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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Not sure if you'd be interested but I found a paper online written by Dr. Couto outlining the different chemo protocols for lymphoma. I know you will be working with an oncologist, I like having some understanding though of the different options. The paper is in a pdf document which I don't know how to link with my phone, but if you google "Lymphoma in dogs, cop, chop" it will come up. Another good paper Managing Dogs with Lymphoma in Private Practice by Kenneth M. Rassnick, DVM, DACVIM, Assistant Professor of Oncology from Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine will also come up.

    Also, have they determined if it is B-cell or T- cell lymphoma? Normally a biopsy has to be done, but I've read of new testing whereby a slide prepared from a FNA can now be used to determine the different types.

  2. When I was going through vet school, it was recommended to never start pred before starting chemo. Pred is part of most chemo protocols, and it was always started at the same time, or slightly after the other drugs. However, it seems that the newer thinking is that pred for less than a week or two before starting chemo is ok, and it's only after the dog has been on pred longer that it tends to decrease the effectiveness of chemo.

    Thank you so much for that. This first month has been rough and I've been so worried that we had made a wrong step in her treatment. I feel a lot better now.

  3. Jay, while this diagnosis sucks lymphoma can be treated--it's usually one of the easiest cancer to smack into remission. Did you have a biopsy done or just an aspirate? Please seek an oncologist--better yet, contact Osu and share with them all of the diagnostic results you have. Have you started pred yet?

    I don't understand it because several of the chemo protocols for lymphoma use prednisone, but I have read several different places that dogs on prednisone prior to starting chemo have a poorer prognosis. I read that prednisone can cause a multidrug resistance making chemotherapeutic drugs less effective. This is something I'm worrying about now with Beanie because my vet started her on prednisone a few days prior to starting her first chemo.

  4. I tried to assist the boy's guts by adding plain yoghurt to his dinner. I asked DH to get plain, or greek yoghurt with probiotics, but he got normal greek. Am trying it anyway... it is either making no difference, or making his farts so much worse! Interestingly, he is pooping less (frequency & volume).


    I have no idea! I'm planning to go raw. Take that big D!

    He could be lactose intolerant which would explain the extra foul emissions when he was fed the yoghurt. I think you and him both will be very happy with going raw.

  5. I'm so sorry to about your loss of Bonkers and Savannah's diagnosis. Yes, animals can and do grieve and show it in different ways. One sign of physical pain I know of that dogs will exhibit is panting. You mention having her on Tramadol and Rimadyl, talk to your vet and get her on Gabapentin too. I've thankfully never had one with OS, but from what I've read from others' experiences it has made the biggest difference in pain management. I do have one on it though for another pain related issue and it is very inexpensive.

  6. It was funny when I first introduced turkey necks to my dogs they all took to them right away except for Nadir. I'd hand them each one outside and they would go to town on it. Nadir wouldn't eat one no matter how much I tried to entice him with it. Then one day when I had plate of them sitting on the counter he grabbed one and ran to his bed and started eating it. He just didn't want to eat them outside. I haven't fed them in a while and lately have thought about feeding them again, unfortunately Walmart where I used to get them doesn't carry them anymore.

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