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Everything posted by krissn333

  1. I'd put the crate in the main living area and let the dog be with you in the bedroom at night on a dog bed since you said you close the cats out of your bedroom anyway. My house is only one level and very small but if I crate Clarice in the living room and then go to my bedroom, she goes ballistic. She also has a kennel in my bedroom that she very happily sleeps in, but, for most first time adopters, buying two crates isn't really something you want to do. My parents adopted two hounds at one time though, so they bought two crates which they no longer need, so, we're using them both while we work with Clarice who has some special issues
  2. I think that sounds GREAT! Might employ some of these methods myself!
  3. Ozzie and Clarice ran 5 or 6 laps in the yard together tonight A rousing game of chase that I suspect would have gone longer if it weren't so darned cold outside! Clarice likes for Ozzie to chase her (interesting given her initial fear of him ). He stopped to pee and she ran over to him hopping up and down waiting for him to finish so they could run some more. I think our focus now needs to be 1) seeing how she does meeting other dogs, and 2) working on possessive behaviors - she does not care about ME but she does care about HIM. If she is on the dog bed (her place), and he comes over she has snapped at him. Any advice on dealing with that?
  4. We always checked Pinky's a week after her treatments to be sure she hadn't had a HUGE dip in her count (we may have done this just for her because she also had lupus, I am not sure), and then they'd check her again the day of her next chemo to be sure she was ok to receive her treatment. We did have to postpone treatments 3 and 5 I believe, by a week. She was on carboplatin
  5. I hung dark blue Christmas lights along my ceiling - they are on a timer so they come on when it gets dark and shut off in the morning. Provides enough light that I can see to move about the room. Not so much an issue anymore since my Carrie girl and Pinky left us (they were the only two that slept on the floor), but, I keep them up anyway.
  6. Haha yeah I saw that sometimes he wanders over but for the most part he's just chilling out. That's just something I need to work on with both of them.
  7. I love watching Kili work She is quite a long girl! Question - how do you get Summit to stay so nicely on his bed and not try to get involved? Is it just something that has happened over time? I've been working with Clarice on things but anytime there is food involved, Ozzie is right there and wants to be involved too. This was great when we were working on "Ozzie is here with us so the treat machine is open" but when we are working on other things, Ozzie butting in wanting whatever I'm treating Clarice with. He does a pretty reliable "go to your place" but he won't stay there very long if there are high value treats being given to another dog.
  8. It's -35 here right now. I send mine out naked. They go out and get right down to business. 45 seconds, tops.
  9. I just put pee pads down for Carrie and let her pee inside during times of crummy weather. The last thing I wanted was for her to fall. I had 4 of them and just washed the one that was down when she used it, and put a fresh one out.
  10. I wouldn't be concerned. Ozzie used to do that every time I left and he wasn't crated, nor was he the only dog here. He has been here just over 4 months now and I don't think he does it anymore.
  11. All I keep thinking of is when Jen's Violet had rhabdo. Usually rhabdo advances quickly though so not all of the pieces of the puzzle are there, but, the tenderness near the kidneys and urinating blood make me think of that.
  12. Also, if you don't already, leave the TV or a radio on for her, loud enough that you can't hear other people in adjacent apartments. It's probable that she is resting but hears foot traffic in the hallway or noise from the apartments above or below and that is waking her up. If you can gate her in a room where theres nothing she can get into (or gate her OUT of the kitchen if that's the only area of concern), try it for an hour or so and see if she does better that way. My kids are gated in the living room when I am not home and they do fine.
  13. Work on those things with her now but leave for shorter periods. Give her a Kong filled with her kibble and sealed off with greek yogurt or peanut butter. Freeze this concoction and when you are leaving, put her in her kennel and give her that. I could not crate my dogs if I was home, they would have a fit. If you need to keep an eye on her while you are home, keeping her leashed and with you everywhere you go is a good option. Just loop her leash around your waist or through a belt loop. Let her be with you when you are home, but, then kennel her and give her her Kong when you leave. Start now and go somewhere for an hour. Then try leaving for a couple of hours. I set up a webcam in my living room so I could check in on them when I'm at work. That helped me relax about leaving them too. I have worked on this with Clarice with much success too: http://www.clickertraining.com/node/3308 PS Hot dogs cut into tiny pieces are a great reward for this kind of training. We did one session during which I used up 3 hot dogs. She reliably does "go to your place" now.
