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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. Beautiful pictures of Maggie - so obviously well loved - I'm so sorry for your loss.
  2. So sorry for your loss of beautiful Sparkle
  3. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to your special boy - RIP Jude.
  4. It takes time ... I still think about those I've lost every day but every now and then I'll remember some little thing about them and miss them so intensely, even though I share my life now with two beautiful hounds who I love dearly.
  5. I'm a little late in the day but just wanted to add my condolences on your sudden loss of Paris. Re the ashes, just give it some time and you'll know what you want to do with them.
  6. The last one we had (for our cat) had an opening in the bottom and the contents were in a sealed plastic bag. There's no rush, though, so why not leave it until you feel better about it? It's taken me up to 2 years to scatter some of mine's ashes, but others I've done within a few days - whatever feels right.
  7. I was thinking enlarged thyroid gland too - sounds like it's in the right sort of place - has she had her thyroid function tested recently?
  8. I couldn't vote as we lost Teddy only 2 weeks after diagnosis.
  9. You need to find a toothpaste that he REALLY likes (mine love the chicken flavoured ones) then take it very slowly. First few days just let him lick a small amount from the tube a few times a day, then put some on your finger and let him lick it off, then put some on your finger and rub it on his gum etc etc. Eventually you should be able to progress to a finger brush and then a toothbrush, but the secret is to build up to it very gradually.
  10. I'd get a second opinion from a different vet too. I don't like the sound of your current vet, especially the fact that she was "irritated" by your questions - that's just not right.
  11. We went through something very similar a few months ago with Sunny. He was limping off and on, the vet could find nothing wrong and we feared the worst. We decided to take him to a greyhound vet for a second opinion and he found that the problem was actually in Sunny's neck. A few months on and several chiropratic sessions later Sunny is well on the mend. So, I don't know if you could maybe get an opinion from an experienced greyhound vet, or a chiropractor?
  12. That's a really beautiful song and words ... thanks for sharing it
  13. Happy belated birthday Krier.
  14. Hawthorn

    Rip Peanut...

    What a sweetheart - I'm so sorry she had to leave.
  15. That's wonderful that she came for a visit on her birthday!
  16. Rest in peace Ashy and condolences to your family and all who loved you .
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