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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Bevd


    What a fabulous tribute to an obviously very special dog I'm sorry he had to leave you for now
  2. Bevd


    I'm so sorry Diane
  3. I suspect that it might all work very differently over here in the UK but I answered the poll anyway. We have insurance for all our dogs and the monthly premium varies depending on age but as an example, our older dogs (including the greyhounds) cost about £12 - £15 (pounds stirling) per month BEFORE we take into consideration the multi pet discounts we get. We don't have kids and we don't go out for lots of meals and we don't go on lots of holidays etc so I'd rather spend the money on the animals insurance and have some degree of 'cushioning' from large vet bills. Recently Sally was treated for a cancerous mammary tumour. All in all, the bill was about £300 and I paid the £70 excess on her policy, plus 15% of the remainder (making a total of £104.50). If she needs further treatment for this same condition or anything related to it, within this policy year, I'll have nothing at all else to pay. If she needs further treatment for anything related to it once we move into the next policy year (Sept 06) then I'll have to pay the £70 again (plus 15% which is because of her age - she's going to be 12 this year). Maddison's cancer diagnosis/palliative treatments cost almost £2000 and all I had to pay was £70. Nothing in the world could have saved Maddison but with insurance, I was able to throw every possible comfort treatment at his condition without giving a moments thought to how I was going to pay for it. Before he was diagnosed, I could throw every type of x-ray and biopsy at it and not concern myself with anything other than what the tests would show. There is no question in my mind that insurance is a must for our family and I would urge anyone else to consider it for theirs. If I put away the monthly premiums each month and saved them for use on vets bills, that would be all well and good until I got one massive problem with a dog, which was on-going for a number of months or years. I would very soon have spent what I'd saved and then still need to find all the money for future treatments for that condition, PLUS any further illness or injury which may occur in that dog.
  4. The only one of ours who has ever had a bath is Stanley and that was because he needed to be shampo'd with special shampoo when he had itchy skin.
  5. Oh lordy me. I've just read all the tributes on that page Rest well puppies.
  6. Oooh I'm off to look. I wonder if I'll have to have 18 goes at getting my pin in the right place like last time
  7. Bevd

    My Buddy Larry

    I'm really sorry to read of Larry's passing
  8. Bevd


    Anniversaries are always hard I'm glad you're having fun travelling and that your travelling brought you to spend a day at Chez Doyle I'm sure Cody was laughing hysterically from above as she watched you get covered in British hounds
  9. Bevd

    Chyna Reign

    I love that collage
  10. Bevd


    I'm not sure how I missed this. I'm so sorry to read your news
  11. Thats so terribly sad for all concerned
  12. Bevd


    I think this bit just about did me in Night night Slick
  13. I'm so glad she came by today
  14. That's so sad I hope your friends Otis will by now have found the Otis that I knew and loved many years ago
  15. Bevd

    Rudy And Brad

    If only we knew what went on in their heads sometimes.
  16. Bevd

    I Had A Dream

    You received your best Christmas gift
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