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Everything posted by greysmom

  1. Lookit alla the great pichers of all our Friendlies!!!! Where's Miss Ducky tho????? That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  2. Hello my Friendlies!! Anuther sunnings days with nice tempachoors!! Hey Miss Bitzi!!! How long is your friendly Miss Wendy Doodles gonna stay with you?? It's a long time this time, rite?? Happy Birthday to everybody at the farm!!! Plus a little neece!! Aaaawwwww!!!!! Lookit sweet Miss Kiva all tuckered out!! Miss FancyToo we will all along with your Momma and Daddy!! Miss Ducky, I think a daily bed head foto is now going to be reqwired!!! Travel safe Miss Ivy and Miss Cherry!! Uuuummmm... I have furgotted all the other stuff I wanted to say. Maybe I will think of it again later on! Momma mite get her errinds done today, but mite not. Daddy is going throo a down faze which makes it hard for her to leave the house in case he falls or has some other ishoo. Wishings for a festive Friedday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  3. That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  4. Hello my Friendlies!! Anuther nice day full of sunnings and warm tempachoors!!! Sunbaffing and play time outside!! Boy howdy we sure hope everybody has a great time at the GIG!!! It always sounds like so much fun!!! PLEASE take at leest one picher for the rest of us who can't be there!!! Miss Ducky in Momma's famly they call that a "spit bath" which is somehow more betterer and more worser than using a birdbaff. We hope you're having a good viziting Miss Lizabeth. Bet you're missing your fuzzball at home tho. Miss Noo Carol is waiting on bad weathers!!! Sounds like a good day to spend with a book to Momma! Tho I gotta say, every day sounds like a good day for a book to her. Miss Cindy we are sending you lotsa {{{hugs}}} for this weekend. Mister Nate, I hate cleaning day. Forchunately it does not happen very offen here. Tho Momma is looking into having somebody come and do it for her cause things just get outta hand so fast with us two houndies in and out of the house!! Momma's gardening stuff seems to have survived two really cold mornings and Momma hopes those are totally behind us now as we head further into springing. She really wants to get some seedings started in her little greenhouse thingy - some wadermellins, some sqwarsh, and some cantaloop-type mellins. She's also thinking the experiment with strawberries is gonna be over. The stoopid skwerrils made it too hard to get the berries ripe without them stealing all of em. And almost none of em seem to have survived the winter. She's gonna go throo em tho and maybe replant the live ones in a differnt place. She needs to run some errinds, but she still feels kinda rocky fizically, so maybe one more recovery day before she's gotta do a buncha stuff. Wishings for a thankful Thirdsday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants PEE ESS - Miss Kerry, that stiptikal powder does a good job stopping little bleedings like toe chopping, but it can get pretty ouchie and stingy for larger booboos. Momma keeps a bunch of this chineeze medizin stuff callt Yunan Baio on hand to help with both topical and internal bleedings. It's a powder you can put rite on a wound to stop blleding, and also give the capsools internally to help with the clottings of bluds. Plus also, you can use just plain flour or baking powder or sugar or black pepper (tho that can be stingy too). AP - sisser to a bleeder
  5. Travel safe to and from the GIGing everybody!!! That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  6. Hello my Friendlies!! Gonna be all sunnings all the time starting today until Satidday when we *mite* have one showering. Tempachoors should be plezint in the 70lebendees, Mister Lupin, sorry you gotted a bleedy booboo. Mommas seem to really freek out about things like that. Have a nice viziting Miss Lizabeth!!! Mister Nate, I wish you would stop saying your Momma is going to the planting store!!! Otherwise I mite be in the same boat as Miss Ivy with no fuds and no bikkie munnies!!! Miss Ivy I bet your Momma's got is all planned out how she's gonna starve herownseff so you and Miss Cherry can eat!!! Miss Wiki, you mite recall our furnace debacle rite affer the big big ice storm in '21??? We had three furnace doods out, cleaned out our oil tank, AND had our ducts blowed out!!! Then finally one more furnace dood comed with his computer and he replaced one meezly little part in, like, a haff an hour and the furnace worked fine affer that!!! We're glad you founded a good dood who founded your problem too!! Miss Jennie, those poor little gimme piggies!!! Miss Ducky, sometimes if you put a little powder on your leggies first those sqwishy socks slide on more betterer. That's what Momma says anyways. We sure hope everybody going to the GIG has a great time, and everybodies take lotsa pichers so we can see our Friendlies having a good time!!! Momma says she feels like a sack of dog poo affer doing too much yesserday so probly nothing of any importance will get done today. I hope she decides she feels good enuff to twirl the loor pole around for me tho!! Wishings for a wackadoodle