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Everything posted by greysmom

  1. Miss Cynthia That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  2. Kathy, when Cash had her blocked salivary gland they had to do both! Drained it for a while, then went in and cleaned it out. She stayed overnight on an antibiotic drip (and fluids) and came home the next day with oral ABs. She was fine after the small incision healed up and it never recurred. Miss New Carol, dinnertime-in-the-heat cravings are what delivery services are for!!! Nancy, what does PIVO stand for?? So nice that all your hard work is paying off with Pattycake!! Jerilyn, who takes a wild turtle out of a creek for a pet??? Got the rug in the kitchen changed out, and sprayed weed killer on the paths in the garden very carefully! I've got some recorded shows to catch up on after the Braves game, so my evening is all mapped out! Later Gaters!! C
  3. Hello my Friendlies!! We gots our sunnings back today!!! Miss Ivy, we are sposed to be 89lebendee degrees too!! All the way on the other side of the contry!!! Miss Lizabeth, we hope you gots good earfones for alla your Zoomies today!! Momma gets so tired of having earbuddings in herown ears for long times when she's watching teevee shows, so she had to get some over-the-ear muffs!!! Now her ears just get sweaty!!! Miss Wiki, I do NOT think we had enuff informayshun about Miss Jerilyn's nitetime banditry!! Who did she rescue from whooooom??? Mister Charlie, we are so essited for you and Senor Zorro getting ready to move into yourown new house!!!! We're also sorry that Aku gotted attakked again. Getting that puppy for the not-Mister-anymore has gone about like what we all figgered it would. Mam, Momma started reading a new book yesserday, so I bet that's what she's gonna be donig too!! MISS CINDY IS GETTING ANUTHER HOUNDIE!!!!!! We are so happy for alla you!!! We sure do hope everybody gets along and has fun!! Oh yeah, plus also, Flizzie says she can share herown nikknaming if needed. Cause it's not *really* herown name. I meen, tekknikally, it should be "Flissie" cause her real name is Felicity, but Momma is lazy and sometimes uses Z sounds instead of S sounds. But Lizzie and Lacy sounds like a couppla bank robbers, and I imagine they are gonna be so silly and crazy!! Anyway - if you want to call her Flizzie, it's OK. Momma is devastated cause the stoopid skwerrils have digged out some of the cornings alreaddy. She's probly gonna use a whole bottle of chili pepper powder on the corn patch to try and keep the rest of em safe. Today, she's gotta throw away a rug in the kichen and put down anuther one. We gots two of those Sisal rug thingies out there now - a runner and a 5x7 - but they are both really old and dirty and need to be replaced. There's anuther one in the living room unner Momma's nesting space that she put down back in November when she had to move alla the furnichoor around. That one is mostly white tho and it already looks so dirty, and no vacuuming is gonna clean it, and Flizzie barfed on it twice already affer her dentill!! So she's gonna replace alla em one at a time. The first one is the runner that goes in frunt of the kichen cabinets. Wishings for a minimalistikal Munderday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  4. On the freedom vs safety issue, just because he's in the crate doesn't mean you have to close the door. Lots of dogs use a crate as a kind of sleeping pod/safe space, not a containment strategy. Some seem to prefer the smaller space - even sometimes with blankets over the top of it to make a sort of cave situation. With a new dog, you might need to try a few different strategies to see what will make him feel more secure and less anxious in his new home. If you don't want to have the expense of purchasing a big enough crate before you know if he'll like it, ask around and see if you can borrow one from your adoption group or other greyhound owner. Before we adopted our first greyhound we bought a large, greyhound sized crate. She ended up hating it and not using it, so it stayed in our garage for years before we passed it on to someone else. Also, I would say to ask his vet on his next visit to check his eyesight. PRA and other issues can start when they are very young, so if there's some indication he may be having trouble seeing at night, it deserves a look. No need to panic, but something to mention.
