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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. I just switched Ruby to the one that has bison and venison. So far things are looking OK, poo's are small and easy to pick up and no gas as of yet. It has only been about 3 days though.

    I hope it keeps working for her. I know how frustrating finding something that works can be.

  2. A year or two ago, when the vaccine was first being promoted (it's nothing that new), I asked my vet about it and he thought it was pretty much a crock and money-making scheme -- and he is always very up on the latest scientific studies of the actual effectiveness of things. I haven't asked him if he's changed his mind since -- I'm seeing him Monday and might.

    What exactly does he think is a "crock", the pushing of the vaccine in areas there hasn't been an outbreak or the effectiveness of the vaccine?

    I found these 2 articles interesting. The first is on the necessity of the vaccine and the second is on its effectiveness.


    Vets on alert for canine flu, but most dogs don't need vaccine.



    Canine influenza virus found effective against secondary infections.


  3. Just thinking...could this be related to the boarding kennel incident? Didn't he act incredibly thirsty and have dark urine when you brought him home? Maybe the two are related?

    Good thinking. Josh, if this is kidney related the last thing you want to do is restrict his water. That will only do more damage and make matters worse.

  4. I noticed that's it is rather expensive. I'd be interested in it, but would like to know how long it would last. How much are you suppose to give? I saw that they sell single serve packets, but I can't imagine a cat would need the same amount as say a greyhound or human.

  5. This one is new to me! Here's an interesting link for you on CIV.

    Yes, this is what I'm referring to. After reading that brochure I have another question. From what I have read the canine influenza virus unlike the human influenza virus, which has new strains developing yearly, is of only one strain. If this is the case why would annual revaccination be necessary? I think I might send OSU an inquiry into their thoughts on vaccinating Beanie.

  6. What are your thoughts, pros and cons, of this vaccine? A friend told me today that the veterinary facility we use and actually all in that city are starting to require it for all their patients. I've been bringing Beanie in weekly for her chemo treatments and nothing has been mentioned to me about it. Do you think because of their cancers they are not requiring I have her or Bruiser vaccinated? My vet respects the fact that I do not want to over-vaccinate my dogs, but at the same time if there is greater benefit than risk I wonder if I should have them vaccinated.

  7. 1. That video is 10 years old. Yawn. Things have changed a lot in the last 10 years, including general thinking in care and treatment of animals. Look at the difference in the U.S. greyhound racing industry from 10 years ago.

    While I don't think Iams should be judged now for what was done 10 years ago, I certainly don't think abuse is ever anything to "yawn" about. My point was they tried to place the blame on the person taking the video for what was going on instead of just admitting there was a problem and taking responsibility for it.

  8. I doubt it, but there are crusaders who believe that every commercial pet company is evil and feeds ground up tires and flea-collars. They'll take molehill and turn it into a mountain. IAMS has their own website to try to de-bunk all the bad publicity (www.iamstruth.com)



    I wonder what Iams would have done if the video referenced wasn't made public. Would business have gone on as usual? All they do here is try to vilify this woman who made the video and make excuses for their use of that facility.

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