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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. A Greyhound is too large for baby asprin to be enough even if you were to stick with asprin. In addition, plain asprin can be tough on the stomach. I believe you'd be better off with an adult sized buffered asprin such as Ascriptin. A 70 or so pound dog could easily handle one in the morning and one at night--but you need to discuss that with your vet before doing it. My last dog had bad arthritis. When Ascriptin was no longer working, he went on Rimadyl. When that no longer helped, he took Tramadol.
  2. We had an English Setter who had to have surgery from eating rocks two or three times! Pica is a condition that basically involves eating inappropriate things. Muzzle should work!
  3. Only you will know when he's had enough, but the kindest gift we can give a beloved pet with a terminal, painful condition is a gentle passing surrounded by loved ones. I've been through it myself, and it's not easy. Best wishes for strength.
  4. Thanks Miz Muir! I was too embarassed to ask you that for the THIRD time, and I seem to be catching Dad's problem...
  5. I have "catastrophic care" coverage on my dog--meaning I don't get reimbursed for much of anything that's routine--but I found that the cost of the premiums and what they reimbursed cost me MORE than just paying the "regular" expenses. If George needs surgery or something major, I believe the insurance covers about 80% of "covered cost," which is some pre-determined amount. Since vet care in New England (where we live) is MUCH more expensive than some parts of the country, their "covered cost" is not going to be anywhere near the actual cost--but it's better than nothing. My last dog tore his ACL. The surgery and follow up care exceeded $3,000 that I did NOT have. My very kind father paid it, because 1) he could, and 2) he loved that dog! The surgery resulted in a near-fatal bone infection. More surgery and massive amounts of antibiotics cost $4,500. Once again, I didn't have it. Dad said, "I started this, I'll finish it." Otherwise I would have had to euthanize my boy--who at the time was only six. Once he tore his ACL, insurance wouldn't cover ANYTHING relating to his joints or bones--so it was useless. As far as medications--yes, we can get them anywhere that's licensed to sell prescriptions. Some vets don't like you to do that, but mine is very good about it. They have a 100% mark up on their meds--so why would I buy them there if I didn't need them immediately? Very interesting, hearing from someone from Sweden!!
  6. My dog had ZERO symptoms except his coat became very coarse. My parents dog had poor hair growth, and nothing else. My mother had her thyroid removed. Lethargic is not a word ever used in the same sentence as Mom's name!
  7. Has he been checked out yet at the vet for "having accidents?" If not, and if there is some kind of infection or irritation, it might actually HURT. Sorry if you've already discussed the whole story! George didn't bat an eyelash when I started using a belly band on him. He may not understand how to turn around in a hallway, but not much phases my boy! Sounds like you're on the right track.
  8. I use Omaha Vaccine. They are VERY reliable. www.omahavaccine.com
  9. The vet is correct (and IS an expert!)! They used to believe a dog should reach maturity before it was neutered; they no longer believe that. I had my mixed breed puppy neutered when he was 5 months old because I wanted him to NOT have his boy hormones cooking. The beautiful thing was he never started lifting his leg! And contrary to my father's very old school attitude, it didn't make him a "wimp" or otherwise negatively effect him.
  10. What a handsome big fluffy boy! I love the sweater. I'm so sorry--clearly he was beloved, and I'm sure he knew that!
  11. Jeannie, My Kramer has a surgically repaired joint, and a bone infection that followed. They had to go back in (one year to the day!) and remove the plates and found one of the screws had actually broken. Once the infection was gone, he was good as new!!! Try not to be scared, and be very grateful they figured it out before it was too late. Kramer almost died from the infection because they didn't figure it out until he spiked a very high fever and screamed every time I touched him. Best wishes from Susan and George
  12. From what I understand, it depends on the degree of joint degeneration. I read a very good article in Gun Dog magazine. I saw that it helped my dog AT FIRST, but once his leg got really bad it didn't help. I have arthritis, and asked TWO specialists about using it myself, and they both told me not to waste my money (this is for ME, not my dog). When you have a bone on bone situation, no amount of nutritional supplement is going to grow back what is gone.
  13. Gustopher P. Jones! Do KNOT make us worry so!!! This cannot be anything serious. Leslie, I will be sending my good vibes your way. Hugs and scritches, Susan (you decide who gets what )
  14. I'd write her a check for the $250 and insist she take the money. One assumes she's not dog sitting because she's wealthy and just loves dogs; doesn't sound like it was in ANY way her fault, and you don't want her to start resenting spending the money at some point down the road.
  15. I'd get a second opinion. Your vet sounds lazy, honestly. Has he or she suggested testing for tick borne diseases? I think it's really unlikely that two weeks on Rimadyl wouldn't relieve arthritis pain. My Kramer had TERRIBLE arthritis, but the medications WORK. If after two weeks they're not working, then the vet needs to reconsider that it's arthritis! Susan, arthritis sufferer
  16. Shocking and devastating! I lost a young Siamese cat in literally minutes last summer--went from fine and playing with a toy to dead on my floor so quickly I couldn't even get him to the car--so I know the shock and disbelief you must both be feeling. I'm so sorry for your loss. Susan in Boston
  17. I'm so sorry Greg. It's always been obvious how much you love you Isis. You gave her a good life! Susan
  18. Oh, Miss Presley! You will be missed. Your beloved Swifty is beside himself. And I have just discovered that my new glasses fog up awfully fast when one BAWLS like a baby. Hugs from all of us, Susan, George, Swifty and The Kittehs
  19. My old dog was bitten by a squirrel (in the squirrels defense, my dog was trying to kill it at the time!) and I freaked out and called the vet--he didn't even have me bring him in. Squirrels are not typically carriers of rabies--that was my concern--but as the vet said, "Hey, Susan. Those rabies vaccines? They work!" As long as the wounds don't seem horrible, you don't need the e-vet. Evaluate them Monday AM to see if you think that your vet needs to check on them, but based on my vet's reaction, disease was not a big concern.
  20. Once we adopted we haulted all vaccines , no flea meds ( and we live in Flea city FLORIDA LOL and never had issues) and seek the care from a holistic vet. Star is still with us on limited time but almost 15 yrs old. Has never had any health issues untill recent. She is also fed a raw and cooked diet Michele You're required by law to vaccinate against rabies, and to not do so seems like a giant risk to me.
  21. It's a pretty common antibiotic, and exactly that I'm taking right now for my cat wounds! Oh, sure, the bottle says "George" on it... I've never had any problems getting George to eat any pill EXCEPT his heartworm last year--so this year we switched back to the nom nom chewies!
  22. Happens ALL THE TIME. Wait until your dog gets OLD! My poor old dog was COVERED with lumps, skin tags, warts, etc. He looked like a troll! Many weird things on your dog are nothing--some are serious, but I don't think that one is. Let us know when you find out!
  23. I give it year round--and my vet still insists on a test annually! Oh well. I knew a dog once who died of heartworm because his family didn't think it was important to give the pills. It was a painful way to go-- I do insist on a written prescription because my vet's office marks up medications 100%! I don't mind paying for their services, but I'm not going to pay double what I should for heartworm and Frontline Plus!
  24. I've seen plenty of female dogs (and a few males!) that are spayed just stand there and get humped--but it sounds to me as if this particular dog may well not be spayed. There should be paperwork on her from wherever she came from--can you track her back to the source??
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