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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Welcome from Alabama! :wave

    Just wanted to add that when I posted my introduction a few days ago I had the same problem with posting pictures and the dynamic image message error. The only pictures I was able to post were those I had entered in the Greyhound-Data website. Like you I have scads more photos I would love to post and hopefully someone will chime in and tell us what we can do about this error message.




  2. Thanks for the warm welcome you all have sent. I'm going to make a feeble attempt at posting pictures, not sure if it will be successful, so wish me luck. Keep in mind this is coming from someone who couldn't get the emoticon in the correct place. So this attempt at pictures may be a wash.














  3. Greetings Everybody!

    I've made a few posts but thought that before I made anymore I should introduce myself and more importantly my hounds. My name is Judy and I live in Ozark, AL (lower Southeast area of Alabama) with my two greyhounds Nadir (AMF Adam) and Beanie (BB's Beans) and American Bulldog Bruiser. I had always wanted a sighthound and had in the past looked into getting a Chart Polsi, Saluki, or Azawakh, which would have meant getting a dog from many, many miles away since there were no breeders in my area, however fate, or should I say Google intervened, and I found that there was a Greyhound adoption group within a few hours of where I live. I went to my first Meet & Greet held by Emerald Coast GPA back in January of 2005 with a preconceived notion of what I wanted in a Greyhound. I hate to admit it but I was stuck on color, I was looking for a gorgeous fawn or pretty little parti-colored dog. To my amazement there was a parti-colored female there and I was like yes, yes, that's the one I want. I had to wait on the approval and home visit though and was told later that the greyhound I had seen was already spoken for and they had another Greyhound in mind, a black one that they thought would be a good choice. My first thought was hmmmm….black…boring, not exactly what I was looking for. Fast forward to my home visit and my first intoduction to AMF Adam and the most beautiful dog I had ever laid eyes on, then I knelt down to his face and he gave me the sweetest greyhound kiss and it was all over for me from that moment on . I kept thinking while they were doing my home visit, please, please, please approve me, I want this dog so bad. Oh what a happy day it was for me when they called to tell me I had been approved for adoption. Adam was officially adopted in February of that year and I changed his named to Nadir. Soon after adopting I talked to Emerald Coast GPA about doing M&G's in Dothan, AL close to where I live. After getting the okay from the PetsMart there and with the help of other GPAEC volunteers to help me out I started holding M&G's there. I also started fostering, which is how I came to have Beanie. Yes, I am proud to say that I too had joined the swelling ranks of those who had failed fostering. When I went to the kennel to pick up a foster I had arrived just as they were putting the dogs back in their crates. There was a lot of excitement from the dogs because I was a new person, but in all the excitement going on with the other dogs, there was this one brindle greyhound, quietly lying in one of the bottom crates trying not to be noticed. In a moment of pure selfishness, I thought I want that one, she'll be an easy foster and off we went. She was such a shy girl to her new enviroment and it took some time to draw her out and make her feel comfortable. In was so enjoyable to see her open up more and more everyday. After bringing her to several M&G's I finally decided that I could not let this little girl go and officially adopted her in February of 2006.

    I need not forgot about Bruiser either, although he outweighs and out muscles both greyhounds he is the biggest baby of the bunch and you will invariably find Beanie snuggled up with him on a dog bed somewhere, although there are numerous dog beds around the house.

    I love every single day with my dogs, they have brought me so much joy, laughter, and such an overwhelming sense of peace to my life. Bringing them into my home was not a gift I gave to them but the greatest gift they could have given me.



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