  5. Miss Kerry, lotsa Momma's are struggling hard rite now, so we all unnerstands what you are talking about. Momma thinks some days it's a trumff to just get up in the morning, and anything else that gets done is extra! We're glad Mister Lupin is gonna be okey dokey and sekind Mister Gino's suggeschun of an old teeze shirt over his booboo. I'm sure you can find a sootably stylishakal one in Mister Unka NIkks drawers!! Miss Journey's Momma - I'm sorry I do not reememmer your hoomin name - that's very good news about your kitteh eating some foods!!! We didn't do nuthing all day. I did get to play with the loor pole tho!! Momma did birdie feeder dootie ( I saided dootie!!) by filling the hummer birdie feeders and the seed towers up, then we gotted a delivery from the Amazon that she had to open and put away, which meant she had to take the reesycling out to the bin, and put out new paper baggies for it. Then she didded Flizzie's pills in the organizer so she doesn't furget any of em. Then she had to go get the mailings that she furgotted to get yesserday when she was binging Star Trek (Momma can't wait for SNW eether Miss Kerry!!). And she also didded 2 loadings of lawndry, wiff one more for tamarrow before it starts getting really hawt again. And she had to find Daddy a speshul shirt that he wanted. And finally she watched the last episode of the new Dr Who!! Oh! And she watched some baseballs in there too. So I gess she didded some things!! That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  6. Hello my Friendlies!! Cloudings and springles this morning. It's supposed to clear up, but will it??? So many friendlies hurting or getting hurt or having lumps and dog attackings!!!! STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!!! And we are very sad about the hawthawthawt tempachoors. We know how that goes and it's hard and boring cause you can't go o-u-t and the hoomins get crabby. It just sukks!!! Miss Kerry, Momma uses this spray stuff on our little cuts and nikkings we get - it's Neosporin spray, I gess. And it works really good when you're thinking there mite be something nasty in a cut. She keeps some on hand all the time cause she says *I* am a nachural dizaster ( ) and I cause as many owchies as I get. We hope Mister Lupin gets all fixed up riteawaykwik. Miss Journey that's a lot going on at your house!!! Mam we sure were surprized that Miss Patty Horsie was not a sassy pants yesserday affer having a whole week off of working!!! Mister Jupiter!!!! Momma feels more betterer today, but I do NOT think much more will be getting done today. Maybe some lawndries cause it's gonna be cooler for running the drying box. Yesserday she spended the affernoon and evening binging the last haff of the Star Trek:Discovery seezin 5, which is the last seezin. She got so bingy about it she furgot she had turned the springler on affer dinner and it watered for three hours!!!! Wishings for a sensashunal Sunnyday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  7. We are so broked of the heart for Miss Rachel losing her dear girl Miss Willa. Boy howdy do we really hate that canser or what!!! We did nuthing today cause Momma was all achy in her back. I haven't even gotted to play with the loor pole for three days!!! She promises I can play tamarrow tho cause it's gonna be cooler! That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  8. Run in Peace sweet girl. You'll have so much company up there in heaven. Those Greytalk barbeques must be completely epic now.
