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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. My vet routinely uses antibiotics for a few days BEFORE and several days after a cleaning for both cat and dogs. Scraping around under the gumline in all that crud with a sharp instrument--it's not unlikely that you could easily end up with an infection far worse than any tartar visible to the eye.
  2. Oh, Janet. Foxy will live forever through Hope for Hounds. Love from Susan and George, Miss Parker, Tiger Woods, and Mister Bigglesworth
  3. Itchy ears can be a sign of allergies. My last dog had such terrible inhalant allergies he ended up with dual aural hematomas, and eventually what amounted to the canine version of cauliflower ears. Don't try to deal with it on your own without checking first at the vet. It could be anything from a foreign body to a yeast infection. You don't treat those in anywhere near the same way!
  4. Beth, she was a beautiful girl! I know how you must be feeling. She'll be watching over you, I'm sure. Susan
  5. Oh, Janet. I'm so sorry. I know how you must be feeling. Lots of love, Susan
  6. Food allergies don't cause vomiting--they typically cause terrible itching. My old dog was a frequent chucker--what helped was a daily dose of Tagamet. Too much acid in his tummy apparently. How often are you feeding her? Perhaps three small meals would be beneficial?
  7. I would have an x-ray of the affected limb only. I certainly would not do full body x-rays. I assume you're worried about bone cancer? From what I've read, any competent radiologist should be able to diagnose bone cancer.
  8. GeorgeofNE


    Happy birthday Pinky! I couldn't bring myself to watch the video--I just can't--but I think I've actually seen it before? Anyway Marc, I know how hard it must be just not knowing. Ooops. Didn't even have to watch the video, and I've sprung a leak anyway.
  9. I agree that any vet can help with a split toenail. Let your wife enjoy her visit--it probably doesn't require two adults to deal with one split nail! There are many dog tracks in Florida, so I imagine most of the vets are familiar with Greyhounds. Your girl is very pretty! I'd throw a piece of tape around the nail if it were my dog--to sort of hold the pieces together, like a vice! Good luck, and welcome!
  10. Most vets are very diligent about answering questions on the phone if there are things you forgot to ask.
  11. My dog was on Baytril for 14 weeks. He went over 3 months dry, and darn it all if he didn't have an accident yesterday. Rats, rats, rats!!!
  12. I sent test results to Dr. Couto via email. He answered me! Their Greyhound Wellness Project specifically says they offer a referral service for owners and doctors...so I think the answer is no, it does not.
  13. Take him to your vet and have a tech cut them. Even at my ridiculously expensive vet, that would be $10-$15.
  14. Absolutely. And I take it myself! Tramadol is a good pain reliever that seems to have few side effects. My last dog was not a greyhound, but had a very painful malignant tumor, and the vet prescribed it. I asked her if it was the same as what I take, and she said yes, so I just shared mine with him! Lots of greyhounds take it with no problem.
  15. Kerry, I can understand your angry--hopefully you feel a little better when you pick him up. He'll be fine, but unfortunately these things DO happen. I'm really glad you took him to the vet, and hopefully it won't turn (and stay!) ugly with the owner of the other dog. Why people don't take more care with an animal they know isn't friendly is beyond me. Hugs and hopes for a better day, Susan
  16. YES! Dog bites can be MUCH worse than they look. You also need to demand proof of rabies vaccination from the owner of the dog-- I'm so sorry! Poor Merlin! Susan
  17. Dermaxx is a pretty common pain killer. My old dog, a non grey, got terrible diarrhea from it, but most dogs do just fine.
  18. As everyone else said, I'd take her to the vet. Have the vet show you how to take her temp., for future reference. It's quite simple.
  19. If she's always been a burper, I wouldn't worry about it. If this is something NEW, not sure what to tell you! Some dogs burp a lot. I've found it very odd that in the 15 months I've had my Greyhound, I've only heard him burp once! My old dog (non grey) burped a lot. In fact I think he got a kick out of walking up to me, pretending he wanted to give me kisses, and burping right in my face! George rarely farts either! Hmmmm. I'm pretty glad about that.
  20. Probably a dangler as we call them! Piece of grass coming out of her butt. Always fun to do a dangler remover in public... Was she rubbing her butt and walking? Or just squatty walking? Sometimes the offending blade of grass zips back in... Charming, I know! I just had to perform a "grassectomy" last week!
  21. Three members of my HUMAN family have had Lyme's disease, and my brother had Babesia. I should mention they all live in Nantucket, which is a tick borne disease "hot zone." I wouldn't think of skipping Lyme, even if it isn't a sure thing. As far as the OP's question--I actually don't know. I go with what my vet suggests.
  22. Arthritis would not typically cause leg tremors and lethargy.
  23. Have you gone over the yard really carefully, maybe even "bug's eye" view? It would be a shame if it was something you could fix. Poor girls! I hope Misty feels better soon, and this is the last time!
  24. Sounds like it COULD be a torn ACL. She needs to go to the vet. They can tell you in 5 minutes if that's what it is--there is a very simple leg manipulation called the "drawer test" (may not actually be the correct term!). They gently pull in opposite directions the top half and the bottom half of the leg. If her ACL is gone, the top slides forward over the bottom. My old dog had this; it's not painful to her unless her "thigh" slides over her "shin," which is why you can move it around and get no reaction. But your description of her not using it at all, except for balance, sounds like exactly what happened to my dog. Good luck--I hope I'm wrong--I really do.
  25. George took Milk Thistle for a while. I just tossed the capsules in with his kibbles! Of course I'm lucky--he'll eat anything. I don't see why you couldn't open them up though, if your girl is fussier than my chow hound!
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