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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. Incontinence as in dribbling while walking around and/or making puddles while asleep and unawares?


    Or I would add not dribbling, but making puddles while awake. Have the owners been able to witness these episodes or are they coming home to find them?


    I wonder if they are missing something in their diets... Any supplements? Many diets are iodine deficient... And if they are not rotating protein sources there could be issues.any organ meat?


    Canned veggies?


    Canned vegetables do tend to have a lot of sodium.

  2. Does there happen to be a common food that is eaten by these dogs? As far as not testing for TBDs I would remind the vets who is paying them and who is paying for the tests.


    Just wanted to add from my own experience with Nadir. First time was a dietary issue solved by eliminating rice and the second bout was pain related which has been relieved with 200mg of Gabapentin 2X a day.

  3. The thing that would concern me about the dog door is that your only addressing the housekeeping issue. Capri should be able to hold it for the lengths of time you are gone and if she's not to me its a sign that something is wrong either medically or behaviorally. The fact that she goes by the door tells me she's trying to do right so that would eliminate behavioral, which leaves a medical issue. Just because your vet can't figure it out doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

    I swear I could copy Susan's post and substitute Nadir's name for George's and it would be exactly what I have experienced. The sudden need to eliminate and being totally helpless to control it once it starts gushing out. Which, by the way is totally unlike his normal peeing method, which is to mark in about 20 different places. The accidents, like Capri's, started sporadically then became an every day event. I spent nearly a year just recently working with my vet trying to figure out what was causing him to have daily accidents. In the past it had been solved with an elimination of rice from his diet, this time though diet changes, and I made numerous, were not helping. In desperation I asked one of the vet's I brought him in to see about trying Gabapentin to see if these uncontrollable issues with peeing were being caused by an issue with nerve pain. Thankfully she was receptive to letting me try it. After 3 days of being on a twice a day dosage the accidents stopped. I did have to increase the dosage from what we started at, but now we've addressed the pain that was causing the problem. Which is one of the reasons I'm sharing my experience with you. I suspect Nadir's problem is either caused by Painful Bladder Disorder or nerve pain, interestingly Gabapentin is given in both these instances. My mother knows someone with PBD and the fact that she has access to a bathroom does not change the excruciating pain of this disorder as I'm sure Susan will agree that having access to a bathroom does not eliminate the pain she experiences.

  4. Really the best dog food is the one "your" dog does good on and that fits "your" budget. I'll tell you what is working for mine and that is California Natural Grain-free Venison and Potato. It is admittedly higher priced than grocery store brands, but is actually pretty decently priced when compared to big box pet store foods. I was surprised to find that it was cheaper than the Nutro Grain-free Venison and Potato. Not only is it less expensive it has more calories per cup so you feed less and right now Natura foods, i.e. California Natural are buy 10 bags get 1 free. And as for output I'm so impressed I'd swear I was feeding raw if I didn't know better. That's my experience, others will have other foods that work for their dogs.

  5. Because of the high interest after the promotional period I only use it if I'm absolutely sure I can pay it off within that time period.

    Something to remember is that it is the facility accepting CareCredit that sets the length of time you have on the promotional period not CareCredit.


    For example, Luka is now making big strides w/Neko.


    I thought the thread had ended on a positive, friendly note... maybe I was wrong.


    It did. The problem is people don't read the entire thread before commenting as evidenced by the comment following this one I'm replying to. I've been reading along and glad to hear that the OP didn't just throw in the towel so to speak, but chose to make an attempt to make things work. And it does seems that things are going in a positive direction. I'm looking forward to reading more good reports and hopefully in time seeing pictures of them together when they're both comfortable with each others' company.

  7. Jane, thank you for your comments and sharing your experience with SBH. Its good to know that OSU recommends them. Tracey also spoke very well of them. My vet and I called the different pharmacies and it seems that SBH does have the best price. He's going to write me a script so that I can just order it myself.

  8. If your vet puts up road blocks or acts like your questioning a cost is a problem, then you might want to look into another vet. I think most "good" vets understand how hard it is to balance your feelings for your dog and the economics of having a pet, and they will work with you to a certain extent.



    I found this so true with the vet I have now. I have him to thank that I still have Bruiser with me. The night we found the mass on his spleen I was quoted a starting price of $2500 for the splenectomy and that didn't count the nearly $600 fee I incurred that night. I brought Bruiser home that night and saw our regular vet first thing the next morning. I told him our situation and explained that I couldn't afford what the other vet had quoted knowing what the odds of survival were. He performed Bruiser's splenectomy the next day including taking x-rays and an ultrasound to check for metastases first, his recovery time and medicines after and the charge was equal to what I paid for his visit at the e-vet and all they did is take 2 x-rays and give him a shot for pain. He has also gone above and beyond in helping me with his chemo. I can't remember for sure, but I believe he got the chemo for me at his cost and has only charged me $30 each visit for bloodwork and settling up the i.v. catheter line. He never charged for the actual time it took him to administer it. He also helped me out with the gabepentin I needed for Nadir. The best price I had found was $16 for (120) 100mg capsules, which was a month's supply. That certainly was a very good price and very affordable, but when I told him he said to let him first check with his suppliers. He ordered it for me and gave it to me at his cost. He got me a bottle of (500) 100mg capsules for about $35.

  9. Chris, I couldn't find a Holley Pharmaceuticals in AZ, the only I found online was the one in California where I get the artemisinin from. Is this the one your talking referring to? If not, would you still have their contact information?


    Tracey, thanks for the additional leads. I do agree about the customer service and being able to trust that it was compounded professionally are very important. I will definitely keep that in mind.

  10. Sounds like regurgitation - essentially bringing up what's still in the esophagus and hasn't made it all the way down into the stomach yet. If it is happening frequently and not associated with activity, excitement, or drinking too much too quickly, I'd ask your vet about taking an x-ray to check him for megaesophagus. May not be a big deal if he's just bringing up just fluid, but it can cause problems if it progresses and he starts to have trouble keeping food down.


    I remembered reading some time ago that regurgitation of water on a regular basis could actually be a sign of something wrong. I did some searching and found megaesophogus mentioned as a possibility, but it seems there was also something else. I just wish I could remember everything I read.

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