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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. Regardless of what the stool sample shows, you can dose with Panacur. It was what finally rid George of his diarrhea when he retired--
  2. What a beautiful picture of Jack--the strong silent boy. What a terrible disease. My old dog had a nerve sheath tumor--it was one of several types. He had been covered with fatty lumps--all of which were benign, but we knew we hadn't tested all of them. One day I was poking at the big one, and realized it seemed like a lump on a lump, and as I did so, he tried to bite me. Not a warning nip--and I KNEW. I knew he had cancer the second that happened. The options all sucked, so because of his age, I elected just to enjoy what time he had left. When it became clear to me he had enough, I let him go. It was hard, but it was right. Something my vet told me (as we sat on the treatment room floor with him, both crying) was that she's never had a patient regret putting a dog out of pain sooner, rather than later. You will know because Jack will tell you. I hope you have a good friend who will be there for you--actually be there--your "innerweb" friends will certainly be in spirit.
  3. Sounds like fleas to me! Have you applied their Frontline?
  4. Many greyhounds have a bald spot there! George has worn every kind of collar to see what works best--the Lupine collar that my adoption group supplied me with was the worst, followed by a shearling lined collar, then faux fur. The only kind that doesn't seem to make him bald is either leather or the kind lined with the satiny stuff (which I hear is actually the worst material for some dogs!).
  5. I think it's way more important to do the back teeth than the front! Of course George managed to destroy his own front teeth living at the track for three years--they're just stubs. My method is to actually straddle him, as if riding a horse, and brush away! He's pretty much OK with it. I have one of those special pet tooth brushes with the really long handle, and it works just fine.
  6. That's a good question. I don't see why your vet wouldn't--I've given Clavamox many times, and it has to remain it the sealed foil. My guess is that the vet returns it to the manufacturer for a refund since I don't think they could resell it--just in case some nutbag tampered with it. Let us know what you find out!
  7. My dog normally goes twice a day--but if I take him on a Greyhound walk, he'll go four times just on the walk! By the time he's finished, it's just liquid. I've seen a few of the other dogs do the same thing--I think as his excitement level goes up, his metabolism cranks up too. So, as others have said, I think your dog sounds pretty normal.
  8. Naaaaaaa. I came across my old dog once with a squirrel hanging from his nose! He had tried to kill it, but the squirrel ended up biting him. I called the vet in a panic, and he said, "Uhm, you know those rabies shots you pay for? They work. Don't worry about it." He also told me that rabies in squirrels is almost unheard of. I know you didn't actually ask about rabies, but that was my only concern.
  9. Da King of Cool, Gustopher P Jones, hooray for you!!!!!!!
  10. Grasp and pull. It's not that big a deal. My father made me start doing it for our dogs when I was 10 years old!
  11. Sounds like Cushings to me--or possibly similar to my non-Grey who had a kidney issue that we never really figured out--he couldn't concentrate his urine well?
  12. I use Frontline Plus on George. Zero side effects. I used Frontline on my old dog, and he was VERY sensitive to chemicals (a non-Grey) and I always had to apply it on a Saturday morning because it gave him diarrhea.
  13. Just curious why you're feeding her three times a day?? Dog normally eat twice.
  14. Ringworm...Google "Ringworm in Dogs"...it's contagious to humans. You need to get the vet to confirm it but I think that's what it is. That is NOT ringworm. Looks like either hives (allergic reaction to laying in the grass?) or possibly bug bites.
  15. Kramer took a Benadryl with each meal. His allergies got to be so bad that it no longer helped, but it worked for a while. I find that coal tar shampoo is the best for itchy skin. Way better than oatmeal. I think Nova Pearls makes a good one.
  16. Sounds like stones to me. I'd go with the ultrasound too.
  17. Deer Flashy, Ma gud frend. I habs had ma choppers shined last year, and ma vetimarian was very worryied about me on accounta everytime der was a noise, I try to start a race!! She habs had Mommy come get me, and take ma temperchur (up ma BUTT!) every howr. It was hoomiliating, and plus also, I hab only nown Mommy for WON WEEK. But I got to eat and drink all I wanted. Maybee did yu get a toofer pulled? Do KNOT worry. By da time yu reed this, yu will probably be bursting wiff ice creem and stuff on accounta I no yur Mommy is reel sweet on yu! Wags, Yur buddy, George
  18. Their lifespan was markedly shorter, just like people.
  19. I'm so sorry--I know what a shock it is. My brother's ex-wife woke up one morning with her freakishly large chocolate Lab laying next to her bed in his normal place, as dead as a doornail. He was 5 years old. I lost one of my Siamese cats this summer--he was playing with a toy one minute, and the next he was staggering around, then he stuck his tongue out and fell over dead. It was HORRIBLE. He was six. I didn't pay for a necropsy--there didn't seem to be much point. It makes a lot of people feel better to know why, so hopefully it will help you.
  20. Talk to your vet about all the reasons you should NOT let your dog ride with his head hanging out of the car window. I know they like it, and it's cute, but it's actually not a good idea.
  21. I do! Serious, serious problem with Lyme out on Nantucket where my family lives. While my vet admits it is not foolproof, she feels that its better to give it than not.
  22. The longer I walk, and the more interesting the walk, the more George poops! By the end it's a teaspoon...I have to stuff my pockets with bags! If we're just on our daily morning walk before work (read: boring!), he only poops once.
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