Windsday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  7. That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  8. Mam, that's a nice certificate. Is that planting real??? If it is real it's probly a miniachure rose. Momma like em in pots cause they smell good!! Momma feels the same way affer she did too much this morning fixing the big pots on the dekk - they are very heavy to lift fulla dirt! And some she couldn't get up on top of the stands. And most of the plantings were d-e-d from the ice storm we hadded. She was most upset about losing her yellow smoke bush. But now she's got lots room for plantings she wants to buy at the planting store!!! Miss Dr Robin that whole renting sichuayshun just sukks rotten eggs!!! I feel sorry for that lady having such bad kidlets!!! Oh yeah. As of rite now that Sweezey dood is gonna have two horses of Momma's at the Monmouth place. Cumberland Falls, who he hadded before, and a gelding named Three Jewels who is a son of American Pharoah. Plus also, maybe some other ones with some other training doods. Momma is gonna be reading and watching baseballs in her nest tonite. Me and Flizzie will be napping cause we were outside running and digging and playing a long time! Later Gaters!! AP - zawsted houndie
  9. Hello my Friendlies!! Mostly cloudings again today, with maybe one showering hanging around, but also maybe a few more sun breakings later on. Congratulashuns Mam!!! That's awesome you been doing that viziting for 25 whole years!!! We're sure sorry about Pap's bluds. That whole Post Office thing is weerd and strange!!! We never watched that show but Momma says we mite hafta look it up! Miss Wiki you made some new friendlies!! Miss Angie we sure hope your Daddy can see more betterer soon!!! My Daddy needs to go into the eye docter too, but that ain't happening. Momma gives some munnies every munf to Galgos del Sol. They have started shipping galgos and poddies over to Fast Friendlies in the NE and down to a groop in Flowereedah. Momma would love to have a little fuzzy poddie sometime. ( ) Gotta tell you Miss Vanessa, those ProHeart shots me and Flizzie get have tooken care of alla our skwirm ishoos. You gotta have extra flea and tick stuff, but we don't gots fleas or ticks so we don't gotta take anything else. Miss Lizabeth that bananana planting is weerd looking!!! Momma has had a few bananana plants, bu it never gets warm enuff or hoomidy enuff for them to bloom around here unless you gots a greenhouse. Miss Nutmeg!! Not sure what still gotta get done from yesserday's chorings. Momma ended up having to not do so much cause of her sighing attiks and her hands hurting really bad. Wishings for a tiptop Toozday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants MISS LOOSY!!!! NO! NO!! NOOOOOOoooooooooooo.........!!! Dang. You showed her alla those plantings. Now her itch to go to the planting store is gonna get even worser!! We Mister Tinker Kitteh will be OK!!
  10. That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE! Andipants
  11. Hello my Friendlies!! Mostly cloudings and cooler today with maybe a lite showering sometime. Same for tamarrow. But then Windsday we start a lotta days in a row of warmer and sunnier!! Miss Ducky, you are a sharp cookie!!! Oh yeah! I meaned to ask you yesserday if you sawed that the FBM rescue in that Espainya had to close down cause they runned outta munnies!!! We were sad to see that. Miss Nutmeg I will take yourown bark for it about that Little Mister Zavvi's poops. Mister Nate, at one time, I know, one of the Dizzy park places had a big kennel where doggos could stay during the day whilst their hoomins were in the park. That does NOT sound fun to me. I would rather stay somewhere I will get tooken care of in the manner to which I have becomed accustomed!!! Miss Wiki, we all know Miss Jerilyn would never give you away or send you back!!! You could even come here if you really needed too. But you won't. Miss Patsy, losing alla your movies really sukks rotten eggos!!!! Daddy keeps a buncha old movies on our DeeVeeArr - until he fills it up with new old movies and hasta delete something!! It's too bad you couldn't, like, download alla those movies somehow. We feel your painings!! MIster Charlie it sounds like you three doods had a fun weekending staying together!!! It's all us girls at ourown situpon house, and we get along OK. Momma thinks I need a bigger-then-me bruther to play with tho cause I like to bark and body slam and play ruff and Flizzie does NOT. Miss Lizabeth, Momma was wunnering about that teevee show. She doesn't know anything about the bideo game, but it looked kinda inneresting (to her) in the commershals. Are you able to follow the story pretty good?? Miss Kerry, I will also add that growing something you yourownseff will eat can be very good for hoomins mental healff!!! Momma likes taking care of herown garden (mostly ) cause she thinks about herown grampa and gramma who were the ones who taughted her all about it and how to do it. Momma planted seedings yesserday for two kinds of peas and two kinds of string beams and some radishers and some carrits. Then she covered alla the rows with chili powder to try and keep the stoopid skwerrils out!! Plus also, she covered the rows