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Posts posted by 4My2Greys

  1. What's the membership fee out of curiosity? (Yes, I'm too lazy to go look myself :blush)


    $100 for individuals and adoption groups and $149 for Veterinarians. I'm curious as to what the difference is as far as information is concerned between the 2 memberships.

  2. I agree with tbhounds that giving 1/2 of a 7.5 mg meloxicam tablet is too high. I would only consider that a reasonable dose for a dog over 80 lbs. And rather than kidney or liver issues, I'd be more concerned about the potential for GI ulceration and even perforation, which can happen very quickly. I remember reading reports of dogs that had died from GI perforation caused by meloxicam, and most of the dogs were on the generic human tablets instead of the veterinary liquid. IMO, not worth the risk to save some money.


    My vet who has gone out of his way to help me save money said he would not feel comfortable using the pill form of meloxicam when we were discussing Bruiser's metronomic protocol because of the very reasons you stated.


  3. Gabapentin for urinary issues? Can you tell me more? I come home quite frequently to a puddle from Zim. She had a big workup this past winter which revealed it was behavioral. (No big suprise) No one ever offered me gabapentin.


    I had been dealing with coming home daily to puddles from Nadir for nearly a year and my vet never mentioned it either. In his and your vet's defense though the use of Gabapentin for pain related issues for canines in issues like this are fairly new. I suspected Nadir's urgent needs to void were nerve pain related and after reading on here how well it is tolerated I brought it up at one of his vet visits and he was put on it. I'm really not sure of the actual source and cause of Nadir's pain that is causing this, but I have suspected Interstitial cystitis or Painful Bladder Disorder. Interestingly I came across a study in which Gabapentin was found to be effective for reducing pain and the urge to urinate in patients with severe cases of PBD.

  4. Susan, I would definitely discuss with your vet about putting George on the Gabapentin at least twice a day. Gabapentin is most effective when given in 3 divided doses. Twice a day dosing should really be the minimum with no longer than 12 hours between doses. 200mg 2x a day was working for Nadir's urinary issues, but he was still doing a lot of panting from pain on this dose so I upped the dose to 300mg and that really seemed to make a difference not only in his panting, but he was also more playful so I knew he was feeling better. Unfortunately the limp in his right leg which I thought was somehow related to all of this has been worsening so I've got to get him back to the vet to be looked at again.

  5. I've had Nadir on Gabepentin twice daily ever since I learned in early July that it helped him maintain control of his bladder. I no longer come home to him in a soaked incontinence pad or a puddle on the floor. About 3 weeks ago I realized on my way to work I had forgotten to give him his morning dose. I came home to a puddle later that day when I returned home from work. Just this past Thursday I came home to find a puddle on the floor. My first thought was oh no, its starting again. That was until I found the 3 cheese wrapped Gabapentin I had forgotten to give him sitting on top of the microwave. Its hard to believe one dose could make such a difference, but it does.

  6. If you have no local source for a food you want order from Wag.com. They offer 2 day shipping on orders which is free if the order is over $50. I've ordered a few times from them and been very satisfied with their service. I'm not sure if they are still doing it, but Champion Foods makers of Orijen and Acana had a program where you collect Proofs of Purchase and receipts from 10 bags and then get 1 free.


    Edited to correct spelling.

  7. About 4D meats.. Be aware that you can't know feom reading the label what the quality of meat is in a product. It requires knowing about the company and where they source their ingredients from, how the meat is handled, treated, stored and preserved prior to being added to the formula, etc. A cow that died during transport and was dead for who-knows-how-long before finally being diverted from the human market to a pet food facility can still show up as "beef" or "beef meal," just like a free-range cow slaughtered in the prime of life that was allowed to graze in organic pastures! I wish they were required to list the ranking as they do on fresh meat labels for human consumption, but they don't.

    Which leads us back to another recurring theme of mine. It is more than interesting that the owner of a company that produces "5 star" super premium foods owns several dead livestock removal services.


    They produce canned that retails for well over $2 and canned that retails for around .75 under another label. Are they really using different beef in each? Is the beef in their high end 5 star dry different than the beef in the 50 pound bags of dry?


    Pam, this goes to Kaila's point of knowing the company your dealing with. Champion Foods and Honest Kitchen are 2 of the best companies out there. However, their products are so expensive, especially Honest Kitchen, that it puts it out of the price range most can afford. It is fine for those who have small dogs or maybe 1 grey, but for those who have multiple large dogs it is extremely price prohibitive. When I was trying to figure out Nadir's latest incontinence problem I tried Honest Kitchen for awhile. I calculated that it would cost me right around $200 a month just to have him on it. That is why I say the best food is the one that you can afford and your dog does well on. That though is with the assumption that a person is not dining regularly on a steak and lobster diet while their dog has to settle for Kibbles and Bits.

  8. I want to add a recommendation for California Natural Grain-free Venison & Potato. The poops from all 3 have been so good I've often been tempted to take a picture of it and post it on one's of these threads :lol. I can get it locally, but have ordered through wag.com and been very satisfied with them. They have 2 day shipping that is free if your order is $50 or over. A 30 lb bag will last Nadir for 1 month and is $65. Natura has a promotion going on where you buy 10 bags and get 1 free which brings the cost per bag down to $59.

  9. Two of the listed reasons for the growing development of antibiotic strains of bacteria are

    1. Unnecessary use of antibiotics. (Just because she cut her foot doesn't necessarily mean an antibiotic is required)

    2. Patient failure to follow prescribed course of treatment. (This would include failing to take the entire prescribed course of antibiotics, which I'm pretty sure 4 Baytril would not be.)

  10. I'm a vet who practices conventional Western medicine, and I'm also mostly a very analytical and scientific person. However, I believe that science doesn't have all the answers, and there is a lot out there that we don't understand. Just because certain things (such as homeopathy, energy/Chi, animal communication, etc) can't be explained scientifically, doesn't necessarily mean that they are not valid.


    There are things that we take for granted as part of conventional medicine can't be explained scientifically either. For example, despite the long history and widespread use of gas anesthetic agents, the mechanism behind how they work is still unknown and not fully explained by science.


    IMO, it doesn't hurt to keep an open mind as long as we consider all available options and don't lose sight of the big picture. I feel that there are many chronic problems and diseases that are not adequately addressed by conventional Western medicine, and incorporating holistic alternatives can often help.


    Before this thread got buried too far I wanted to thank you for your very thoughtful and open minded approach to this and other forms of treatment. Your clientele and patients are very lucky to have someone like you.

  11. Oh Kristin :(:grouphug I know somewhat how you feel. I don't have the financial burden of an amputation, but I still have to make decisions based on the others I have, on how much I can do for Bruiser. Each item, when taken alone doesn't seem like much, but when you start adding it all together becomes quite costly. There is one thing that I have Bruiser on that is not costly and may be of interest to you. I don't know if she's already on it, but IP6 & Inositol has shown in studies to stop the growth and reduce the size of lung tumors. I am using the Enzymatic Therapy brand and a bottle of 240 pills runs about $24.00. The best price I found was through Allstarhealth.

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