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Everything posted by Hawthorn

  1. Your grief is certainly not abnormal. Every journey through grief is different. It annoys me so much when people say "just a dog". Some people will concede that it hurts just as much to lose a dog as to lose a person but I feel that sometimes it hurts more to lose a dog because they love and trust us so unconditionally and we bond so closely with them. Don't try to rush things. Take your time and perhaps think of things you can do to remember Jock, such as planting a tree, making a memorial book etc. Rest in peace, Jock.
  2. Thank you for clarifying that Dr Feeman. I will get Sunny's WBC rechecked in a month's time to see if it is stable, before I give him any booster vaccinations.
  3. Thanks everyone . The papers are here Dr Feeman and here Dr Stack . Thanks for your advice . The leg infection is completely cleared up now and has been for at least a couple of weeks. I'm sure the diarrheoa has been from the antibiotics and I have been giving Sunny some probiotics and things have been slowly getting back to normal. Sunny also had a titre test done to see if he needs his booster vaccination this year. In about a week's time when I get the result of this, the plan is to give him any vaccines he may need. My concern with the drop in the value of his white cell count was that it might mean that he has some immune system problem going on which might mean I shouldn't vaccinate him at this time. From what you say, though, the count can vary drastically so maybe I shouldn't worry as long as it stays withiin the range considered normal for greyhounds? Thank you - that's a really interesting suggestion and I might just do that - I'd be really impressed if she actually replied to me! Consider Sunny hugged and kissed (endlessly) .
  4. I took Sunny to the vet today for his annual check up and had some blood tests done. When the vet rang with the results, he said that the only thing of note (apart from slightly below normal albumin) was that the overall white cell count was on the low side at 3.69 (range 5.5 - 16.9) but he said not to worry about it. Since then I've read up on this and Dr Feeman's notes say that normal range for a greyhound is 2 - 6 and Dr Stack says 3.5 - 6.5 so I don't think I need to be overly worried about this result, except that last year Sunny's white cell count was 6.9. This seems quite a big drop to me and I just wondered if anyone knows if this might be significant or whether this kind of variation is "normal"? Sunny is 4 years old and is healthy apart from he had a small area of skin infection on his leg, for which he had antibiotics 4 weeks ago, and has had diarrhoea since then, which is just starting to improve.
  5. I'm so sorry rest in peace Lewis.
  6. I'm sorry you had to say goodbye to your special little girl.
  7. Bullet was a most handsome boy - I'm sorry you had to say goodbye. f_yellow
  8. I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye rest in peace, Buddy.
  9. What a thoughtful thank you note and beautiful pictures of Bubba and Annie. Bubba reminds me of my lovely brindle boy, Teddy, who we lost to bone cancer at the age of 6, only 4 months after we adopted him. I was a wreck over the injustice of it and coming to terms with it has been, and still is, a long road. However, because of the effect Teddy's death had on me, I was forced to make some profound changes to my life and over time I have come to see that this was Teddy's "gift" to me. I'm glad that Bubba has led you to find this forum and I wish you both, and Annie of course, well on your journey.
  10. Hawthorn


    I'm so sorry for your loss.
  11. Eva was a very pretty girl indeed - I'm so sorry she had to leave.
  12. I can't offer any explanation either but I wanted to say how sorry I am that you lost your boy at such a young age and so unexpectedly. Life is often so unfair and there seems no rhyme or reason as to why things happen as they do. I can understand how devastated you are in your grief and shock but I hope you will eventually be able to find some peace. RIP Bubba Nomad
  13. I'm so sorry for your tragic loss - RIP Suenos.
  14. He's an extremely handsome boy - congratulations
  15. Hawthorn


    Rest in peace, Seamus.
  16. When Sophie had some stitches on her knee that I wanted to cover so she couldn't lick them, I made her this legging out of the sleeve of an old sweatshirt. I sewed some ties on and wrapped them around her middle and it stayed on very well and didn't seem to bother her at all. I don't know if it would work quite so well on a boy dog, though!
  17. So sorry for your loss - rest in peace, Eddie.
  18. I'm so sorry for your loss of your sweet Shuggie.
  19. Hawthorn


    What a beautiful boy - I'm so sorry you had to say goodbye to him, especially so young .
  20. What a beautiful little angel.
  21. I'm so sorry for your loss of beautiful Carrie.
  22. Hawthorn


    This makes me so angry and so sad . Rest in peace, Karson and to his family.
  23. Canyon is so beautiful! I hope the neurologist can find out what the problem is and sort it out.
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