed puppy, and don't generally have the same temperament as the adults many people are more familiar with. Adult dogs have normally spent months and months under a very strict training regimen before they come into an adoption situation, so folks have missed much of the unruly behavior that is a part of their natural personalities. When you see a bunch of scars on a retired racer, it's usually from fighting on the farm with littermates and NOT from any tragic racing mishap. A racing puppy at this age is still being raised on a breeding farm, amongst the rest of it's litter, in very large, long mostly outdoor kennels that gve them plenty of room to run and play (and fight with each other) as much as they want. They get daily human contact, some basic leash training, food and water, and that's about it. They don't really stop being hooligans until they're a year old when they begin their actual race training. Even an AKC puppy is going to revert to the 100s of years of DNA in their make up - bred to run and chase, think independently, not bond with people much. They have *boundless* energy to use up, and are really intelligent. If you can turn the key into becoming a partner with them you can teach them anything very quickly. So. Number one - Your puppy likely needs much much more exercise than he's getting. Either outdoor playtime and/or training time, several medium length walks a day, sessions with various brain games and/or food puzzles, outings to a doggy day care or play dates with other dogs several times a week, car rides to new walking spots - any and all of whatever you can think up to tire him out. With a BIG CAVEAT - his body is still growing rapidly, so you don't want to put too much stress and strain on softer bones and joints, so change up your daily activities so he's not always running or always chasing a lure pole. And activating his brain with obedience training and puzzles can be just as tiring. He also needs to learn to control his puppy impulses, so age appropriate training in "drop it' and "leave it" and "wait" can be really helpful. Number two - along with a rapidly growing body can come some physical issues that can cause pain. A conditions called Panosteitis can make the bones and joints painful both to use and if he's picked up. He might limp on different legs, or hold one up, lick or bite at his feet, or growl when he's physically moved. At this point, he's probably getting too big to regularly pick up anyway, so you should be teaching him a command to get off the couch (using positive reinforcement) instead of physically moving him. Number three - at this stage, for an owner, it's mostly being patient. He's young - sooooooo young! - and still growing and trying to figure everything out. As a greyhound, he's also not averse to expressing his opinion about things he's asked to do (this will NOT get better until he's older than three years old - my 6 year old still talks back to me like a teenager). So I would urge you to not think of his growling and resisting as "aggression." He's just telling you what he thinks of your request in the only way that dogs have. Growling isn't in and of itself a bad thing, and you don't want to punish him for it. If you take away his growling you may push him into another form of expression that's more dangerous to humans like biting. Four - the best thing you can do at this stage in his development is to show him he can count on you - bonding activities like walking and training will help strengthen his ties to you - and using age appropriate Nothing In Life Is Free training (NILIF - basically making him "pay" for everything by requesting an age appropriate behavior before getting something he wants) can help reinforce that a human is the leader of his pack. None of that I'm the Boss or Dominance crap though - a benign leader who has his best interest in mind. Keep him on a strict daily schedule for all the important things - getting up, morning potties, breakfast, playtime and down time, dinner, evening activities, last outs, bedtime. Five - unimpressed by the trainer you're using, from your minimal description. With greyhounds (of every age) positive reinforcement works better than any other kind of training. If your trainer isn't advocating and teaching you how to reinforce your puppies behavior with positive rewards, and does advocate punishments and/or isolation for misbehavior, find another trainer asap. Reward (lavishly) the behavior you want, ignore the behavior you want to extiguish. If you want to have a different training input, any of the training books by Patricia McConnell are excellent. You can also ask your adoption group and others who have adopted in your area for trainers using positive reinforcement only techniques. Puppies can be such a joy, and so very difficult. Time and patience are your best partners. Good luck.
  10. Anti anxiety drugs are really very individual - it all depends on your dog's brain chemistry and how it interacts with the particular drug. Most vets start with the ones made specifically for dogs - Reconcile (fluoxetine/Prozac), Sileo (specifically for noise phobias), Clomicalm (clomipramine). All other drugs are off label uses of human anti anxiety meds. The familiarity of your vet with using these types of drugs will also come into play. The biggest issue is you don't really know how your dog will respond to any drugs without trying it. And some of the ones most commonly tried take up to two weeks to build up to a effective level. I usually recommend that folks begin with drugs that take effect more immediately like Trazadone and/or xanax, and other single use-type drugs, to see if that can get them over an immediate need and back to square one. There's also been - as Ducky mentioned - a return to using older drugs not specifically for anxiety in dogs - amitriptyline and gabapentin. Which can be wonder drugs for some dogs. I'm assuming you believe ha's past the point where something like calming chews, or Anxitane (L-Theanine), CBD chews would be useful. We used a chinese calming herbal product called Calm Shen (purchased from Amazon) for LIlly. She had some sprinkled on her meals everyday and it did appear to help. I would definintely talk about the Sileo with your vet. It's specifically developed for thunder and noise phobias. There's been several threads in H&M about it since it was released a few years ago. {{{hugs}}} for you and for Doolin!!
  11. Felicity started on gaba a few weeks ago. So far I have seen no indication she's feeling groovy. I wish I did because she hates going to the vet due to the floors. It has worked for her pain however, which makes me feel bad because we've been trying to figure out weird morning and evening panting episodes for about a year. Glad Gracie is going to be fine!!
  12. All that muscle and tissue in the area has to resettle and redistribute, which will happen over time as she heals and uses it more. I don't see anything concerning, but you can always ask your onco before her next chemo, or send them the pics and see what they say. {{{hugs}}}
  13. Could you get her to stand in a bucket of epsom salt water?? Even for five minutes while she licks a peanut butter muzzle or lick mat on the wall would help clean and sooth the wound. Of course, it could also start the bleeding again. Do you have any Yunan Baio?? You may want to get some as it works better than quick stop - not ouchie - and can also be given internally to help stop bleeding. I keep it on hand for Felicity as she has that bleeding issue.
  14. A girl's gotta have some way to carry her ill-gotten gains!!!
  15. It could be a lot of things, so it's time to get to the vet for xrays - toes to hip if you can afford it. No sense worrying when you can find out easily. Good luck.
  16. As long as your dentist is knowledgeable about using anesthesia protocols with sighthounds, the risk of a full dental is relatively low. After the dental, use your boy's calmness to brush his teeth regularly, and give crunchy and safe chew-type treats once or twice a day to help new tartar slough off. Those are much safer options than amateur dentals at home.
  17. I have also seen a suggestion to put specific scents around the area so the dog can more easily sense where they are - specific scents for furniture, doors, outdoor obstacles. Just do your research because a LOT of essential oils can be harmful to animals. I think it's also necessary to have a "safe space" for your dog to be able to go to to re-orient himself when he gets overwhelmed - a crate or bed in a quiet spot he knows he will be safe in. There are "halo" devices that are attached to dog's heads that have spokes that poke out from a hat-like device, but this seems unnecessary to me. Dogs can smell way better than we can and should be able to sense when objects are in their way before such a device would be helpful.
  18. It could be stress. Are his toilet habits OK? Good poops and regular wees?? Is he eager to eat his meals? Is he inclined to eat things he finds on the ground? In general, excessive drooling sometimes indicates nauseau - like with people, they tend to increase saliva production prior to vomiting. If available, an ultrasound of his chest and abdomen may be needed.
  19. I would be reluctant to rule it out, considering the history, but heart disease is pretty rare in greyhounds - baring the instances of Dilated CardioMyopathy we see from feeding grain free foods. Strokes are usually spinal in nature, not caused by heart issues. The only way to diagnose something like this is through an echocardiogram, with interpretation by a cardiologist. I would recommend finding a heart specialist.
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