  9. I'm so sorry Rachel. There just aren't enough sorries in the world for this kind of crap.
  10. Hello my Friendlies!! Hawt in the 80lebendees today, then drizzlies tamarrow morning, then back to tipical Joon weathers of partly cloudings in the 70's for next week!! Miss Ivy, stay cool over there on the Eest coast!!! How did your Daddy do yesserday?? The full moon was sure pretty last nite - the Strawberry Moon! Sorry Miss Cherry is kinda being a jerk. Miss Kathy have you tried those calming chews, or putting in a feromoan diffuser thingy?? Mister Lupin we are glad your lump was what we thotted it was. Ushually they just kinda dry up and go away - tho sometimes they come back later. Miss Kerry, it's all OK - Mister Lupin wasn't hurted, and maybe that silly owner learned something about theirown doggo. We're waiting Miss Jerilyn!!! Miss Lizabeth, you and your friendlie did a good thing!!! Sorry Mister Jupiter had a bad doggo interackshun too!! Have fun today!! So here's what Momma accomplished yesserday - OMG she was soooooooooo sweaty!!!! - this is alla our cornings! They look kinda scraggly just affer planting, but hopefully they will perk up affer getting watered. 20240621_115603 by Greysmom6, on Flickr And here's our broccolililis!!! Two big clumps of it!! 20240621_115549 by Greysmom6, on Flickr Plus also, there's some peppers coming on, some tommytoes, and the peas and beanings and lemmin pukecummers are starting to bloom!! But the skeeters are super bad rite now and Momma is itching all over!!! And she's got, like, four bites on her ankle that are driving her nutso!!! Not sure if she's gonna do anything today - she's pretty wiped out offer yesserday. So it mite be a horse racing/Olympic trials/baseballs day. Stuff she can do sitting down!!! Wishings for a superior Satidday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  11. The process for dogs is much like human grieving. Each dog handles it differently. Our job as humans is to support them and give them love and attention when they want, and space when they need. Personally, I usually focus on keeping them active and engaged - additional walks or play sessions, new training classes or activities, play dates with other greyhound friends, more car rides for ice cream and hamburgers, maybe a short weekend away at the beach, etc. Be aware that she *may* develop separation anxiety, especially if she was the more anxious of the two. It may be that she will not be ok with being a solo dog, so you should consider your options in this regard going forward (fostering is always an option as well). It just takes as long as it takes, and it's doubly hard since we are grieving too. {{{hugs}}}
  12. That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  13. Hello my Friendlies!! One more hawthawthawt day today, then a few degrees less tamarrow. Then cloudings Sunnyday morning wiff maybe drizzlings too. Miss Loosy, Momma could never ever have a workjob in condishuns like that luminum plant!!! There used to be one wummin in the hopera chorus a long time ago. She was just a skinny minny kind of thing, and pretty tall. Momma would just die d-e-d from how hawt and heavy the costooms were - some of those period dresses with alla the layerings are really thick and heavy - plus also, she would really be all sweaty by the end of the nite!! Anyway. This skinny minny wummin would wear long unnerwears unner alla those layers cause she said she was always cold!!!! Miss Halise we're glad you're getting chekked out. Momma has started noticing herown hands shaking sometimes. She's almost scarded to say anything cause they'll want her to get anuther EmArEye of her head and she will NOT survive anuther one!! Have a fun time with your friendlies Miss Kathy!! Miss Vanessa, we sure hope you gots AyCee in your bilding!! Miss Sherrie we sure hope Mister Tiller doesn't need to have a casting!!! Tho I did OK with mine for so long. But I had to have it changed by the docter every 10 days or so, so I didn't get sores on my skin!! Miss Vanessa, like Mam said, it's not your job to keep Mister Richard ennertained. He's a fully adult persin with full mental capasities and he can figger it out iffen he wants to. You're not his Momma you're his wife. And, as Momma's sisser in law said to her, at some point they have to decide how they are gonna live theirown life. And not making any decishuns is the same as making one, just in a negativity way. So don't feel gilty for keeping bizzy and having friendlies you do things with!! Miss Wiki we hope Miss Jerilyn founded the solushun to her mistery. I love getting brushies too! We don't gots a glub, we gots a Zoomy Groomy!! I lovelovelove those little fingers rubbing all over my back!!! Me and Flizzie are doing a big shedding rite now too!! Momma did not get our cornings planted yesserday but she got the dirt all ready and stuff and then got all sweaty and tired, so that still gots to be done today. Plus also we gotta get emergency groshries cause we are almost out of milk and paper towels!! Wishings for a fantasikal Friedday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  14. That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  15. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS IS ZAKTLY RITE!!!!! Mister Tiller!! You did a daft thing you did!!! AP - already did a daft thing and it took forever to heal up!!
