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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. :weep It's a heartbreaking decision to make. The right thing to do is not always the easy thing to do. I'm so sorry.


    How very true these words are. Robin, I too am very sorry :( . Please know that you and Elsie will be surrounded by those who are holding you in their thoughts. Give that sweet girl a gentle kiss for me.

  2. Oh Robin, it sounds like Elsie is still ruling with an iron paw :beatheart. I'm keeping you, Rich, Elsie and the rest of your pack close in my thoughts :grouphug

    Have you discussed with your vet about adding gabapentin for pain relief? There have been many of those with osteo that have been helped by adding it along with Rimadyl and Tramadol.


    I gave Joe a 10 mg pill, but I know the dosage for benedryl is about twice what I would take, and am wondering if it's the same with this. He groans when the eye is rubbed, like when he gets really good ear rubbies. I don't think it hurts at all.


    Beanie's allergies affect her feet and chest area. She had licked her feet to the point they had become raw and she was having difficulty walking. One 10mg *Zyrtec tablet has been sufficient to relieve her symptoms and allow her feet to heal.

  4. I don't have an official diagnosis of what is causing them, but I'm going to share with you what has worked to eliminate Nadir's daily accidents. After numerous tests and no cause found I ask my vets to try him on gabapentin because I believe his accidents are caused by painful bladder syndrome. He also exhibited the same behavior of sudden urination like Max. It took a few days for the gabapentin to start working, but now the only time he has a problem is if I forget to give it to him or he eats something he shouldn't.


    Edited to add that Nadir is 11-1/4.

  5. He didn't do a neurectomy, but my vet recently did a temporary nerve block on Nadir's toe to determine if a suspect corn was the reason for him holding up and not wanting to put weight on one leg. As soon as the toe was numbed he was back to standing on that leg again and walking without a limp.

    How were the other corns eliminated? Have you tried surgical removal of these 2 corns? I'm not referring to hulling, but removing the whole corn. I know there are always chances they will return, but this is lessened if wide enough margins are taken when removing. Nadir had a corn removed from a weight bearing rear toe about 2 years ago and none have come back up on that toe. My plan is to have this new corn also surgically removed. I am, however, interested in the neurectomy procedure though and will definitely follow this thread in hopes that others may have more information, pros and cons, of this.

  6. Funny how times have changed. 20 years ago, Iams was a premium food.


    I agree with others--sometimes the super premium foods are too rich.


    So true! and Petsmart and all these premium brands didn't exist either! A lot f households fed the dog table scraps.


    Exactly. I remember driving 30 miles each way to get the higher quality Iams green bag or Lamb & Rice because it was SO much better than the grocery brands or table scraps! :)


    What's really funny is that table scraps were what was left over from your dinner plate. So your saying that a bowl of dogfood, and I don't care which brand, is better than what our parents served us for dinner. If they had only known better we could of all been eating a nice big bowl of Iams green bag every night.

  7. This is not a judgement on my part, but that made me sick just reading about it. Poor Brooks :(. I'm rather surprised they didn't give him anything for pain when it happened. I imagine it would be comparable to having a finger severed and I couldn't imagine being without pain meds for that. I've never personally dealt with happy tail thankfully, but a good idea I've read is to tape the dog's tail to one leg so they can't whack it around while its healing.

  8. Something to think about is this is not just targeted at hemangiosarcoma, but the way cancers spread. Hemangiosarcoma was used as the model because it is such an aggressive cancer. I decided to look into this when Jane (joejoesmom) posted this earlier. What held me back was the cost. To give Bruiser the 100mg/kg dosage it would have cost me $313.00 every 24 days, for an average size greyhound that amount would last approximately 30 days. I found a Dutch company that offers the PSP mushroom complex at a much better price. They use the same patented COV-1 strain of Coriolus versicolor and the same patented extraction process that I'm Yunity is using. Through them a 30 day supply for Bruiser was brought down to $157.00. I've had Bruiser on it for about 2 weeks now, hopefully I'll have several good updates to post. If anyone is interested in looking into it here is a link.

    http://www.oriveda.com/JAM/jrox.php? id=137_1


  9. I'm curious for those using Advantix did you actually have a tick problem or just wanting to avoid one? The reason I ask is because we are now having a tick problem here so I decided to treat with Advantix and it is neither repelling the ticks nor killing them after they bite. Every day I'm pulling ticks off of them and it is beyond disgusting.


    Edited to add that this is Advantix II that I am using and it is not working here.


    a lot of folks here have had good results with amp. It's expensive though, so not an easy choice.


    sending more hugs. I really, really feel for you. :grouphug


    Thanks....that's also part of the problem. It is breaking my heart that I may not be able to afford it :cry1:brokenheart


    Please know that your inability to afford this is by no means seen as a reflection of the depth of love you have for him. I know that doesn't erase the pain of it. I just want you to know I do understand and I'm so sorry your having to make these decisions.


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