  14. No experience here but I'm off to do some more reading on the subject of abdominal migraines and painful bladder syndrome. Very interesting stuff. I hope it will help Nadir!
  15. I dont think that's appeasement in this case...she is waiting to be let into her kennel so she can eat her breakfast. She LOVES to eat
  16. We were off to a little bit of a rocky start with Clarice. I expected she would be a bit of a challenge since she is very young, but, I did NOT expect that she would be afraid of Ozzie, who is really a "go-along" kind of guy - I just never thought that ANY dog would ever feel threatened by him. In traveling this road with her, I still wonder if part of her insecurities were due to the fact that she IS so young and never raced - she flunked out of training. Really the only other dogs she had to be in close proximity to were her littermates. Anyway, tomorrow marks 1 month since Clarice came home. She no longer seems afraid or threatened by Ozzie and they often engage in quick running play outside (it's very quick because it's SO cold outside and Ozzie is NOT fond of that). She sits before being let into her crate for meals and for treats: She loves toys and plays with them frequently. I was pretty nervous about that at first, since that's how Ozzie ended up getting his ear all scratched up (10 stitches). She's spent a lot of time muzzled in the house, and they are muzzled when they go outside. She has not been muzzled when in the house for a few days now and she's doing fine, but, my eyes are on her all the time. I'm a little gunshy after what happened with Ozzie. She is kenneled when I am at work and she does fine with that. She's a busy little bee and gets into EVERYTHING so it will be a very long time before I'd be comfortable leaving her uncrated when I'm not here. Back to the busy little bee thing...I adopted Ace when she was just over 2 years old, but, it was JUNE. It's WINTER here and very cold (-40something windchill coming tonight), so it's a little harder to tire Clarice out. I try to encourage her to run run run out in the yard, but we can only be out for so long. People in my neighborhood are jerks and don't shovel the sidewalk, so, walking is a dangerous activity around here. So that leaves us with doing training activities indoors to keep her busy. She's doing well with "go to your place" as well as sit. I think we're going to work on turning/spinning next. She's a smart little monkey. Socially, our next step is to take her to meet mom and dad's dogs. We're trying to wait until it's at least warm enough to take a quick walk with them though. I've thought about taking her to Petco or Petsmart but I'm not sure if we're ready for that yet. Anyway, this has been long. I think we're on the right track and I'm glad that we've made such progress.
  17. kkaiser mentioned her boy had a UTI and she said it is not that common in boys. Sorry, should have quoted her post so it made more sense when I posted.
  18. I'm in the Quad Cities (I live in Moline, IL). There are lots of great events to go to (the GO RAVE in November is one of our favorites), hopefully we will get to meet up at some point!
  19. Sort of an aside but I see people say UTI's are not common in males but my boys are the ONLY ones that ever get them. My girls never had UTI's. Skimmie gets UTI's ALL.THE.TIME.
  20. My mom has been going through the closets at her house, weeding out the things that she doesnt want anymore. Goody was very upset by this and has been super clingy. My kitty was suddenly very clingy and more vocal than normal a few years ago...turns out she had a thyroid issue.
  21. Sounds like our vet...the practice is wonderful...from the vets to the techs to the client specialists down to the guy that sweeps the floor, they're all wonderful!
  22. I got a 7.0 cubic foot chest freezer for Christmas so I can now buy LOTS of turkey necks!
  23. Hope she improves steadily. When my little guys are feeling poorly, it is like the energy has been sucked out of the house. They are such busy little guys, when they slow down it's rough.
  24. There was a Blue Buffalo one from 2010 going around yesterday too...I COULDNT find a date on the article, so, I shared it. Someone else that read it found the date and then I felt like an idiot
  25. I always keep an eye on them just to be sure no one is gulping, but, we have not had any issues and no tummy upset later. Since it is winter right now my kids have to chew inside. Clarice gets hers in her kennel and then I just wash her blanket right away. Ozzie always takes his to the loveseat so I cover his blankets up with an old sheet, unless his blanket is due to be washed anyway, then I just let him have it on his loveseat blanket and it goes in the wash when he is done. Giving them frozen keeps the mess minimal.
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