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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. We've been going through a similar situation here with Sunny. He has been limping on and off on one of his front legs but only after running or playing. We'd rest him for a couple of weeks, but each time we let him run again he'd start limping again. Our vet could not find any cause for the limping so we took him to see a specialist greyhound vet who diagnosed a "subluxated facet joint" in his neck. I think this is just another term for a pinched nerve. I also took him to a chiropractor who agreed with this diagnosis and adjusted him. This was my first visit to a chiropractor and I have to say I was very impressed. Perhaps if xrays show nothing and rest does not cure it, you could consider getting the opinion of a chiropractor?
  2. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your good boy Phantom - may he rest in peace.
  3. I'm so sorry - she was so young and so beautiful .
  4. What an excellent idea to take pictures! I hope Jack does well with the treatment.
  5. I think you're very sensible not to let them in the water. One time Sunny (who's also not the brightest ) accidentally ran into the sea - it was like he didn't even realise it was there - right up to his neck. When we got him out he was shivering so violently I was really scared for him. Fortunately we had a couple of dog coats with us and were able to wrap him up in these until we got back to the car where we had some towels to dry him with. Now we always make sure we have towels as well as plenty of coats with us whenever we go to the beach.
  6. Mack was so beautiful - I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye.
  7. I honestly wouldn't worry too much just yet, especially as your vet said the creatinine was only just above normal. The same thing happened to me with my 4 year old greyhound with a routine blood test ie the vet said he had slightly elevated creatinine. Fortunately, from reading GT, I knew that greyhounds often have a higher creatinine than other breeds and wasn't overly concerned. After discussing this with the vet, he agreed that as the BUN and urinalysis were normal, it was unlikely there was a problem. Some time later, I had his litter sister tested too and her's was exactly the same, so the vet agreed it's just normal for them. I understand that stress (ie vet visit!) can also cause the creatinine to be a little raised too.
  8. I'm sorry you had to say goodbye to your sweet Beth .
  9. Sending my sympathy for your loss of Dowland.
  10. Sending my sympathy to all who loved Scotty. :grouphug
  11. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye but it sounds like he had a wonderful life with you.
  12. That's interesting ... we've been going through something similar here with Sunny for the last few weeks ... intermittent lameness after running or larking around, except that in our case it's a front leg. Like you, we've been very worried about what it might be. Our vet couldn't find any obvious cause so we took Sunny to see a greyhound vet yesterday. He managed to find a painful area in Sunny's neck which he says is causing the intermittent lameness. He called it a "spinal mechanical fault" involving "facet joint subluxation" and says he has only ever seen it in greyhounds. The interesting thing is that he said it is often caused by a fall. The initial treatment he prescribed was Valium for muscle relaxation (as Sunny can't have NSAIDs) + no running for 10 days. If that doesn't resolve the problem Sunny will have to go back for xrays and manipulation under sedation. Don't know if that helps at all, but it sounds a bit similar to what's been happening with Ned - except that Ned's a lurcher and it's a back leg . I'm sure there are facet joints all along the spine, though, so maybe Ned has injured one further along his back, causing the lameness to be in his back leg? Anyway, hope Ned feels better soon and good luck with keeping him quiet! We've been trying to keep Sunny quiet for 5 weeks now and he's bouncing off the walls .
  13. Saying goodbye is so difficult - rest in peace, Hayley.
  14. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to Ember. She obviously had the best life with you.
  15. Hawthorn


    That's a beautiful photo of him. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye. RIP Klem.
  16. I've been thinking about you too and will be keeping my fingers crossed for good news.
  17. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye Rest in peace, Festus
  18. Sending my sympathy to all who loved Hermione.
  19. Sending my sympathy - rest in peace Smiley.
  20. I'm going through the same thing with my 4 year old too, so I know exactly how you feel and how worried you are, and will be watching this thread and hoping for a good outcome.
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