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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. If I bring in the dog for something, and the cat for a shot, I still get charged for two office visits--$65 per.
  2. You're better off using an antibiotic cream you can get at any human drug store. I buy something called "triple antibiotic gel." Wounded Warrior is a nice gel--but it's one of those all natural things with no actual antibiotics in it. Just keep it clean and perhaps a light covering. I actually used Band-Aides on George when he had a similar wound! He has virtually no hair on the inside of his legs, and they're light and stick well.
  3. Make a tech appointment at your vet's office. Well worth the small amount most offices charge for such things. The real question should be why are the ears in need of cleaning? Anything beyond a little bit of wax should probably be checked out.
  4. We had a Lab who did that to the point his legs were bloody and raw. We spent THOUSANDS of dollars trying to figure out the "why," and never did. Finally the vet just said it was similar to OCD in a human, and we put a long-sleeved t-shirt on him! Once his legs were covered, he was fine. He looked goofy as heck, but it worked.
  5. I'd be shocked if you hadn't signed a waiver when you joined. One thing I learned before I even got my Greyhound was that even a normal playful nip (and I'm not suggested that's what happened) can cause a lot of damage--a nip that wouldn't leave a mark on a Lab or a Shepherd can put a Greyhound at the vet for staples. Then one day George slipped on the stairs and fell. I didn't think much of it. When I got him in my condo, I found his skin had split in three places! He didn't even yelp! I mean he just fell down! Amazing, but now I know they weren't kidding me when they said Greyhound skin is like tissue!
  6. I use ASPCA Insurance. Only to cover the "big stuff". Me too. Haven't made a claim yet, but VPI turned George down because his creatinine is "abnormal" (perfectly normal, really, but outside of their predetermined "normal" range). ASPCA didn't ask for medical records, so I got policies for George and my Siamese cat.
  7. I would suggest you have them contact Angell Memorial. They have board certified specialists, etc. It's not that far from Walpole--it's in Jamaica Plain, but it's easy to get to. They can be found on the web at MSPCA Website
  8. Same as BlackandBrindle here. With a dog that's hard to give pills too, I'd actually sort of straddle him, like a horse, then GENTLY but firmly tilt the head back a little, open up, shove the pill down the throat, then just gently stroke the front of the neck and down it goes. If you're timid or act unsure, the dog will know they can get one over on you! Nothing wrong with disguising the pill in a hot dog if that's what works. I use marshmallows too! Cram the pill right in the center and away you go!
  9. Advantix is grey safe, but not to be used around cats. I used it for a few months and then found out about the cat thing--gave it to a friend who gave it to another friend who used for her grey!
  10. I thought I'd read NOT to use tick collars on Greyhounds? Am I wrong?
  11. Don't worry about the DOG side of this issue. The kids--can't help you there!
  12. Hooray fur Stanley in Reel England!!! Mommy said dat da Kaopectate is a life sabber in des sitchewashuns. Do dey habs that in Reel England??? Also, yogurt apparently gibs me da bad butt! I am habbing many many weeks of da anny botics, so Mommy, being a gud girl, bot me yogurt. Well, what a stinky smell gooey mess I habs delivered. Every time she gibs me yogurt! When she does KNOT, I am good to go! So, dat yogurt...does KNOT work for some hounds! F why eye. George of NOO England (KNOT da reel England!)
  13. Advantix is not safe to use around cats. My vet won't even prescribe it to me because she knows I have cats.
  14. Deer Stanley, Furst off, I am very sorree yu are KNOT feeling yur best. Second off, did you catch a BARE!!! Yur pikshur looks like yu are habbing a cuddle wiff a beeg bare! Worried, George
  15. It's pretty common for a new adoptee to drink too much water. They're not used to having access to it. But it won't end if you continue to withhold water! I'd start on a Friday night and just leave it out (how on earth do you keep one dog from the other water dish?) all weekend. Once he realizes there is always water, he'll probably stop chugging it. I was told by my dog's foster that he "can't have a water dish because he'll just drink it." Really? Imagine that! A dog who has no idea when his next chance at water will be seizing the opportunity when it presents itself. Needless to say, once he realized he was always going to have water, he stopped his excessive consumption!
  16. Many dogs are essentially lactose intolerant. You'd probably be better of with a bowl of soup or something. Do you head the food? Dogs are more apt to eat things that smell good. Wet, meat flavored baby food is a good thing to dry (you know, a can of Gerber pureed veal (ick)). Also, nasty, smelly canned cat food might tempt him. Mix a bit in with what you WANT him to eat.
  17. Club soda may remove the urine YOU can see and smell, but it isn't doing a darn thing about what SHE can smell. I'd contact your vet. If she's been dry in the house for the previous 8 months, clearly something is amiss.
  18. Kennel cough is quite contagious. He might not have had it when you got him. He could have gotten it at the vet's, at a park, anywhere he may have been around other dogs. Easily cured if that's what it is. I was worrying about that too. But he's been with us since February 9th, so I though he'd have it sooner if he had it? Maybe, but it just started one day and hasn't stopped. He kept me up all night last night doing it.
  19. Awwwwwwwwwwww. Poor Gus! Well, now his goggles are actually needed and not just a stylin Pimp accessory!
  20. There was an episode of "House" that covered something like that, only it involved children and a testosterone product their father was using. Are you sure she isn't putting you on? If it's true, that's really weird. What sort of "cream" has estrogen in it, and why isn't she washing her hands???
  21. I would highly recommend Ascriptin which is asprin with Maalox in it to protect the stomach. My dog had a serious leg operation--and we started on that, and progressed to Rimadyl then Tramadol. I got him a ramp as I have a small SUV--in fact I got it when he has his surgery (a TPLO, which involves cutting the tibial and putting it back together at a different angle with plates). I picked him up from Angell Memorial, was holding his leash and setting up the ramp, and when I stood up, he was already in the car! That bouncy boy of mine hopped in with three legs! Sorry, wandering down memory lane there! Glucosamine didn't do anything for him--his condition was well past the stage where that can help.
  22. Nevada is a cool name! My dog had some dementia when I had him put down--he was 12 and had a painful tumor, but when I realized he was literally losing his mind my heart just broke. What he would do was what I call the 1,000 yard stare. He'd stand at the edge of the woods, and normally would have charged in to look for squirrels or do his business, and just stare--as if he knew somewhere back in his memory he was supposed to be excited, but couldn't remember by what or what to do. My father has Alzheimer's, and I see the same kind of helpless freezing--he knows he wants or needs something, but he can't remember what or how to get it. She sounds like a lovely old lady--I'm sure she's given you a lot of joy!
  23. Could just be a mild reaction to pollen, or he got dust in there...clean it out with a damp tissue or nice soft cloth, and if it continues and gets worse, or turns green, you need the vet! Probably no big deal.
  24. My cats love Bag Balm. I use it on my hands, and it's the only time they try to lick my fingers!
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