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Everything posted by greysmom

  1. Great updating Miss Cindy!! We are sure too that you would never look like warmed over anything cause you are a very pretty lady!!! Is Mister Gabe that much more biggerer than Miss Lacey?? He looks almost as big as Miss Fizzy! Miss Jerilyn Miss Ivy we will be baknforthing, but you mite be all done by the time we get here tamarrow! Later Gaters!! AP - fulla bakkin
  2. Hello my Friendlies!! Gonna be mostly cloudings and cooler today, but probly no more showerings. We had a few good ones yesserday so things are good and wet now. Seems everybody is just waiting around for Miss Cindy to update us on the new famly member!!! Me and Momma canNOT wait eether!!! I bet that there was not a lot of sleepings that went on last nite!!! We are having brekkie delivered today (instead of luntsch yesserday), so I am getting kikked off. I will chekk back to see what's up. Wishings for a thankfull Thirdsday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  3. Miss Nancy were so glad you were able to take little Mister Gabe to hisown new forever home!!! Everybody looks so happy!!! That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  4. I don't think there was ever a question of staying or not!!
  5. Hello my Friendlies!! WE HAD RAININGS LAST NITE!!!! It's so nice and cool outside!!! And everything gotted watered some - not much cause it wasn't very much rainings, but Momma won't hafta use the springlers for a few days!! We mite hafta turn the hot air blower on for Daddy tho!! Miss Ducky, have you thotted about what Mister Noah is eating?? Repeating skin itchies can be food related too. Or something your lawn guy put on the grass?? Or even just a grass allergy?? Or something from the wild space behind yourown house like poison ivy?? Miss Bitzi, how's your street today?? Hahaha!!! Mister Jupiter is breaking laws and taking names!!! Are you getting essited for yourown trip Miss Lizabeth?? More shopping at Miss Kathy's house!!! I bet it's gonna be a wild time when those girlies come home!! Miss Loosy, how's your back today?? Mam, you know we all wanna see what your new glasses look like. Cause that's how we roll!!! Momma's got some inside chorings to do, and maybe a couppla outside ones if it's not raining when we go o-u-t. Plus also, probly emergency groshrees, even tho it's all non-food items she needs!! Maybe something delivered for luntsch. I never know! Wishings for a winsome Windsday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  6. That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  7. We sure are sorry for alla the people losses this week. It's hard to kinda get yourown head around it, espeshully peeples you have kinda lost touch with. Miss Kerry and Mister Lupin!! Along that line of tiktikking, Momma is about to send the final bikkie munnies out to everybody from herown Momma's estating. Then they will be 99.9% done with that whole thing. Still one hanging out there, but that can't be settled until next Januwary when the taxing forms get sended out. But the taxman dood didn't think there would be anything to worry about, so, probly, done! Absolutely nuthing else happened here that needs writin about. Later Gaters!! AP - boring
  8. Hello my Friendlies!! Starting out cool and bloo skies, but it's gonna get cloudings by tonite with some showerings until tamarrow affernoon. Then we are sposed to stay cooler in the 70s until next week!!! Miss Nutmeg we think that's really nice of Mister Richards relayshuns to keep in touch with your Momma. Plus also, she gets a nice dinner out every once in a while. Momma hasn't sitted in a akchooall restraunt in YEARS!!! that you get some steaks in a nice white box!! Mam we're glad you were not driving that car whilst the tire was low!! And that you founded some hay, maybe. And hadded a good class!! Mister Tiller, you keep your head down and protekt your bad leggie!!! We sure hope that hurrycane stays far away from you!! Have fun today Miss Lizabeth!! When do you leave for New Englind?? Momma wouldn't like being without running waters and indoor toilets, no matter how pretty it was!! Miss Cindy??? Are you home yet??? How's that Little Mister Gabe doing at hisown foster house?? How was the weddingk?? Miss Wiki, in myown opinyum, you *never* mess with your Momma whilst there's food in the balance!!! Maybe over her purse, or some sorta paper produkts, or stuffy killing, but never over foods!!! Me and Flizzie both get essited when Momma comes home from errinds. Usually cause she brings home take out foods with her!!! But