with hardware cloff. She is also toying with starting some seedings in little pots - wadermellins and sqwarsh and zookeenees and a couppla kinds of cantaloopies. She is monitoring the weathers to see if it's gonna be too soon or not cause we are still getting pretty chilly at nite. DOES EVERYBODY GOT THEIROWN TAKSES DONE????? Momma's gotta finish some lawndrees and update the chekkingbook and finally figger out Daddy's new blud sugar monitor and call and make a poinkmint for Flizzie's dental. We'll see how much of that really gets done!!! Wishings for a minimalistikal Munderday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  12. Miss Ivy I think that's a mucho much more betterer plan for alla you to go to the GIG instead! Mister Lupin you sure been having a lotta adventures!! I think I am jeluss!! Momma says she can talk Miss Kerry throo putting some herbals in pots if she wants. It's totally easy to do, and, like, she could have some herbals for tea or shjujjing up her toefoos, or sprinkling some parsleys on her foods to make em looks nice! Easy peazy!!! Mister Nate, this was the first year in a long time we dont gots a purkle tommytoe in the garden. They just ain't been getting ripe good for us. Momma picked out more fresh eating ones, and ones for tomato saws and salsa. Momma thinks that will be more betterer. And she did plant peas in with em too! Plus also, I been getting to play with the floor pole every day! :D That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  13. Hello my Friendlies!! Lots a sunnings rite now, but it mite get a little partly cloudings later on today. Tamarrow we'll have showerings and be lots cooler. But then we're back to sunnings and mid-70lebendees!!! Miss Ivy did you and Miss Cherry get all cotted up with the nayberhood news??? I do NOT follow Momma into the baffroom. I follow her every place else tho. Essept upstairs. Mam we hope you founded a parking spot for Mister Pap's undies. Mister Nate (and Mister Charlie) Momma makes me s-i-t to get treatos a LOT!! So now I just kinda do it alla the time when I want one. Boff the docters where I was giving my bluds thotted I was "so cute" ( ) cause I was sitting for my chikken jerkies!!! Hoomins are so easy to please!!! Oh Mister Nate we thotted you weren't hugging the toilet during thunners boomers anymore!!! Hahahaha!!!! Miss Nutmeg!!! How big can the poops be from such a teeny tiny itty bitty little doggo like Mister Zavvi????? I mean, it would be like kicking a PEA around the yard!!! Miss Lizabeth, I got some more pichers too, but no houndies this time. I hope you like em anyways!! Momma gotted alla the begetables planted yesserday. Here's the tommytoes we are doing this year. Momma is gonna plant some pea seeds around the edges of the tommytoe pots today. 20240413_170153 by Chris Harper, on Flickr This is the bronkolililis 20240413_170014 by Chris Harper, on Flickr These are the peppers. The top one is a bell pepper and the bottom one is a banananana one. 20240413_165950 by Chris Harper, on Flickr Our apple tree is about to bloom too, but we don't got any bees around yet, so Momma mite hafta use a paintingbrush and see if we can get any apples this year. 20240413_165744 by Chris Harper, on Flickr This is a azalea flower from our naybers yard. 20240413_165656 by Chris Harper, on Flickr And for everybody who didn't know, here's Miss RE Carol's Chrispmix card that she maded with her very own hands in her lino cutting class!!! image0 by Chris Harper, on Flickr I think Momma's gonna plant some seedings and try and clean up the pots on the dekk today. Yesserday she was all essited cause there was a little nutjobhatch looking at the birdhouse in one of the pots, so she cleaned that one up and moved it where it's sposed to go so she won't hafta move it again if they make their nesting there again. We used to have a pair of em that nested on our dekk for many years, but then some stoopid crows got into the house and killed alla the babies d-e-d (and eated em ) and they never comed back the next year. We hope they decide it's safe again cause Momma liked watching em come and go and hophophop around. Wishings for a saintly Sunnyday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  14. Miss Noo Carol we those Bloo Meanies are done with you!! That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  15. Hello my Friendlies!! Sposed to be mostly sunnings and warm in the 70lebendees today, but so far it's kinda overcasting. Miss Nutmeg!!! We DID get your Chrispmix card - I just went and looked to make sure!! - but did NOT know that your Momma maded it in her lino class!!! Did she say that somewhere's and I missed it?? It's a really great card!! We're sprry about the lost little batty. Welcome Home Miss Kathy and Mister Jim and Miss Ivy and Miss Cherry!! Mam, what did the docters say about Mister Pap's broozing?? Is it just all related to his blud thinner?? Have a fun riding today!! Miss Molly, you get the really BIG Milky Bones??? We just get the medium size - one affer breakkie and dinner to clean our teefs!! But huh. Momma now wunners if that mite be why Flizzie is having more leaking ishoos lately. Hahaha!!! Miss Wiki!!!! Poking herown nose in the baffroom!!! My sisser Lilly would open the door if she could get her nose or paw in there, but NOT me!!! I won't open no stinking door!!! I just stand outside and whine really loud!!! Here's a picher of ME affer I gotted home from giving my bloods!! 