  16. Hello my Friendlies!! 90lebentee degrees today and tamarrow. That's way too hawt!!! I'd like to say I can't imaginate a whole week or more of this kinda weathers, but unforchoonately I can, cause it's happened here and will probly happen here more. You mite reememmer that it was this week in 2021 when we hadded that week of over 110 degrees. Forchoonately the skools was already out, but lotsa, like, faktories and restrants and outside workers hadda just stay home cause of the heatings. And it was a big problem cause none of our houses and partments have AyyCee, or even winnows that open, and we had older peeples who wented d-e-d from heat exhauschun. Since then, there's been a few organizayshuns formed to give out free AyyCees to older and low income humins - both the winnow ones and some of those, like, mini-split wall thingies. The skools still don't gots adeqwate cooling (or heatings!) but that's not gonna get fixed anytime soon. Anyway, stay cool everybody!!! Mister Lupin, I bet you just got one of those hemangioma thingies. They bleed all over when they get opened up but they are mostly not dangeruss. Lotsa houndies get em (not ME of course!) and they come and go over the years. HA! Momma is so tied to her fan that she can't go to sleep without some sorta white noise around!! Oy!! Mister Nate!! Momma starts sweating just thinking about walking outside in the heats!!! It's so gross!!! I mean, she sweats all. the. time. All the time!!!! Even just sitting still she can start sweating!!! How'd it go in the kichen today Miss Lizabeth??? What didja cook for alla them boys?? Miss Jerilyn just take it easy in the hawts!! Be like Miss Wiki!!! Momma is feeling kinda blah about today, so I do NOT know what is gonna go on. Not much, I bet, cause of the hawts!! She's hoping to get the corning starts in the garden, and some seedings started for some watermellins and maybe some other mellins, but I don't know if she's gonna be able to stand it outside when we get ready finally. Maybe today will be a reading and coloring day. I don't care as long as I get my share of BBQue porkings!!! Wishings for a thankful Thirdsday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  17. Miss Noo Carol, the weather dood tonite said the difference between hours of daylite tamarrow on the Solstiss and in Desember on the Solstiss is SEVEN hours of sunnings!!! The actual longest day has already happened I think, but tamarrow is when the eerth is facing the rite way to the sun. Safe travelings Miss Patsy!! Miss Cindy, we were thinking like Mam. Just because Mister David needs some time away from houndies does NOT mean that you hafta miss doing something you love!! Even if it's just for a weekending away from everything just for yourownseff. Peeples keep telling Momma that, and she knows how hard it is to akchooally do. Miss Ivy, I do not know about this baffing of the house. It sounds like the kinda thing where the hooman thinks about it for a while and changes their tiny little mind and ends up giving a houndie baff anyways!! We did get some barbeekew porkings today!!! And a forchoon cookie!! I am gonna have a big social party, and Flizzie's new positive attitude is gonna make a big difference in the whirled!!! Akkording to our forchoons anyway!! That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  18. Hello my Friendlies!! It's our firstest hawthawthawt day of this week - in the middle 80lebendees - with brite sunnings all day long!! Great for sunbaffing!! Antie Jennie, Momma and Daddy talked about doing that exact train ride so many times!! I bet it was awesome!! Miss Wiki you alreaddy hadded a great advenchoor today!!! Miss Ducky, Momma has been reesearching call buttons and stuff for Daddy cause he don't reememmer to carry his fone eether. She founded loads of things like this one Call Button Alert System This one also notifies a fone, but there's loads of ones that just have a, like, speeker alarm in the house. And the fallen persin just presses a button on a nekklace or a watch thingy and it makes the speeker dealie go off. Momma was surprised that these were kinda inexpensive. We hope you don't feel too bad today!! Mister Nate, did you get all growlie when you sawed those doggos throo the fence??? Maybe they would like to stay at your house?? Miss Sherrie!!! I bet you are so essited to get Mister Tiller back home!!! I just know he's gonna be essited to see you again!! Miss Ivy, I caNOT beleeve you are giving your HOUSE a baff!!!! What is up wiff alla the baffing going on around here??? I wunner what's going on at Miss Lacifur's house??? I bet Miss Cindy is too bizzy working again!!! I think we are gonna have chineeze fuds