also because I just love my Momma!! I hafta sing my song for her, and Flizzie just jumps around like a nutball!! Safe travellings home Miss Kathy and Mister Jim!! I bet your girlies will be glad to be home too!! Miss Bitzi, sorry your street is still tored up. That sukks. But it sounds like you are like us and don't really need to go out very much anyways!!! Our biggest problem would be getting deliverings if our street was tored up!!! Thanks for keeping us in the loopings Miss Ducky!! We gotta get a card to send. But hopefully she gets her puter and fone back, then she can come and tiktik to us herownseff!! Today's garbige day, so Momma's gotta put out the bins. Plus also, she's gotta clean out the old cookbook shelfs and rearrange the stuff more betterer for Daddy, and to get it offa the stove so Momma mite be able to akchooally cook something on it again!!! Daddy has always had this thing where he just puts stuff down wherever he gets done with it, and there it stays, whether that's is where it goes or not. And he's decided that the stove is now his dumping spot and Momma is totally over it!! So she's gonna organize stuff so maybe he'll keep his crap off the stove. Wishings for a terrifikal Toozday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  9. That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  10. 1960s movie "Mrs Brown You've Got A Lovely Daughter" features greyhounds, greyhound racing, and the English pop band Herman's hermits. Plus I found this: Films and television featuring Greyhound racing
  11. Hello my Friendlies!! Sposed to be clear wiff sunnings and in the low 80s today, but it's all cloudings so far. At leest the smokings got mostly blowed out dooring the nite. We could even see some stars when we wented for last outs last nite. Miss FancyToo, Momma's just do NOT get it!!! I go over and let her know how much I preesheeyate her, and she just says "Lay down Andi!" all. the. time. Mister Nate, I think Miss Loosy is doing the rite thing by not going to exercise class. Is she feeling any more betterer at all?? Miss Patsy it sounds like you're having a nice time!! Miss Wiki, do you like riding in your new car yet?? That forresty walk always sounds like a lotta fun!! Crakk that whip, Miss Jerilyn!! Sorry about the wire box again, but you did get most of a hamberger outta it!! Momma said the Subway we hadded, like, 10 days ago was for my Gotcha Day, but somehow I do NOT beleeve her. Mam, we hope you have an UN-alarming ride on Miss Patty Horsie!! Have fun at Niagra Falls Miss Kathy!! Nuthing going on around here that's worth talking about. Maybe I can talk Momma into getting some luntsch delivery for my Gotcha Day!! Here's some picher from the last couppla weeks I been meaning to post. This one's what some stoopid skwerril or rat or something did to Momma's ONE ear of cornings. 20240908_111747 by Chris Harper, on Flickr More skwerril damage to a pukecummer. 20240902_113856 by Chris Harper, on Flickr And here is a little bitty mellin ball! It probly won't have time to get ripe, but Momma was essited to see it. 20240906_105425 by Chris Harper, on Flickr Momma's hibiscuts flowered finally!! Affer two years!! You can see how big it is compared to her hand. But she thotted it was yellow!! 20240828_113106 by Chris Harper, on Flickr A Rose of Sharon flower, with a bee. Momma really thinks those yellow jakkets were keeping the bees away from us, cause there's been loads of em around since the bee dood tooked that nest away!! 20240818_114148 by Chris Harper, on Flickr Some pretty chive blooms 20240810_111327 by Chris Harper, on Flickr Wishings for a miraculuss Munderday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  12. Mister Charlie, what a hard thing for your Friendlies famly to have to deal with. Haha!! Mister Nate outstanding in hisown field!!! Thanks for all the good wishes for myown Gotcha Day, everybody. I think I mostly got it pretty good! That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  13. Hello my Friendlies!! Not so hawt today, but still too much smokings around. Hopefully the oshun winds will start later on and blow it all away!!! Then we're sposed to have lots cooler weathers, with showerings on Windsday!! Hello Miss Kathy!!! Have fun in Tronto!! I don't mind going places, but I subscribe mostly to Mister Nate's saying - "East, West, Home is best!!" Aaaahh!!! I see I am NOT the only one to wunder about this dopshun coordinator coming to see Mam!! She's really pretty!! And looks so happy to be marrying Mister Dan!! Mister Nate, me and Flizzie get to spend a good time o-u-t in the mornings when Momma's