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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. The generic of Clomicalm is clomipramine. Clonazepam is a benzodiazepine, a drug in the same class as Valium (diazepam) and Xanax (alprazolam).


    For the OP - how is Beanie doing?

    The sore is looking much better. I've been using Manuka honey spread on a Tefla pad placed against the wound then wrapping the leg with gauze. I keep a Bite Not collar on her while I'm gone and take it off when I'm home to watch her. She's getting better about not trying to fuss with it, but she still does occasionally so I know we're not out of the woods yet.

    I haven't had a chance to get the DAP diffuser yet, I'm going to go tomorrow to get one. I'm going to try for now to hold off on using pharmaceuticals and try some of the herbals Laura mentioned in her post above.

  2. Lucy, I'm sorry your having to go through this with Legs. Trust me I know how you feel



    Vetmedin 2x a day, no running or strenuous exercise, recheck in 3-4 months. Instructions on where to bring him if he collapses when my vet is closed :( unfortunately both my vet & the emergency center are 30 mins away. this med is $87 for 16 days which is insane. I need to find a cheaper place to get it.


    I am glad to finally have a dx, but kind of in shock. I didn't really get a clear answer from the vets today what his prognosis is & reading online it doesn't sound good at all. The vet tech gave me a hug which scared me since the last time she did that was when Riley was dxed with osteo...


    I feel your pain. Ace's Leukeran is $10 PER PILL and she takes TEN pills every other week.


    I too need to see if there's some way to get it cheaper.



    If you haven't already check with SBH Medical Compounding pharmacy in Worthington, OH. I've gotten the best prices from them for both Bruiser's and Beanie's chemo drugs.


    Kristin, does Ace have to be on Leukeran specifically or could she take the generic chlorambucil? When I was pricing this for Beanie, which on the chemo regimen she is on requires (3) doses of 34mgs each I was looking at a cost of $600. I had my vet call SBH and they compounded the drug into (6) 17mg capsules so I didn't have to handle so many and the best part is with shipping included the total price came to $96

  3. Just a quick correction. Clomicalm is a long-acting daily medication like Prozac that has to build up in their system. Other quick, short-acting anxiety meds that are starting to be used more for dogs are trazodone and clonidine. However, if the vet prescribing the meds is not the one doing the chemo, make sure the oncologist is aware of any meds you're considering to make sure there are no interactions. If you're unable to find something that works that your vet is familiar with, you might want to ask the vet to consult with a veterinary behaviorist.


    I always recommend this when prescribing an immediate-acting anxiety med. All have the potential for undesired side effects, and it's best to make sure you're not going to have any weird reactions before you actually try to use it in the situation where the dog is needs it.

    First of all, thank you for your input. My vet that is administering the chemo is not an oncologist. He researched the different protocols for lymphoma and chose to use RMUW-19 because he was familiar with use of the different agents used. OSU should be able to tell me if any of these medications would have interactions with any of the drugs he is on.

    I'm going to give a DAP diffuser a try and see if that helps any. I'm also going to try lavender essential oil and I was reading that supplementing with the amino acid l-theanine has been helpful.

  4. I haven't had a chance to ask about other medications yet because of the weekend. I thought this morning that maybe I had broken the cycle of licking because I was able to leave the collar off in the evening and overnight through this morning and she wasn't bothering that leg. The wound was starts to scab over on the surface then I took a nap and woke up to this :(



  5. Seems silly to ask but, have you tried reducing the dose to see if that eliminates the undesirable side effects? Start at 0.5mgs perhaps?

    I tried reducing the dosage to 1mg, which helped with the bad side effects, but did nothing for her anxiety when I took her in to the vet. I just wasn't sure if she needed to be on the lower dose longer for her to benefit from it.

  6. Beanie is a bundle of nerves everytime she has to go in for her chemo. I ask my vet to prescribe her Xanax to see if that would help. I only gave it to her prior to a vet visit once and I didn't see any improvement. In fact, when given the recommended dose a couple nights prior she was stumbling around and seemed even more anxious. I reduced the dosage and she seemed to tolerate it better, but I didn't see an improvement in her anxiety level.

    Is this drug, if it is going to work, effective if given only for isolated incidents or is it necessary to build up in the system and stay on it to get any real benefit from it. The reason I'm asking is because her nervousness coupled with some irritation at her injection sites has caused her to start self mutilaton of her leg by constantly licking it. A Bite-Not collar is working for now, but if I take it off I find after some time she goes back to lick, lick, licking again. I'd love to be able to reduce her stress level so she'll stop this and relax more when going to the vet.

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