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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. I would amputate too, if it's possible. Angel Maddison had Fibrosarcoma and amputation was not an option due to the location of the tumour. I'd probably go for the chemo option too though because although the spread rate is much loswer (20% rather than 98%) I'd still think that was too high not to blast with chemo. Best wishes for your sisters dog
  2. Hi and welcome I would say that if you can afford NOT to have insurance, that's great but if you are in any doubt about being able to lay your hands on hundreds if not thousands of dollars at any one time, without warning, then you really should consider taking out insurance. I'm in the UK so our insurance companies and how they work etc are different to the USA (which is where I am assuming you are from) so I'll leave the details about good companies/policies to those in your own country
  3. Bevd


    I'm sorry Diane Night night Tootsie
  4. I'm really sorry to hear the diagnosis I felt the same as you when Darcy was diagnosed with osteo. She had literally had NO symptoms until the very day her leg broke. She had no limp - no nothing but I wondered, after the diagnosis, how I could have missed such a thing. The fact is though, sometimes, no matter how vigilant we are, these things come up in the blink of an eye and there's nothing we could have done differently
  5. I suppose the only other thing would be to x-ray him to see if the sponge is still there somewhere
  6. Adding my good wishes for something simple and fixable
  7. Wallace's was a totally different toe (a front one) but we went ahead with the amputation and it turned out to be a bone infection rather than the other thing but we were still glad we'd done it because it was proving difficult to get rid of the infection and was therefore impossible for us to get rid of Wallace's pain. He suffered no bad effects after his amputation. Wishing Romi lots of luck
  8. Sending our best wishes and most positive thoughts
  9. Ned also had baby teefs when some of his big boy teefs arrived What I mean is, Ned still had some baby TEETH when some of his adult TEETH arrived If he'd have had any trouble with them or had they still been there when he went to be neutered (which was today as it happens) then I'd have got the vet to deal with them but they just fell out of their own accord and left him with just his lovely new adult peggies. I mean teeth.
  10. I'm glad to hear that the bandages are off and that she's doing well I'm assuming that the bandages came off easily and without problems or else you'd have mentioned it and I'm very glad about that too! I didn't want to say before the event but when we took angel Sally to have her bandages removed, it took one large muzzle, two nurses and 90 minutes to complete the task I'm glad Misty was better behaved than that
  11. Why does Jeff need etiquette lessons? : (I don't know why but the thought of it is making me do a big snigger)
  12. Uh oh. I feel for you. Do you know how long the bandages will have to stay on?
  13. Oh yes, I send good thoughts - for both of you I had to have this exact same thing done with Stanley and Sally. Stanley was fine. Sally utterly refused to walk - at all - until the bandages came off. I honestly thought that her back had gone or something, but no - as soon as the bandages came off, she was back to her normal silly self! Hopefully though, Misty won't be anywhere near as dreadful as Sally and will do more like Stan did
  14. What a gorgeous dog I'm very sorry for your loss
  15. You didn't have an appointment to kill him Mary. Killing is a cold, nasty thing which isn't done with love or care or kindness. The appointment you made for Freddy was to have him released from his discomfort and to allow him to be at peace. There's a massive difference
  16. I've not yet read the other replies. I said that options 1 & 2 apply. Maddison had to be PTS due to fibrosarcoma. Del had to be PTS because old age caught up with him and he was struggling to go on. Jessie was PTS for the same reasons as Del. Flo was PTS due to heart failure. Stanley was PTS due to arthritis making it impossible to go on. Sally was PTS due to the same reasons as Del & Jessie. Certainly, when there is a definate ailment involved, the decision can be more definitive but in all honesty, the decision is still never clear cut (with the exception of Flo, with her heart failure). With ALL the others mentioned above, they could have lived another day or another week or maybe longer, but to allow them to have done so would have made them struggle in one way or another, either physically, mentally or both. And I don't want their last days/weeks on earth to be terrible ones - I want them to be as good as they can be, given the circumstances. There has come a time with each one of the dogs above where watching them try their hardest to continue has become like a physical pain for both myself and DH and we've made the call. There may be outsiders who have looked in and thought that the call was made too early but I don't give two *beeeeps* for what anyone else thinks. They are OUR dogs and we'll make the call when WE feel the time is right. (I don't mean outsiders here on GT, I just mean in general). The upshot for me is that on the day concerned, for each of the dogs, I have known that the day had arrived. I just pray that I continue to know at the right time and never allow a dog to go on longer, for my own benefit, rather than theirs. (I'll read everyone elses replies when I get back from the Red Cross. It was not going to be a good idea to read them before I have to leave the house)
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