pikking up the poops in the yard. She says we better get our sniffs in whilst we can!! Sometimes we say hello to peeples on the street, or chase a stoopid skwerril, or dig in one of our projekts. Mostly Flizzie lays on a dogbed and I follow Momma around waiting for her to play with the loor pole with ME! Miss Ducky, we sawed your new postie but we haven't looked at it yet. We will go there next. MY MOMMA FORGOT MY GOTCHA DAY!!!!!! I got here to our house five years ago yesserday!!! Here's a picher of me then and a picher of me now!! Sorry that first one is so big!! I been really happy here - essept for the broken leg part, but even that was more annoying than b-a-d. Nothing much going on around here. We're mostly boring I gess. Wishings for a saintly Sunnyday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  14. Miss Nancy, what a nice day you hadded today! We still gots lotsa smoking outside and it wasn't quite as hawt. That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  15. It's very common for older broodies to develop incontinence. This is because a female dog's estrogen levels decrease after spaying, which can weaken the urethral sphincter muscle that controls urine flow. This condition is also known as urethral incompetence or hormone responsive urinary incontinence. Often it can be decreased and/or controlled with the addition of a hormone such as diethylstilbestrol (DES), which is a non-steroidal estrogen substitute. Incurin, Proin, Prazosin and several other drugs can also be used to treat urinary incontinence. It can be associated with early signs of dementia (which there are also drugs to help), and with lumbosacral stenosis and other spinal nerve issues including the FCE she experienced (gabapentin is the go-to drug currently for nerve issues). Washable bed protectors and diapers will be your best help until you can get this under control, if you can. I have my dogs beds wrapped in washable, twin-size bed protectors, with washable pads on top of that.
  16. Hello my Friendlies!! Gonna be anuther hawt, smokings day around here, but we should start getting some cooler weathers next week. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MISS CAROLINE!!!!! Miss Kathy is getting locked up?!?!? I crakk myownseff up!!! How was the speshul captins dinner?? Miss Wiki, I totally knowed that sammich would be gone. Probly some crow or other street doggo or a trash panda got it. At leest you got a proper treato tho!! Oh yeah!! Miss Nutmeg!! I bet it was a chupacabra!!! Hey Mister Tiller!!! That's awesome news you got that horrible bannage off!! Now be a good houndie and don't break it again, OK?? That's a good boi!! Mister Gino, sounds like you gots a totally inneffekchooal yard crew over there doing the working around you partmints. I bet somebody complained about that kaktuss being too pokey. Momma thinks it mite grow back if they didn't put any chemikals on it to kill it. They can be hard to get rid of if they are in a good spot. Hey!! Miss Ducky!!! Was it you that was talking about a loose greyhoundie in Yutaw a couppla weeks ago??? We sawed on the FB where a loose Pondenco was cotted and is with it's owner now. Was that the same one or a differnt one?? Mam, we're glad the crystal gotted to you pretty quick all the way from our house!! Momma does NOT wanna talk about hairs!!! Since she's been throo "that time" for "more machoor" wimmins, she's got tons of hairs everywheres but where she wants em!!! Seereeyussly. She could have a more better beard and mustash and side burnings than most doods she knows!! But no eyebrows!! And she's going bald rite in frunt!! And hairs everywheres else too - legs, arms, pits, back - it's annoying. She's thinking about buying one of those home lazer remover dealies!! My leggie is fine this morning. I just tweeked it chasing the stoopid skwerril. I am still kinda tired tho, so Momma is watching me pretty close. The smokings will probly keep us inside most of the day. Momma says you shouldn't have to taste the air you breathe!!! Wishings for a superior Satidday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  17. Unfortunately, the answer is yes. When the parasite is hiding in muscle or other tissues they are not shedding anything that can be detected by testing. Which is why it's recommended to have three negative fecal tests at three weeks post treatment, six weeks post treatment, and 3 months post treatment. If all three are negative you can be fairly positive the dog is clear of hookworms, due to the timing of the hookworm life cycle. Monthly hookworm treatments are maintenance level only - the lowest dose of the drug that will keep new hooks from reinfecting. To kill the parasite and get it completely gone you need to use targeted, high dose drugs in a compressed time limit. The treatment can be hard on them too, but is less harmful in the long term than a continuous hookworm infestation. You can search her for threads about the best current treatments that have been developed, if you're interested. In addition, if she had hooks when she came to you, it's highly likely she kept reinfecting herself from her environment. Eliminating in a contained area like a backyard will contaminate that area. Hooks can last in dirt a lot longer than people think. I'm really not trying to pile on. Hookworms are a scourge right now, and even really experienced greyhound people can have problems getting rid of them. This is mostly for your information if you decide to adopt again. And I'm not saying that her other issues - like a possible food intolerance/allergy - didn't contribute in any way. If there's any criticism from me it's directed at your vet. All of these issues are ones they should have been more proactive in helping you deal with, regardless of the breed of your dog. And again, from your description, and getting back to your original question, you did the right thing by her in letting her go. It's completely normal to second guess yourself and wonder if there wasn't something more that could have been done. In her case, at that time, in my opinion, there was not.
  18. Miss Wiki, don't be ABsurd!!! Of corse your Momma loves you!! She just can't deal with flattened sammiches in the street. Miss Lizabeth, Momma is the backwards of Antie Jennie - she gots lotsa eyelashes and is losing herown eyebrows!!! Have a nice day Miss Patsy!! Now it's me that's gotted a hurty leggie from chasing a stoopid skwerril. Momma has already shoved a bunch pills down my frote so I should be ok by morning. That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  19. Hello my Friendlies!! I think it's clear with sunnings but we gots so much wildfire smokings that it's hard to tell. We were offishully 102 yesserday, and sposed to be around that again today. BOO!!!! And it smells smoky outside! YUK!! Hahaha!!! We were waiting for the shenanigans report from Miss Ivy and Miss Cherry!!! Glad you're having a good time on your croozing Miss Kathy!! Rememmer to keep Mister Jim hydrashunal with alla the walking and stuff!! Momma has not touched a real like iron for decades. If something she wants to wear is wrinkly, she will just wear it. Or maybe she will hang it in the shower. Or maybe choose something else to wear!! Miss Lizabeth Safe travellings Miss Patsy!! We hope your hired car meets expectashuns and you have a fun weekend with your friendlies!! Mam, we hope your shot goes good and that it helps you lots!! I got a shot yesserday, and some sorta likwid shoved down my throat. BLECH!!! But then I got some good fishy kitteh treats affer!! Are you gonna get a treat affer your shot?? I don't think banging on a drum is akchooally a treat. Miss Ducky we're glad your puter gotted fixed! Miss Wiki, I think your Momma was trying to pull something over on you!!! I mean, I do NOT think any hoomins would be able to appreesheeyate the value of a runned over peenut butter sammich!! Nobody was comeing back for that!! Miss FancyToo, see, that's what I'm saying!!! I do not care about my eyebrows AT ALL!!! What are they, even???? I mean, I can see the reason for eyelashes, to protekt your eyeballs, but no skinny little eyebrow hair is gonna stop anything!!! Mister Charlie, that's what me and Flizzie do when there's working doods or doodettes in the house! You gotta greet em and chekk em out and make sure they give good pets and stuff, but then we just lay down. Momma says my sisser Toni used to like to supervize em, but I don't care that much, and it goves Momma something to do. OK. Lemme clear up some stuff. I AM FINE!!! I do NOT know what Momma is fussing and wurrying about!!! I can see fine!! I see stoopid skwerrils and that stoopid white kitteh and the loor on the loor pole and treats Momma throws in the air and lotsa other stuff!!! But now I gotta go to anuther vetamarian. I did have a good time yesserday. Mostly. Everybody loves me and hasta come out and say hello and give me pets, so that's great. Then I got a buncha treatos from everybody. I did get the shot and likwid thing - which was NASTY!! - but then I got more treatos!! Then my vet turned out the lights and shined a really bright light in my eyes - over and over!!! Then she turned the lights back on and did it