today. That means Barbeekew Pork!!!! Momma always gets us our own box of it so we get some for a few days!! Wishings for a wakky Windsday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  19. Miss Ducky!!! We're so glad you wasn't really hurted bad and that Mister Ducky was able to find you and help you up. Momma tries to rememmer to carry her fone, too, but she forgets a lot cause of the whole pokket thing like Mam was talking about. But she'd hafta call a nayber cause Daddy couldn't help her if she falled anyway!! Miss RE Carol you have been so bizzy in your gardening!!! But both the frunt and the back look FABOO!!! You did a great job!! Nice to see you stopping by again Mister Lupin!!! How's Miss Kerry feeling?? Nothing much happened since my last postie so there's not much for me to talk about!! That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  20. First of all, neither of you did anything "wrong." Second, human perception of dog communication is often very incorrect. Third, true aggression is dogs is pretty rare, and this, while scary to you, was not true aggression. If he had wanted to hurt you, he certainly could have. Behavior issues like these are really difficult to diagnose over the internet, but we do see comparable incidents here quite frequently. What you experienced was most likely what we call a "sleep startle" reaction. You can search through the forum here for the million other threads about it. It's very common in newly retired greyhounds, and it just happens sometimes. If you've never experienced it before it can be very scary. Basically, for whatever reason, he was sleeping, and something jolted him awake. Whether that was a sound you inadvertently made, or he was dreaming, or he had a leg cramp, or heard a sound from outside, or the heat/AC coming on - it can be something humans don't even notice - it startled him awake enough that he felt he needed to respond to it, and it was a bit over the top. This happens a lot to people when they have the dog sleeping in bed with them. Newly adopted dogs aren't used to sharing space with other living beings. In the training and racing kennels (and even in similar set ups in adoption kennels) they are *always* awake and aware of their surroundings before anything gets close enough to them to wake them up. They feel safe in their kennels, and they know the routines, the sounds, the atmosphere of this place where they've spent so much time. Then we put them in our beds and expect them to sleep like a dog in a movie. I've made that mistake. And had a dog react so badly they *did* draw blood, but it was MY fault for not understanding dog behavior well enough, not the dog's for reacting. Once they are adopted and move into a home environment, some adapt to it quickly and some take more time. It's not just about learning the stairs and about the tv, and where their food bowl is and when things happen during the day. EVERYTHING in their world has been changed and rearranged and can be scary for them as well. Then, just when they think they have a handle on things - after about 2-3 weeks - they begin to relax and learn to trust this new environment and their new people, but sometimes the old instincts kick in abruptly, and they have a startle reaction. You said he was unsettled and having a hard time laying down for bed. Your partner - who it sounds like he trusts a bit more than you - was not there, and his senses and his psyche were already on high alert. Then - BOOM! - something set him off and he reacted in the only way he knew how. So it wasn't anything you did specifically. And what happened was not a bad dog doing an aggressive move. It was an anxious dog being startled awake. And yes, it may happen again. It may be something he deals with for the rest of his life. It may be a behavior that slowly extinguishes itself as his bond of trust develops with you and your partner. The main thing for you to keep in mind is that this a completely normal behavior, and - despite it being scary - it's NOT personally directed at you. It's just a reaction he can't control at this time. It's probably best to keep his bed(s) in the same spot all the time - someplace close to where his people are, and where they sleep, but out of the direct line of traffic. So, when it does happen again, try and remain calm. Speak to him slowly and calmly, tell him to lay back down. Offer him some attention if he needs reassurance, or maybe get him to follow you to the kitchen for a small treat. Then both of you go back to what you were doing and move on. If you have people who watch him, let them know that he's dealing with this issue and how best to handle it when it happens.
