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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. Beautiful pictures of your beautiful girl - I am so sorry for your loss of Lulu.
  2. Rest in peace, Loralee - you were loved even though you never knew a home. :f_pink
  3. I'm very sorry for your loss - RIP Clandro.
  4. Yes, so many gone already this year . I always feel compelled to read every tribute even though it can be very upsetting and I find it so hard to know what to say that can be in any way adequate. But I always remember someone on here once saying that it doesn't matter what you say as long as you say something and I hope that's true. I agree that we should all cherish every moment because we really don't know what's just around the corner .
  5. Rest in peace, Cricket. She looks so sweet in her photos.
  6. Hello and welcome from another UK person . Jasper (love that name!) looks like a handsome chap and I know what you mean about them squeaking their toys when you're on the phone - mine do that too! Hope you enjoy the forum as much as I do.
  7. Hawthorn

    Tisha T

    I'm very sorry for your loss.
  8. So young .... I'm so very sorry for your loss.
  9. I'm so sorry - Cairo was beautiful.
  10. Hawthorn

    Pa Coach

    I'm sorry you had to say goodbye to Coach. You had a good long life together but it's always hard to say goodbye.
  11. Sending my sympathy on your loss of Gidget.
  12. Sending sympathy to all who loved Romeo.
  13. I'm sorry Savannah left you so suddenly - what beautiful eyes she had.
  14. Same here. Sunny snatched a chicken bone off the street whilst we were out on a walk a while back. I was very worried too but he was fine.
  15. My advice would be to try not to jump to conclusions, although I know that's a lot easier said than done. I worried myself sick when Sunny started limping just before Christmas (having lost a young greyhound to osteo a couple of years ago) but it turned out to be a trapped nerve between his shoulder blades. There are lots of things it could be at this stage, so try to take one step at a time. Also, if your vet can't find a reason for the limping and thinks it would be appropriate, consider seeking the services of a chiropractor. I took Sunny to one and was very impressed. I hope it turns out to be something easily sorted .
  16. I'm so sorry rest in peace, Hercules.
  17. Hawthorn

    Reuban Tyme

    How heartbreaking to lose Nero so tragically and two so close together .
  18. God bless Nadia, and bless you too for loving her.
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