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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. My vet won't write a new script without a test! And I give it 12 mo. out of the year!
  2. As to where to get it, any health food store. I got mine online when George's liver enzymes went wonky; Vitacost.com has great prices, very speedy and reasonable shipping.
  3. Just a thought--my five year old male doesn't get that much food. Maybe you're just feeding her too much, and she isn't hungry?
  4. My old dog (non grey) was a chronic puker--OTC Pepsi-type products pretty much took care of the bile upchucking.
  5. Most dogs get diarrhea if you just switch their food on them. Did you just give her new food, cold turkey? If so, that explains that! 86 is hot--she's probably just hot! And if she had bad diarrhea, her stomach doesn't feel well.
  6. Time to get that trash in a cupboard! I'm sure he's eaten worse things.
  7. Wow! I thought the EXACT same thing you did when I was reading. It's quite unusual for your OTHER dog to be licking it. I'd definitely have it looked at. Perhaps they could do a scraping and examine it under the microscope in-office to see if there is any reason to explore further?
  8. What you need to figure out is WHY the dog got them. My last dog had horrible, horrible seasonal allergies. He got huge aural hematomas, and eventually broke the cartilidge in his ears--they had to put drains and stitches in. Poor darling! If your dog has a chronic ear problem, you need to treat THAT. The hematomas will stop happening if he stops the scratching or shaking that is probably causing them! Good luck--and do NOT assume it's a food allergy.
  9. There's a difference depending on where you order. If you order from a legitimate pet pharmacy with a (I think?) federal ID number, a guarantee, and a good solid reputation, it's the same stuff. I'm certain counterfeit stuff is out there though. I would check in your state if it's legal for them to charge you a fee for writing a prescription. I use Omaha Vaccine for medications I need for something long-term (right now my boy is on a 3 month course of Baytril, and they charge half what my vet charges), and for routine things like heartworm. My vet has no issue with it, but did tell me she would not want me to use 1-800-PetMeds. She says Omaha Vaccine is legitimate. I think my clinic is foolish to mark up their medications 100%--I'd be happy to pay a little more and get it from them, but when the want to charge me $4 a pill, and I can get the EXACT SAME THING in sealed bottles from Bayer with expiration dates, etc. for $2.15 a pill--come ON! They also wanted to charge me $90 for George's heartworm, when Omaha Vaccine had the exact same thing for $45. Foolish business practice! They count on people like my mother, who don't know any better, and just hand over the $95!
  10. Bless your heart for knowing what is right for him. I was where you area a year ago with a non-Grey with a very painful tumor. I opted not to subject a 12 year old dog to painful surgery with a low rate of success, but when it was time, he let me know. It was hard, but I have no regrets. You know when it's time to say goodbye with love!
  11. That's Ruben, isn't it? I saw him well over a year and a half ago when I started looking. So glad he FINALLY found a home! Greyhound Adventues has a greyhounds-only rule so you might run it past the leaders there at how strictly they define that...
  12. I use Frontline Plus--it used to give my old dog an upset tummy, but has no apparent effect on George. My vet no longer prescribes Revolution--apparently studies are showing it is less effective against heartworm than a heartworm only preventative. I liked the convinience and the cost savings, but she simply won't give it to me.
  13. I read your post, so I know you HAD IT CHECKED and your vet is not concerned. There are a ton of harmless lumps and bumps dogs get. As long as you're monitoring it and your vet is already aware of it, don't worry about it. If you MUST worry, then simply ask your vet to do a need aspirate. They poke in a needle, suck out some of what's inside, then look at it under a microscope. It's no big deal and requires no anesthesia. If it makes you feel better, than it's worth the cost! My old dog was COVERED with warts and lumps and bumps. 99% of them were nothing. Sadly, the other one was a malignant nerve sheath tumor... This sounds like a subcutaenous doggy zit!
  14. My vet stopped giving my dog (a non-Grey (pit bull/shepherd) Ace when he was 10. I was told it was NOT for elderly dogs.
  15. Hmmm. Color me confused! I always thought it was Parson Jack Russell--now I see it was Parson John Russell, and that the breed is no longer called "Jack Russell"! So what are we to do??? Everyone aside from show people and breeders knows this as a Jack Russell! Or is there an entirely NEW breed? I was raised by English Setters, and we showed one of them, and you really threw me here! Oh, and welcome to GreyTalk!
  16. Dats are baby Marlee!!!!! I Marlee!!! Wags, George
  17. Hmmmm. I live in Chestnut Hill. How could I have not seen you before on GT??? I'm in Chestnut Hill! My dog only likes Greyhounds--how much like a hound does your new dog look? Maybe he can "pass"!!!
  18. Exactly what I was going to suggest! Everyone who has a dog should have at least two rolls of vet wrap in the house at all times!!! Having been through two dogs with happy tail, I can say that it is indispensible.
  19. If the bulge is kind of back near her BUTT, then it's the same dropped muscle that George has. I assume that's what ended his racing career, but it doesn't bother him at all as a pet. I should note he rarely has the opportunity to run, and even when give the chance, really doesn't. He does love long walks! It's a very obvious bulge in person, but you might not notice it if you didn't know what to look for. I'd take her to the vet, personally, and have it checked. Why screw around? You don't want a chronic orthopedic issue, trust me!
  20. Oh, Jeannie! How scary. Hang in there. She'll be OK! Hugs and wags, Susan and George
  21. That seems like a lot to me, because I take Tramadol for my arthritis. I take 50 mg 3-4 times a day. It doesn't make me drowsy in the least. In fact, one of the great things about it is it doesn't make me feel any different--I'm just not in (as much) pain! I know some drugs we use for dogs they actually take a higher dose than we do--so if that's what your vet prescribed, I guess that's the right dose!
  22. Here are the norms in bold for what Merlin should have. He looks good, creatnine is up. George's creatine is 1.9, and my vet ran test after test after test. All his urine values are totally normal, so I finally consulted with Dr. Couto, and he said that 1.9 is perfectly fine for a greyhound, as long as his urine is normal (not a sign of kidney issues, in otherwords, if the urine doesn't support a diagnosis of kidney problems).
  23. Probably gave her one week to save money--if there is no improvement after a week on Baytril, then Baytril isn't going to help! That's what my vet did for George, who has all the symptoms of UTI and FIVE urinalysis and TWO cultures show no infection. Three days on Baytril and the accidents stopped! So... My guess is her vet doesn't really think it is a UTI, but to be on the safe side is running a test course of antibiotics anyway.
  24. How much does Saint weigh? Thanks. Your new siggy if FABULOUS!!
  25. George had elevated ALT at one point (after taking Valerian Root extract every day, on the advice of our vet, to calm him when he was new). We took him off it, gave him Milk Thistle, it went back down! Have you been giving Flash any sort of supplements you might not have thought to mention to the vet? We tend to think of "natural" remedies as harmless... The vet admitted to me later that there are no studies on the use of Valerian Root in dogs--but I found dozens of articles and web sites saying people who have liver problems should never take it. She wasn't sure what to make of that. My point is, don't freak out too much. Lab work can be screwed up, and ALT can be elevated from any sort of physical trauma (so my vet told me) even falling in the car on the way to the vet. Susan
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