  21. Hello my Friendlies!! All clear and sunnings all day today!!! But affer today it's gonna be too hawthawthawt in the 90lebendees!!! Only for a couppla days tho, then back to mid-70lebens for the weekend. At leest that's what those teevee mens are saying now!!! I furgot to say that Mis RE Carol's shady garden is really nice!! You did a great job planting alla those plantings!!! I figger anything that's on the ground is fair game to get peed on! Four days till Mister Tiller comes home!!! Miss Ivy we hope your lumpy bump is as easily tooken care of as everybody else's this week!! Mister Nate, do you still gots aminal control peeples in your county?? Do they still pikk up straying doggos?? Momma doesn't even know if we do!!! Let's hope they do NOT have collars unner all that fur cause that would be really bad for them!! Miss FancyToo that woulda been way too much essitment for my Momma too!!! Miss Halise, we have always thotted that Mister Clarkie's naming is the cleverest one EVER!!! Well, I am a little late making my postie cause we have hadded alla our essitment for today!! The lady who chops Daddy's toes comed for a viziting early today. Momma is so grateful to have founded this lady cause she's really nice and takes care of Daddy's feets good. It's worth the extra munnies to pay her cause Daddy's feets can be problematikal with his dying beetles and stuff, and he can't do it hisownseff anymore (and Momma for SURE is not doing his toes too!!!) It's funny cause she uses a dremel and a big pair of clippers like Momma does for out feets!!! Now Momma's only big chore left is to put out the garbige!! And she's gotta watch her horsie racing this affernoon if it doesn't get to hawt there in Pennsylvanya. And then there's anuther baseballs game. Wishings for a tasty Toozday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
  22. Super common behavior all around. An older dog disciplining a younger dog, AND a long term resident setting down boundaries for a new interloper. Unless the younger dog seems disposed to snark back, I would let them work it out while keeping an eye out for escalation. You don't say how recent the new adoption was, but this could last for several months to a year depending on how quickly the younger dog learns the rules of the house. DO NOT discipline the older dog - she's not doing anything wrong, and she's not being aggressive. If she wanted to bite, she would have by now. Growling, staring, even air snaps and snarking are all normal communication techniques between new housemates. Make sure you're not causing further confusion. Your older dog should get fed first (put her bowl down first), get treats first, get to precede the younger dog inside and outside the doors, remember to give her her own time with you (solo walks or brushing sessions, for instance). Give her the respect she's due as the pack leader, and your younger dog will get in line faster. If you want to be proactive, redirect the younger dog to another bed option when she seems like she's causing an issue. And reward your older dog when she allows interactions near the resources she's inclined to guard. Many people say to never have two females together, but I've never had any issues that way. I've had as many as four females at the same time and never had any serious problems. But I'm also very concientious in muzzling when needed, and supervising interactions at all times. At this point I would not leave them alone together unsecured, or out in the yard unmuzzled. The rule for new adoptions is "3 weeks, 3 months, 3 years." You should see some adjustments happening around those three time frames. Time and patience. Patience and time
  23. That's all from here for today my Friendlies!! Kibble kisses and Buddy Bisket dreams!! NITEY NITE!! Andipants
  24. Hello my Friendlies!! Mostly cloudings rite now, but the warming up is sposed to start later today. We're sposed to have 90lebendees by the end of the week, but then it's gonna cool back down to normill over next weekend. Maybe. Miss Lulu is founded and home safe and sound!!! Miss Noo Carol do you not have the ability to record yourown teevee programs on your teevee??? Miss Lizabeth, how does making the chippies cold make em any more betterer???? We gots some chippies, so maybe we'll hafta try it. So many qweschuns!!!! Mister Nate that was sure a weerd mystery about the chupacabra Ushies doggos!!! Momma says waters for the birdies is probly more important than foods at this time of of the year. Espeshully in the hawthawthawt weathers. Miss Dr Robin Momma finds that annoying too!! What gets her most about our annoying lady is that she always speeks in the low gravelly part of her voice and it makes her sound all sarcastikal and, well, yung!!! Not much is going on around here cause Momma overdid it again yesserday - but it wasn't her fault!!! When we wented o-u-t for our morning playings we found the crabbyapple tree all tipped over on the ground!!! We had some really fast windy winds on Satidday when alla the little showerings were flying throo, and Momma thinks a little burst cotted that pot and dumped it over. But it was really a good thing cause the tree needed to be put in a bigger pot cause it didn't bloom at all this year, and the rootings were all wrapped round and round and needed to be pruned off. But it all involved a lot of lifting and toting of heavy things so she was really wiped out when she finally gotted it done! And *I* did NOT get to play with my loor pole cause she was all pooped out!!! Wishings for a mental Munderday for all my Friendlies!! BYE-EEE!!! Andipants
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