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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Bevd

    Tragic Death

    What a terrible tragedy I'm so sorry for both of your losses and for the trauma you have all faced
  2. Bevd

    The Grand Ol' Dame

    Yet another angel to watch over us all. Night night Phoebe
  3. Bevd


    I'm so sad to hear of Annie's passing I don't 'know' you or your family or Annie, but I do share your pain. Annie - I know you'll be fine up there at The Bridge whilst you wait for your family. You're in very good company.
  4. Oh I am so sorry. Thinking of you.
  5. Bevd

    To My Best Friend

    I'm very sorry to read of your loss Night night Chippy, rest well
  6. Night night sweet baby
  7. trioblue - thanks for saying that Jessie's rainbow has helped you
  8. Bevd


    I'm sorry I've not seen this till now. I'm very sorry to hear about Solomon's passing
  9. I think I have about 3 actually Hannah I might now go off to Cute & Funny to post a Jessie pic thread
  10. With pleasure And a few more classic Jessie shots And just to show that we do have pics of Jessie that are not food related ()
  11. Today it it one year since Jessie left us for The Bridge. Earlier this morning, I posted the following on my other regular doggie forum and was planning on posting it here too but I got sidetracked with a vet visit etc (nothing to worry about). Anyway, this was what I put... It's one year today since Jessie left us for The Bridge. I have no doubt that if The Bridge has a good human food supply (which I'm sure it must), then Jessie will be up to her usual tricks and snaffling anything going, whether it belongs to her or not It's been a strange 12 months Jessie. It's been odd to not have to guard my dinner plate with my life and guest haven't had to sit with their food held high above their heads for fear of a long shnozzle zooming in at speed and whipping their pork chop or their slice of pizza. I'm sure you were surprised to have to welcome Sky cat on 30th Nov and then Buttons cat on 20th June and then Maddison, one of your partners in crime on 13th July but I'm sure you're keeping them all in line (behind you if the line relates to food in any way). If you get a moment, give me a wave :wink: I'm raising my packet of cheesy puffs to you, Jessie Doyle :love: Then, at 3.30pm this afternoon, I looked at the clock and said to DH that it was exactly one year since our appointment with the vet. As I said that, it started to rain. It was also very sunny so I wondered if there would be a rainbow. I went to look and there it was I grabbed the camera... It's not the most vivid rainbow picture ever, but it is a rainbow Cheesy puffs on desk at the time of the rainbow experience
  12. Fibrosarcoma. Maddison was 4 years and two months old when we lost him in July.
  13. Bevd

    Greyhound At Dewey

    This is so sad Night night little Scarlett
  14. I'm very sorry to hear of your loss today Seniors. There's something so extra special about them and they leave behind so many extra special memories
  15. I'm so sorry to hear that Checkers has left for The Bridge
  16. I'm so sorry Night night sweet Beatrice
  17. I..........killed.....the.......Christmas....thread
  18. Today I have been browsing ebay with my christmas head on. (I didn't actually buy anything but I felt the need to share the news with you anyway)
  19. Karl - if I get you, you get Branston & Crunchie bars
  20. Oh yes - the reveal. I think it's ideal if the SS reveals themselves inside the package by way of a card or a note or something, in case the recipient - for whatever reason - can't access GT or doesn't see the post.
  21. Is it nearly tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime yetttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
  22. Why? Are you a glutton for punishment??
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