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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. I'm sorry for your loss .
  2. That must have been a terrible shock and I am so sorry for your sudden loss. RIP Keota
  3. Vinnie's story has stayed with me since the first time I read it, because it's so very poignant . I think Vinnie had the most wonderfully happy face I've ever seen on a greyhound .
  4. Those pictures say it all - rest in peace, Smokey.
  5. This is so sad . Rest in peace Whiskey .
  6. So sorry for your unexpected loss - RIP Smokey.
  7. I love that poem, although it's very sad. They have it on the wall in reception at the crematorium we've used in the past.
  8. Hawthorn


    I'm sorry for your loss - Rest in peace King.
  9. What a touching story and such a wonderful photo of Crackerjack with his little friend - my condolences on your great loss .
  10. Lovely words . Ryce sounds like he was a wonderful dog and has left a remarkable legacy .
  11. That's very sad news . Bosha must have been an inspiration to so many and will continue to be so, I'm sure. Condolences to all who knew and loved him.
  12. I'm so sorry for your unexpected loss. I lost my first greyhound in similar circumstances. RIP Griffin.
  13. What an absolutely stunning boy and what a full and interesting life he lived. I'm sorry you had to say goodbye and am sure you must miss him very much.
  14. My first greyhound used to do this and I was never sure why. He later went on to develop Degenerative Myelopathy and I wondered if it might have been an early symptom of that but I really can't be sure so please don't worry unnecessarily. Sunny (4 years old) also does it and I'm inclined to think it's just muscle tiredness - from the effort involved in standing upright for any length of time ( ). I did recently read that reluctance or difficulty standing still can be a symptom of hypothyroidism so I'll be getting Sunny tested at some point. Has he got a bed he can lie down on at the Meet and Greets?
  15. Well, IMO, if you can see all her ribs and people are constantly commenting on how thin she is, then you do have a problem. Have you tried feeding her more? My bitch gets about the same amount of food as her brother, even though he weighs 25% more than her, because he's a lazy so and so whereas she's very lively and inquisitive and on her feet much more than him. If your girl will eat more, I'd try increasing the size of her meals and sneaking her a few high-calorie snacks during the day and see how she goes. Personally, I never take any notice at all of the amount of food my dogs are "supposed" to get. I just look at them every day and if they look a bit thin I give them slightly more and if they look a bit fat I give them slightly less. It works for me .
  16. Hawthorn


    Buzz was a lucky boy indeed to have such a long and happy life - RIP Buzz .
  17. Crooke sounds like she was very special .
  18. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry for your loss .
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