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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Thank you for sharing about Flossie, and I am so sorry. So far, you are the first I have heard of with a grey that had a rib tumor. After Monday, when we go to the oncology vet, and have more to go on, I know we will have to make some decisions. Hearing other people's stories helps.


    I'm so sorry about Opie's diagnosis. :( TBSFlame's greyhound, Beecher, had a tumor on one of his ribs. I believe it was osteo, but I'm not positive. Hopefully she'll see this and will reply.


    I too remember someone on this forum that had a grey with a tumor on the rib that was osteo.

    I'm really sorry about Opie's diagnosis.


    Bruce fed him this morning instead of me, and said he was hesitant at first but then ate the whole bowl (slowly) as long as he stood right in the room with him. Same thing for dinner last night, said he stopped eating and came by the kitchen the 2 times Bruce left the room and went into the kitchen. He finished his dinner when Bruce stood there, like this morning.


    this is just bizarre for Larry!


    Kim, this is the way Nadir acts when he's not feeling well. He'll get snarky with the others and only eat if I'm there to stand watch over him. If I leave he will come and get me. I think he feels vulnerable when he's not feeling well. Maybe Larry is feeling vulnerable without Nube and just needs time to adjust and gain confidence in his absence.

  3. Kari, my Bruiser was diagnosed with HSA after the tumor on his spleen ruptured and a splenectomy was done. That was back in June and he's doing great nearly 6 months later working toward that 1 year anniversary.

    I hope that HSA is not the diagnosis for Lucky, but wanted you to know it doesn't mean you have to say goodbye right away.

  4. Bruiser is nearing 6 months post splenectomy after the tumor on his spleen ruptured and he was diagnosed with HSA. He really is doing remarkably well. His appetite is great and he has the energy to give chase occasionally to squirrels. I thought I would share some of the things I've been using on Bruiser and some associated studies on why I chose them. I started with a homecooked diet made up of 75% meat and 25% vegetables. The vegetables are usually a mix of broccoli, spinach or turnip greens, brussels sprouts and cauliflower.

    IP6 & Inositol




    AHCC - Active Hexose Correlated Compound


    I gave this while he was doing the 5 rounds of doxorubicin chemotherapy. After he finished his chemo I switched to the Coriolus versicolor PSP compound similar to the one that was used in this UPenn study.


    What is really interesting about this study is that HSA was used because it is such an aggressive cancer to study the ability of this compound to slow metastasis. In that study the brand I'm Yunity is used. The cost for (240) 400mg capsules would have been over $300, and lasted about 20 days if I remember correctly. I found a company based in the Netherlands that has a Coriolus versicolor PSP compound derived from the same strain and using the same extraction process. I was able to buy (360) 350mg capsules for $157. Here's the link if anyone is interested in checking it out.




  5. A couple of months ago Buddy would yelp when I reached down and patted his right jaw. Went to vet and the one lymph node was swollen. Couldn't see anything wrong dental or otherwise so they put him on Cipro for at least a couple of weeks - maybe more - can't remember exactly how long. Went away and he's been fine ever since.


    These are the kind of things I like to hear :) .

  6. Feeling like I have more of a purpose. I have some good info and am looking for more as far as pain meds go, alternative meds, and bone support. Now that the shock is wearing off I feel like I need to try something. WIll keep you all posted.



    That is how I felt when I got over the shock of Bruiser's hemangiosarcoma diagnosis. That was almost 6 months ago and I am still in fighting mode. I fully intend for him to be of the elusive 10% that make it past a year and longer. I hope that Spud does as well.

  7. I noticed recently that Beanie's lymph nodes under her jaw are swollen and hard. I checked her temp this morning and it is normal. What reasons are there for swollen lymph nodes, aside from infection or possibly cancer? http://forum.greytalk.com/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/sad.png

    About 3-1/2 weeks ago I had her at the vet because she was not feeling well. Her temp then was close to 107°, but the odd thing was that her WBC count was not really high. My vet put her on Clavamox for a general antibiotic and doxycyclene in the event it was TBD related, because I've recently been battling a tick infestation. Her fever ran around 104°-105° for about 6 days. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with what is going on now, but wanted to note that in case it did. The soonest I can get into my regular vet to do a fine needle aspirate is next Thursday. If it happens to be what I fear it could be is time of the essence or does it really not matter?


    So, while questioning a dosage is always okay, just be aware that sometimes it's how fast something is metabolized or how fast it goes through the system that determines the dosage--not the patient's weight.


    You know I had thought about that when I was giving Bruiser a slow release L-arganine capsule. I don't know why I hadn't considered it in this case. Taking that into consideration would you interpret Show's dosage to be (3) tablets twice a day or split that dosage for a total of (3) tablets per day? Cara Lea did your vet say anything about frequency?

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