all again!!! Then I got tooken to anuther room and shoved around and my leggie holded weerd and loud noises for, like, five whole minits!!! Then I got more treatos!! Then we went home. More hibernating today cause of the hawts. That's fine since there's also a lot of smokings. Momma is reading. Again. I wunner if *I* would like reading?? Maybe one of those audiobooks?? Wishings for a fassinating Friedday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  20. I've had a greyhound with IBD/Food Intolerances, and I've had one with PLE. Most American greyhounds currently come off every track (not just Florida) with a heavy hookworm load. This is NOT an "infection," is it a parasite that can destroy the inner lining of a dog's digestive tract. If you did not treat her specifically for hooks when she came home, she likely still had them, and that *will* have contributed to her developing every else. Monthly de-wormers are not enough to clear this drug-resistant variety of hooks we are dealing with now. It takes specific, targeted treatment for several months, and then three clear rounds of negative fecal testing before being declared clear. Hookworms can hide from detection in surrounding tissues and emerge sometimes months later to reinvade the digestive tract. I am *extremely* surprised that your adoption group AND your vet did not even mention this earlier - like, the minute you adopted her - as it is extremely common, and relatively easy to deal with if caught right away. I can say from experience that - given your description - there was nothing else you could have done for her. Once they begin bleeding internally, it's difficult-to-impossible to turn around. She couldn't eat, she couldn't walk, she was likely in a great deal of pain. I will say this again - at that point -there was nothing else you could do except release her from her failing body. I'm so sorry for your loss.
  21. That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  22. I am home now. It's really HAWT. I eated my dinner. Eyebrows are dumm. Dio is funny. Later Gaters!! AP - hibernating hound So... In addition to snapping a quick xray of Andi's leg to check the status of healing (a-ok, no issues, everything looks great, will forward to her surgeon to double check), I asked our vet to check her eyes. She has trouble finding little treats outside - low contrast environment on our deck or the ground - even though she can catch thrown ones, and find them on the (white) kitchen floor. Apparently, her pupils are not constricting properly when exposed to light. They are staying dilated even when a very bright light is shined in them. Which is a classic sign of early PRA. So we now have an appointment scheduled in two weeks with an eye specialist to see what's what and if there's anything to be done. It's very early and there are no other clinical symptoms, and she didn't see anything else like cataracts or glaucoma. Andi's not in any pain at all, and she still sees well enough to chase squirrels and cats. I haven't dealt with any eye issues before, and I haven't started my obsessive research! We're just going to see what the eye doctor says and go from there.
  23. Hello my Friendlies!! Mostly sunnings out there today but the smokings from the wildfirings have already come in, and the air is that kinda weerd yellow color. It's sposed to get up to a hunnerd degrees today too. Mister Zavvi, you be a good little senor!!! Miss FancyToo, we sure hope that your bruther can get his eyeball sorted out. Probly if it is a tumer they will wanna just take that whole eye out so he's more comfurble and not in painings. Hahahahaha!!!! Miss Loosy!!! When we go onna trip Momma's got so many lists and spreadsheets!!! Cause she starts making em the sekind affer she makes the reservashuns so she doesn't furget anything important!! Then when it gets close to the leaving time, there's, like, schedules and timelines and stuff, down to the MINIT!! Momma hates talking on the fone, too, which is weerd since a lot of her working histry was as a resepshunista!!! Miss Ducky, how's your katterpillers doing?? Miss Patsy, are you looking forward to getting together with your friendlies in Noo Jerzee?? Do you gotta wear anuther dress?? Miss Lizabeth, that sounds horrible about your fone!!! We don't even have a home fone anymore - and haven't since before I even comed here. Just cell fones now, and they don't hafta pay munnies for something they never used. Miss Sadie, you are really getting comfurble with Miss Halise!! Has she cooked you anything on any of her barbeecuers yet?? Miss Kathy, we're sure sorry