20240411_130545 by Chris Harper, on Flickr We got our delivery yesserday of almost alla our veggie garden plantings, so Momma's got a LOT to do today!!! I hope the sunnings come out so I can get some sunbaffing in whilst she's working!! Wishings for a satisfying Satidday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  16. That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  17. Hello my Friendlies!! Sposed to be cloudy with showerings some today, but it seems to be dry and partly sunnings. Teevee mens are wrong again!!! Miss Molly, I wunner if your Momma rememmers there was a houndie in the Club years ago who had leaking and aksident ishoos because - they figgered out - the peenut butters they were using had too much salt in it. And when they switched to a differnt kind (or stopped using it all together), the ishoos cleared up. Maybe that's what happened??? Miss Lizabeth maybe that birdy was protecting a nesting?? Tho I think they nest in trees. Hmmmm... But there's coyotees everywhere, ya know. Thanks for the snakkings Miss Jenn!!! But some of em didn't come throo on my lappytopper!!! There's plenty for everyone tho! Momma thotted that pome was particularly good for the Club this time. I been trying to change it up lately so the first postie isn't just boring and the same. You gotta change things up!! Miss Nutmeg, has your Momma maded any printings from her lino art?? Is that what they are gonna be for?? Sounds like you and Zavvi are slowly working things out maybe?? Safe travelings Miss Kathy and Mister Jim!!! Mam, we sure the Mister Pap gets alla this worked out soon and can come home riteawaykwik!! Miss Nancy, Momma loves those olives too. Which is funny cause when she was a kidlet she didn't like em at all!! There's this one vendor that she sees at lotsa the craps show around Chrispmix she goes to that only sells differnt kinds of olives - plain and flavored and stuffed and others - she could spend so much bikkie munnies at that booth!!! Her favorite is garlic stuffed green olives!! She could eat jars of those things!! Miss Patsy!!! How are you doing??? Are you gonna be ready to go traveling soon?? Mister Roman!!! Be a good houndie!!! I hadded a good time - essept for the laying down for so long part - going to give my bloods yesserday. I got, like, haff a bag of chikken jerkies, and a whole can of wet foods!!! It was awesome!! During the whole proseedure Momma was talking to the vetamarian that runs the program about my teefs looking pretty good, and Momma menshuned Flizzie's gotta have a dentill - Dr Heidi is the one who got us into the program that tested me and Flizzie's DeeEnnAyy for that bleeding disorder - and that Momma was having trubble finding the Amicar for her. And Dr Heidi wented and got us two little bottles of it for FREE!!! That's cause I don't ever use the heartworm pills I could get for free from them, and Dr Heidi said it all worked out kinda even. So Momma was super duper appreshative and almost cried!!! Now Momma's gotta get Flizzie's dentill skedooled and she's gonna be a mess about it!! I mite hafta have one later this year too. We are getting a big groshree delivery this affernoon, and Momma mite get some more garden chores done. She's gotta get alla the deck and frunt door pots cleaned out and ready too cause she's getting the itching to go to the plant nersery!! Wishings for a finiky Friedday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  18. 20240411_212512 by Chris Harper, on Flickr Remember the Houndie Rules: 1 - No see, no sky, no pee And the important one for winter: 2 - If you see (or are standing in) snow, let it go!! And the Humin Rules: 1 - No politicking ever!!!! We celebrate our Friendlies joys and we support them when they're sad. Wishings for healing riteawaykwik for any hoomin or houndie that needs it. We are there for our Friendlies whatever the problem and however we can help. Welcomings to all our Lurkers, Club Members, New Posters, and any body else that has something to contribute to the fun! Friendlies Fru Fik & Fin!! Later Gaters!! Andipants
  19. I LOVE POPPY SO MUCH!!!!!! And I also really miss my own puppies!! Treasure this time...
  20. Hopefully you have a good physical therapy team to help you out. Underwater treadmill was my suggestion too. Plus, just time and patience. It takes as long as it takes. Fortunately, these dogs are so resilient and they surprise us all the time with what they can come back from. I had a dog literally code out from a stroke in the back of my car on the way to the emergency vet. They were able to revive her, but the e-vet told me to not expect her to last the night when I finally went home. She couldn't move her limbs, was on oxygen and an IV, and generally looked horrible. Three days later she bounded out of the clinic, just a little wobbly, and we left on vacation to the beach the next day where she proceeded to have a ball.
  21. Your sweet girls, Jan!! That's why you *always* get lumps checked out!!!
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