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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. ... I will often feed Dudley right when I wake up, around 4:30 am. He normally eats at 7 am and 5:30-6pm .I get home usually around 1 pm, by 3 pm, Dudley is barking, whining and in general just acting like I am torturing ....

    If you look at Dudley's old schedule there was 10-1/2 to 11 hours between meals. Now he eats at 4:30 and whines 10-1/2 hours later like clockwork at 3:00. His internal clock is telling him its time to eat. So, yes, to him he is hungry. Its not so much the time of day, but length between meals that is the problem. I know greys at a kennel may only eat once a day, but they are fed an entire day's portion and have become accustomed to eating like this.

  2. Right, but I believe they're typically lower in carbs, in so far as the protein: fat: carb: ratio.

    Not necessarily. There are a few brands like Orijen, Acana and Evo that do state the meat to carb ratio because their ratios are high, but few other brands do this. I suspect because it is just the opposite and people would wonder why they are paying a higher price for fillers. Most foods don't even list the carbohydrate percentages so one really doesn't know.

  3. He's probably fine, but sometimes it's hard for dogs to keep weight on when they're fed grain-free. Many grain-free foods are high in protein, low in carbs (although some are also high in fat). I'm not certain how BB Freedom compares. But anyway, it's sort of the same for humans (like how people use the Atkins Diet to lose weight). Protein and carbs are both used to supply energy to the body, but protein is metabolized slower and used to build lean muscle whereas carbs are more likely to be stored as fat. Some greys, who already have a high metabolism, need the carbs to maintain weight. Grain-free is great for dogs with allergies or weight issues, but IMHO not necessary for a dog that's otherwise healthy. Then again, everyone has their own thoughts on food, and everyone knows their own dog best. :)

    Just because a food is grain-free doesn't mean it's carb-free. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, peas or other carbohydrates take the place of grains.

  4. We tried one like that from the vet when Beth had her toe injury and it did NOT work AT ALL. First off, one size was too small and one size was too big for her (around the neck for a proper fit) and it didn't stay in place; and then with the long greyhound nose it totally didn't stop her reaching her foot. Maybe it would help on an injury on their back.


    Muzzle with stool guard has been much, much, much better for us.

    Nadir had a corn on his rear leg surgically removed this past Tuesday. I tried the Bite Not collar which proved to be absolutely ineffective, with those long greyhound legs it was no effort at all for him to reach his foot. Muzzle with stool guard is what is working for us now too. Although I have to say since I sprayed the area with Silver Biotics he is not so obsessed with licking it and I'm not having to keep the muzzle on that much.

  5. I'm sorry to hear Pudge is not doing well :(. She looks like such a sweet girl. I know the timing is terrible with the holidays, but if she's getting really sick with the cephalexin if possible I would try to get it changed for another antibiotic she tolerates better. I know that's easier said than done right now. Nadir got extremely sick when put on cephalexin. I make a point now to make sure he doesn't get it.

  6. Hmmm... there are dogs who have been the same food for years, then all of a sudden develop an allergy or intolerance to it. But if she's been on TOTW for five months and still has firm poops, and the gas is the ONLY thing going on... then I'm inclined to believe it might be something else. Maybe her GI tract is having a hard time recovering from the digestive bacteria that was killed by the antibiotics. What kind of probiotics are you using? We've had luck in the past with FortiFlora.

    Good thinking. I think you might be on to something regarding the digestive bacteria and the antibiotics. I was trying to think of other possibilities aside from the food that could cause the gas issue and aside from maybe worms was drawing a blank. And yes, as you stated a food intolerance can arise at any time. Nadir has developed intolerances to rice, fish and beef after eating them for years. With him even the smallest amounts of these foods affect his bladder to the point he has sudden uncontrolled voiding.

  7. Please don't discount corns as being a possibility for what is causing his lameness. My grey Nadir spent 2 yrs in pain because I was told from one vet that it was diskospondylosis, another vet that the problem was in his knee and two other vets that had no answer. I at one point even had him examined by the orthopedics dept and had a MRI and spinal tap done at a veterinary teaching hospital with no answers to why he was walking like a 90 year old crippled man. I finally found a vet that diagnosed a corn as the problem (this was prior to being on GT and learning about corns). I had the corn surgically removed and once the toe healed he not only walked more spryley, but even started moving at a trot on our walks. I spent about $6000 in taking him to different vets for testing and treatments and more importantly he spent 2 yrs in terrible pain because neither the vets or I knew to consider corns as a cause for lameness. On top of that we have to deal with the stomach problems he developed from taking the meloxicam he was prescribed when he was diagnosed in the beginning with diskospondylosis.

