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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. I'm not familiar with the suggested dosage of that med but, that does seem high, however, in general dogs antihistamine dosages are much higher than humans. Not much help huh?


    Edited to add-after researching some on Zyrtec-it looks like your vet is suggesting the proper dosing range :-)


    That's interesting to know about the Zyrtec dosage. One 10mg pill though seems to do the job for Beanie. I'm wondering if a prescribed allergy medicine works at a lower dosage would it be more advisable to stay there?


    Edited for hitting wrong key.

  2. Has she eaten good before or has she always

    been picky? What kibble is she on and how long has she been on it? I'm just wondering if maybe something has changed about it that she doesn't like and no amount of add ins will change that.

    As far as the other dogs getting her food when she doesn't eat it, just pick it up after giving her so much time and putting it back down at the next meal time. It will probably mean that you will still have to teach the other dogs that her bowl is off limits while it is down.

  3. Is she healthy? Is she a reasonably good weight? If so, honestly, my advice would be to stop adding all the extras. The more different things you try, the more picky she will become. A healthy dog will not starve herself. How long has she gone without eating before you give in?


    I was going to ask some of the same things. Unless she's sick and it's a matter of needing her to eat I'd stop the extras.

  4. I couldn't remember who 4Health was sold under so I did a Google search to learn a little more about it. One of the first 5 hits was from a thread in a GSD forum that you might want to read.


    I was not looking for reasons to criticize the food choice because what I seemed to remember about it was that it was comparable to the Costco food that many feed, but I think people should be aware of this.


    I've done the test, and it no longer absorbs like that. I'm not sure if it's because they've changed the recipe (that post is more then a year old) or that I'm feeding a different version (the salmon/potato version Teddi's on is $36 for a 30 pound bag).


    Also, reading into the comments, there are many people who disagree with her theory and say that running the same test they've found it to expand similarly to Iams and Purina. I think sometimes with dogs prone to bloat people are quick to blame the food when sometimes it's just an issue of fate.


    OK, I just was worried there. Glad to read the food doesn't swell as was described and my worry was for naught.

  5. I couldn't remember who 4Health was sold under so I did a Google search to learn a little more about it. One of the first 5 hits was from a thread in a GSD forum that you might want to read.


    I was not looking for reasons to criticize the food choice because what I seemed to remember about it was that it was comparable to the Costco food that many feed, but I think people should be aware of this.

  6. Aldara?


    Does that require a prescription?


    Thera paws have been a lifesaver for or boy, don't know what we would have done without them. We are also having a good response to oral chinese herbs...miami is down to just one small corn now, he started with 5 :)


    Which herbs or herbal blend is he on?

  7. I'll be having Nadir's teeth cleaned and his corn surgically removed on the 18th of December . While I'm waiting I think I'll give the antiviral cream a try too. I figure it can't hurt. Which antiviral cream are you using?

    I think that since Nite's other corns went away on their own there's a really good chance that if you do end up resorting to surgical removal it won't come back. I hope the cream works for you though.

  8. Some of you know already - we adopted a tripod a month ago. :) He's a right hind amp from a leg break at the track. If anyone has any suggestions on managing a tripod for long term, let me know. Right now, he's FINE, but I imagine we may face some things as he ages. He's on all the usual suspects of supplements but wondering if we should add in the occasional massage, etc. It seemed right to open our homes and hearts to a tripod after losing Berkeley. In a lot of ways, Buster reminds me of Berk - fearless and brainless. :lol


    So, how is "Sandy" doing? he was such a love! What a great passenger he made.


    For all those that don't know.....This little guy was being chased by SuperStorm Sandy all the way up the coast from Fla.


    Was this Razor who came from GPAEC?


    I just wanted to make sure I wasn't being unreasonable ... Some receptionists have been incredulous to my request.


    Is it the staff or the vet himself/herself that is telling you you must have the vaccines before they will do the dental? The reason I ask is because the staff at my vet's office insisted the same thing, however when I brought it up on another visit my vet was fine with doing the dental without the vaccines.


  10. Nadir is going to have his teeth cleaned and have a corn surgically removed on the 18th of December. I want to have Amicar on hand in the event of any tooth extractions that may be necessary. I'm having trouble though finding local pharmacies that carry it. My vet can get it, but he would have to order a 100 count bottle at a price of $200+. Those who have used Amicar, where did you have your prescription filled?

  11. The difference between Acana and Orijen is the proportions of meat to carbs/veg/fruits. For instance Acana Pacifica is 60% fish and 40% carbohydrate/vegetables/fruits with a protein level of 33% compared to Orijen 6 Fish which is a 80/20 split with a 38% protein level. I used to feed the Orijen 6 Fish and all mine did super on it.

    Acana has a wide range of products from those with grains and those without. I like that they have also developed single source protein foods for those on limited protein source diets.

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