Mister Jim isn't enjoying this trip as much. It's probly inevitable that things are gonna deteriorate over time. We're seeing that with Daddy more and more that new things are very confusing, and having to go anywheres is exhawsting, even for just a little bit. It makes Momma sad cause this was sposed to be when they could travel and take us places and maybe even move to the beach, and that's just not gonna happen anymores. I get to go onna advenchoor today!! I am going to the vetamarian - which I don't mind cause they give me treats and pets and stuff and everybody LOVES me there!!! I gotta have the rest of my shots tho. And it's gonna be pretty hawt when we go at midday, but at leest we'll be home before it's blazing hawt!! And I'm not gonna miss my dinner!! Otherwise it's back to hibernating from the hawts until Sunnyday. Wishings for a thankfull Thirdsday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  24. Mister Charlie, my Momma is *constantly* moving and changing things around MY house!!!! I don't mind to much, I gess, as long as I can find my couch ok. Flizzie doesn't like the akchooal moving around part but she doesn't care that things get changed around. We've even had Chrispmix trees up most if the year! Miss Nancy, I was wunnering how your head has been feeling lately? And how Miss Angie is doing? Miss Bitzi, we're sposed to have 100 or more degrees Thirdsday AND Friedday and it totally sukks eggs!!! We gots our window air condishiminers upstairs and down so we will be fine as long as the lektricity holds out!! That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  25. Hello my Friendlies!! It started off with cloudings and cool this morning, but we're gonna end up in the mid 90s!! And tamarrow is gonna be HAWTTER!!! I do NOT like this weather!!! Miss Cindy we think those earrings are gonna look great with the dress and your hair and everything!!! Sorry about the bear, tho. There should be somewhere to report a bear that's getting habituated towards peeples - like the Fish & Wildlife Division or something??? That's what they want us to do here when bears are encroaching on peeple places. Then they come and trap em and relocate em, unless they are too familiar, then they can't. So is it this weekend that Mister Kevin is getting married??? She also hears you about naybers wanting to talk. Every time she's gotta work in the frunt yard there's always peeples who wanna chitchat. Lots want to ask about Daddy since all the naybers know him from when he was walking, and Momma struggles with how to answer, cause it's not good news. And with them standing in frunt of OUR house, it's harder to just walk away!!! Miss Bitzi, that road working sounds just horrible!!! Who wants to lissen to that all day??? Hope they don't take as long as you think!! Mister Zavvi. sigh... just sigh... Be better little dood. Mister Lupin, I gots a corning on my stoopid broke leggie too. It doesn't really bother me, I gess, but we don't walk around like you and Miss Kerry do. Miss Wiki that lady musta been having a bad day. Sorry you gotted yelled at. We feel really lucky, cause everybody that walks in our nayberhood is really good about picking up poops. No body cares much about pees, I gess. A long time ago there was one famly that would never pick up affer their *noomeruss* dogs that they walked alla the time. Then, one nayber went affer em and picked up alla the poops, and then leeved the whole bukket on their frunt porch (along with a bag of pikking up bags), and that seemed to solve the ishoo. Miss Lizabeth, how did your Toozday morning go??? This was the first day with the new chef dood??? Miss Kathy, Momma says if you got unlimited data for your cell fone you should just be able to turn the wifi button off and use your data for connecting any time you are away from the wifis. But doing that does use up a LOT of data, so only use it if you don't got to pay extra for it. We are getting Wendy's delivered today, I think. Daddy wants some chili and a baked potato. We mite get some chikken nuggets!!! Momma has decided she's gonna try and not get freeked out by not balancing herown chekking book. We'll see how long that works!!! Wish her luck!! We are mostly gonna be hibernating from the hawts for the next three or four days. The teevee mens are saying we mite get showerings NEXT week. Me and Momma just want it to be, like, 72 degrees, with mostly sunnings, and a little breeze to keep the bugs away. That's perfekt weathers!! Wishings for a wakky Windsday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
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