  8. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.


    The real problem which people overlook is that something IS broke and do nothing to fix it. Instead of having to settle for prescription food because that is all your dog can handle do something about healing the gastrointestinal tract. Manuka honey and L-glutamine are two things that have proven to help with this.

  9. I'm so sorry :(. I have a friend whose grey passed similarly. There had been no trouble when all of a sudden she started going into convulsions. She did manage to get her to the vet and when the vet on staff said she was going to be alright my friend told him ' no she's not, can't you see she's dying?' A moment later and she was gone.

  10. For the record I would like to say that because of the extremely high temperatures that the majority of kibbles, whether high or low priced, are cooked at, are all crap. High temperatures produce chemicals called heterocyclic amines, which are extremely potent carcinogens. Orijen is one of the few brands that cooks their kibble at low temps. In addition starchy foods, like corn and yes potato,when cooked with oils produce another potent carcinogen acrylamide. Unfortunately homecooked, raw or the few commercially produced "safe" foods are not in the majority of most people's time or budget.

  11. I have 2 currently on California Natural GF Venison and Potato. For a kibble I would classify it as upper mid grade. It does not have the high protein and fat percentages though of most of the premium foods. In fact it has lower protein and fat than Iams, which most people here rave about. A 30# bag runs about $65. This will last the average greyhound about a month. Also, CF has a promotion where after you buy 10 bags you get 1 free, which further brings the price down.

  12. After reading all the above, I am more confused and depressed than ever. Opie ate some yesterday, cookies, (lots!), hamburger, canned food. This AM, he ate some chicken sandwich meat, and some cooked hamburger.. Now with this new (and growing) lump on his back leg towards the top (more in muscle, than on bone), and the swollen lymph nodes, I started thinking maybe we should go back to the oncologist and just do some radiation, and chemo. I know without surgery to remove any and all of these lumps it is only a matter of time, But to see that Nube got that, to the tune of $5000, and got a few months - do I want to do that? Is it worth it? To have him sick, with treatments, for the time he has left?

    Even OSU is baffled by his case, can't determine exactly what it is. They have been in contact with me since yesterday. Xrays inconclusive - suggesting CT scan if I want clearer pics? Will any of this matter to him, all these tests, just to tell me EXACTLY what it is? He has a tumor on his rib - that we know. He has another lump on his back leg, lymph nodes big on underside of leg. Do I keep testing and testing to put a name to it, and will the end result be the same anyway? I am at such a loss as to what to do any more, so exhausted. Oh, and the night coughing/hacking - not as bad last night, but am sure this is all related. (Of course he didn't do it at the vets, so she couldn't hear it). I wish I knew exactly what to do, but its so speculative.

    I'm so sorry that your having to go through this with your boy. This is what "I" would do, mind you it is not the right or wrong thing to do. First, I would make sure he is on enough pain meds to be comfortable. Second, I would forgo anymore expensive testing. I would use the money instead on chemotherapy treatments, if you can afford them. Please don't beat yourself up though if you can't. I know in some areas they can be quite expensive. Also, try not to worry about how the chemo will make him feel. Most dogs have very few problems tolerating it. Bruiser went through 5 rounds of doxorubicin with minimal problems. Beanie is currently going through a modified Wisconsin protocol and aside from a significant weight loss over this week is doing well. She hasn't lost her appetite so I'm pretty sure that her weight loss is a combination of the prednisone she's on and me changing her diet and not giving her as much as she needs. If you would like to try the artemisinin I have a bottle I started Bruiser on which I would be happy to send you if you like. I only used a few out of the bottle. And lastly, I would take each day like Opie does, one at a time. If you keep him comfortable and pain-free he won't know he has a terminal illness. He is living for the moment, try your best to enjoy him for those moments :grouphug

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