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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. I'm very sorry to hear this, and I wish her safe and gentle passage to the NEXT thing. My apologies for upsetting anyone. I don't KNOW what happens next when someone or something dies--and I intended to say the "next thing.' I left out a word. Simple mistake. I just don't happen to use the expression "the bridge," but I guess that's what I meant, if that clears it up.
  2. She's fully grown if she's 2 years old, so no, it's not a growth spurt. That's way too much food for a 65 pound female, IMHO. I have a 67 pound male. He gets two cups of food a day, and an ample supply of biscuits, as well as plenty of exercise. I guess it kind of depends what you're feeding her, and what she DID yesterday.
  3. If it's over 70, George acts like he's going to DIE. I have no idea how he survived for three years at the race track! As Batmom said, it's way past the time for a vaccine-related reaction, and although my old dog did react to Frontline, it was usually to poop within 1/2 hour--never anything like panting. Sounds like he was just hot.
  4. I LOVE the name Fozzy--and I was looking at your boy's picture, he reminded me of MY boy, so I clicked the linky--and your boy's grandfather is my boy's father! Welcome to another Slammer Boy!!
  5. Please make sure you get only Benadryl for ALLERGIES and NOT "allergy/sinus." There is a difference. It sounds like allergies to me as well.
  6. I don't believe that a simple neuter involves any arteries. If the vet is suggesting it's not in his best interest to go home yet, I would heed his warning. Whoever is adopting this dog out to you should be all over the vet's office making sure the proper follow up care is done. I hope it all turns out fine.
  7. After you get the belly band from Cara-Lea (I can't say enough about them!!), you'll need something to put IN it. Don't even think about trying to use JUST it! What I used with great success were HUMAN incontinence pads--the kind that would stick to underwear. A full diaper is totally unnecessary if the belly band fits. George really let it rip into his Serenity Ultra pads on more than one occassion, and there was NO leakage! Cara-Lea's belly bands are very soft and stretchy, and therefore COMFY for the dog, so it shouldn't bother him a bit.
  8. If she was that furry to begin with, and you've only had her two months, I personally would wait before rushing off to the vet. Sounds like she's just shedding for the summer to me. Most greyhounds don't have that much fur, but sounds like you got an extra furry one. That's typically where fur will shed out in "clumps." If she's not acting differently in any other way, I think you can wait for a routine visit to the vet and then consider having her thyroid levels run. You HAVE taken her to the vet since you got her, right?? Just to be checked out?
  9. I wouldn't worry about it. If she's not lame or in any kind of pain, don't stress yourself! We're all a little uneven, right??
  10. My last dog started to go grey at 2. It means nothing relating to health, just as it means nothing that my very cute boss was 100% silver by the age of 35!
  11. I buy my flea/tick and heartworm stuff from Omaha Vaccine which is a registered pharmacy and not some fly by night joint. My vet marks these things up by 100%, and I'm sorry--I don't mind paying the $56 exam fee, but paying DOUBLE for routine things like Heartgard Plus? No thanks. If I need a medication right away, I get it from the vet and just accept that I'm getting hosed. But when George was put on long-term antibiotics, I insisted my vet fax a prescription in for me--and she did. The pills were $500 at Omaha Vaccine, and would have been about $1,200 from my vet.
  12. He's a greyhound. Mild gingivitis is to be expected I think! I tried brushing my dog's teeth regularly, and it really didn't seem to do much. I give him a raw bone every Sat. and Sun., and his last vet visit she declared his teeth "excellent, for a greyhound" and said he didn't need a dental this year!
  13. Oh, I feel for you. And I would also get rid of that bed. If you're SURE it's bedbugs, and not fleas... Bedbugs are very hard to get rid of, and right now it seems like every furniture chain in the country is desparately trying to drum up business with sale prices on beds. I'd be way too creeped out to sleep in it ever again myself! If that's not do-able, I'd contact an exterminator. Bedbugs get WAY inside of things. It's not like getting rid of ants. Good luck! They're really becoming much more common unfortunately.
  14. Do not feed him ANYTHING else! This is could be nothing and it could be extremely serious! Please let us know what happens.
  15. I suggest you search this forum, and this topic has been written about extensively, as many of this have been through this, and you'll find some GREAT tips without folks having to repeat themselves! Good luck! Whatever you do, do NOT SHAVE THE TAIL! (Some vets do that to "get a good look")
  16. Misser Gil, I am so sorry for your loss. What a beautiful prayer. Best wishes, Susan and George
  17. Obviously it depends who you ask! I think there are an awful lot of dogs with very overgrown toenails! I do George's nails weekly. It takes less time if you do it more often!
  18. He was sure about the glaucoma and the cataract - he wants us to come back in a few weeks for the other "spots" to see if they are getting larger. He actually took a picture of Joe's eyes for comparison next time. (I don't know if it means anything but the last time Joe was weighed he was 77 and today he was 72 ) How did he determine Joe has glaucoma? I'm not saying he's wrong--I just didn't know dogs GOT it, or that a regular vet would have access to the equipment to test the interocular (one c or two?) pressure! Mild cataracts at Joe's age are no big deal.
  19. I'd as a LOT of questions if my dog was "bruised" from x-rays. That shouldn't happen, unless she struggled and they physically restrained her. I'm sorry you're going through this. My old dog could not tolerate Dermaxx at ALL (gave him explosive diarrhea), but did fine with Rimadyl. He also did really well on Tramadol. He had very bad arthritis as a result of an orthopedic surgery gone very wrong.
  20. Nine weeks isn't very long--and as everyone else already said, this is a greyhound thing! Add some omega fatty acid supplements to her food, and she may or may not grow a little more fur, but it takes a while!
  21. Totally depends where you live I guess, 'cause George's cleaning was a lot more that with no extractions and no complications!
  22. Don't know if this helps at all, but my father has an honest to goodness MOLE on his eye. He's had it his whole life, and it's harmless. Is the vet SURE or just guessing?
  23. Early neuter would have nothing to do with this. Sounds like bad genes. I'm so sorry. He's got a tough road ahead if he's arthritic already. You need to get him on glucosamine supplements, and work out a good, steady, regular, gentle exercise routine that won't stress his joints, but you HAVE to keep him moving. You also need to be very mindful of his weight; excess weight is SO bad when you have arthritis! As I do! I have "crappy joints" according to my ortho and my rheumatologist, and they both told me that regular exercise and staying thin will do more than anything they can do--as well as to keeping the pain under control. No need to be a hero. It IS a quality of life issue; suffering is pointless, so please don't be afraid to use medication when the time comes.
  24. Your vet at no point said, "Bring him in"? How's he doing now?
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