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Everything posted by Bevd

  1. Bugger and crap. As I said this morning, I have been exactly where you are right now. With with you both, each step of the way Can I point you here, in case you want it at some point http://www.tripawds.com/forums/
  2. Just read your update. I have been in your place
  3. If it's just a one off, I'd feed her as normal. Dogs puke for all sorts of reasons and 99% of the time, it means nothing at all to worry about
  4. I really hope she just pulled something
  5. I'm sorry to read of this turn of events Sending good thoughts from here
  6. You go and have a great time at Dewey Bow-dee and sniff some see air faw meeeeeeeeee! Love, Darcy xx
  7. Bevd


    I'm really sorry Lauri Sleep tight Miles
  8. Lauri - we are in virtually the same position as you, with Wallace. He is probably around the same sort of weight now as Miles and he too looks dreadful. He has the sunken eyes that you describe too. Wallace was diagnosed with a brain tumour a couple of months ago and he also has a problem with a couple of discs in his neck. He has muscle tremors which we did get under control with Tramadol when he first went onto it byt now, even though he is having 6 tramadol tabs a day (300 mg in total), the tremors are back. Nobody knows if the tremors are tumour related or neck pain related. He's seen vets, specialists, had an MRI scan (tumour is inoperable and even a biopsy isn't possible due to its location). He does eat now (thanks to Jillysfullhouse and her gift of Nutritional Yeast) but he's not gaining weight. He's still losing it in reality. I was talking to the vet the other day and we've decided to add in 75mg of Rimadyl daily, plus we have Gabapentin on order so he'll be starting that this week too. Other than that, there's nowhere else to go. Wallace still wants to go for a walk, even though he can't walk as far as he used to and he still loves to get treats and yesterday he picked up a stuffie for the first time in ages, so I don't feel that we are 'there' yet. This post hasn't given you the answers you're looking for but I just wanted to let you know that we understand
  9. I'm so sorry Stephanie I arrived on GT in September 2001 (with angel Maddison who was a puppy then) and remember how much I loved watching Nelly bring her puppies up It's the end of an era, isn't it? Sleep tight Nellie. You will always be remembered
  10. Bevd


    I didn't know Jerry personally but 'met' him through his Blog http://www.tripawds.com/progress/ I was very saddened to hear of his passing, two years after his diagnosis of Osteo. Sleep tight Jerry. We will always remember you
  11. Oh isn't it just awful I'm so sorry to hear of Jeds diagnosis
  12. I'm such a bore when it comes to pet insurance One thing to consider if you have cash put aside for emergencies is that say the emergency cost you $3000 and you paid that. If the emergency resulted in the dog needing expensive medication for life, you need to be able to cover that too. And each accident/illness which occurs before you take out insurance will definately not be covered by the time you do decide to take it out. So. My take is that if you can afford the x amount of dollars each month for a decent policy, take it out today. You may as well do it whilst the dog is healthy and whilst nothing is excluded rather than wait and wish you'd done it much earlier. My fear (not for you personally of course but in general terms regarding dog ownership) is people finding themselves in a situation where their dog gets diagnosed with some god awful ailment and they just can not afford to have the treatment offered so they have to go for the euthanasia option. As I said, I am a bore when it comes to this topic
  13. Can I also point you towards http://www.tripawds.com/forums/
  14. How terribly shocking for you all I'm really very sorry
  15. Hopefully, she'll be planning the Secret Santa. I'm jokinggggggggggggggg Trudyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
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