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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. Can you just cut the dangly arm off, and then maybe baste the hole shut?
  2. I never get Bordatella. It's simple enough to cure kennel cough if he should contract it.
  3. Neutering should not be a terribly big deal, and I personally would be concerned at a reaction two DAYS later.
  4. A bad thyroid is SO easily managed. Once they get her dose right, you'll do great! My last dog had a thyroid problem, and the medication was incredible--fixed up his crunchy dry coat really quickly! I never noticed any side effects either.
  5. Robin, I'm so sorry. I hope they're able to make her comfortable and that it turns out to be JUST a break.
  6. What Batmom said. I've never heard of a vet suggesting anesthesia to draw urine. Once you've got this figured out, my dog, who has some mystery infection for a long, long time, you might ask your vet about a supplement called CranVet. I've been told to give them to George "long term." Helps to keep bacteria from "sticking" (I'm sure that's a wild oversymplification, but...he likes them, they're short money, and I don't want to go through what I went through ever again if I can help it!). Good luck. Oh--I did a clean catch for George. Wasn't easy, but I did it. I actually made a pee cup holder out of a coat hanger so I could just casually stick it under the "faucet" while he was peeing without sticking my hand inside the cup!
  7. Bonnie, I am SO sorry. I know there are no words to make you feel better, but LOTS of people are thinking of you. Susan and George
  8. If it's safe to use around babies, I can't imagine dogs can't handle it! But you could try rubbing the Vicks right on your chest. One of my FOND childhood memories--ah, the smell of Vicks! We always had dogs, and my mother was very into Vicks as a cure-all. It certainly doesn't harm English Setters.
  9. Oh, poor Grace! Well, she has a Mom who loves her and figured it out. Yeah!!! You can join me on the pee detective squad if you like!
  10. Please try not to worry too much at this point! It could be just a pull or a strain! She sounds like a fun, active girl, and they do pull and strain things just like we do. And as we know, most of them are VERY dramatic with the screams! What other breed has a special name for that over-reacting God awful noise? The Greyhound Scream of Death! My last dog was very active too--always climbing on things, jumping, etc. More than once I'd race him off to the vet thinking the worst only to find him acting perfectly normal when we got there. I'm sorry about your house. That's awful! I hope that rest and a little Rimadyl has your girl fixed up good as new.
  11. Well, maybe my vets are unique; but I've been told my entire adult dog owning life to keep them quiet and observe them after vaccinations. Although I was dead certain someone would disagree with me when I wrote that. Hope he's feeling well tonight! Perhaps a scone with jam?? Or..and english muffin?
  12. I've been stunned too many times by charges at the vet. I always make clear that money IS an issue, and I need to know how much things cost before they're done, and what the tests will show, and what will change about the treatment knowing what the test will show. Your dog is the patient, but you are the consumer! My vet totally understands that while I love my animals, I'm not wealthy, and I do have the right to know what I'm paying for in advance! I hope your dog feels better soon!
  13. Ticks are alive and kicking until the first very hard freeze Robin. Frontline is OTC now, isn't it? You could get some, or a Preventic collar is also safe. (And they work really well!) I bet it's LOVELY up there right now. I am SO jealous!!!
  14. Sounds like an interesting work environment!
  15. I'm surprised your vet didn't tell you what it says on my receipt any time George gets a vaccination--"Your pet has been vaccinated. Please keep him quiet, and observe him closely." Next time I guess you skip the post vaccine run! I'm sure he'll be fine. Now, getting the out of the car... It just keeps being a fun thrill ride, doesn't it?
  16. Flagyl IS an antibiotic, but it is also absolutely FABULOUS for stopping diarrhea! It's the standard treatment in dogs with giardia. George just went throught this, as the kitten I purchased came complete with round worms AND giardia. Plugged him up like you would NOT believe. I'd switch foods for sure, but I agree with Lindsay--another round of Panacur, bland diet, THEN change the food.
  17. "This too shall pass"! I'd go with your vet on this one. George stuck his head in the trash last night and pulled out, and swallowed, the little foil "Laughing Cow" cheese wedge wrapper. He gets one every night. Has for over a year. Why did he decide to eat the wrapper last night? No clue. I am looking forward to his foil-y poo! Good luck on the sponge hunt!!!
  18. Ask a person who owns both a black and yellow Labrador. The answer is "of course not." Shedding has nothing to do with fur color.
  19. I agree with Longdogs. A broken toe would NOT cause that kind of walk. Sounds spinal to me. I'd get to the vet ASAP personally.
  20. I used Milk Thistle for about 6 weeks when George's ALT was elevated because of a natural supplement my vet told me to try on him--Oooops! So much for herbal being harmless! I gave it with meals--got it at vitacost.com and it seemed to work! Or perhaps simple stopping the Valerian Root did the trick! But he didn't have any issue with it.
  21. It'll come out on it's own! If the adult tooth is FULLY in a little bit and the baby tooth is still not loose, then perhaps ask the vet--but I think nature will take it's course.
  22. My dog is also your little girl's half brother! Of course good old Slammer is on ice and still busy "fathering" more pups! Welcome to Greytalk. There are several other Oshkosh Slammer dogs on here!
  23. My Kramer had a sedative--he was so gassed up from being at the vet I almost thought it was mistake putting him down (painful malignant tumor, refused to eat, etc.). Once he was sedated, it did PLENTY of good--he almost fell over in fact, but I was able to pull him onto my lap, and the vet and I sat there on the floor with him sobbing, and she asked me to tell her when I was ready, and then she gave him the second shot through the catheter she had already in place. It was VERY peaceful. In fact it was as if a bubble of pain burst from both of us. We had a horse put down, and it was so horrible my mother actually screamed. They gave her a MASSIVE dose of whatever, and she literally fell over dead. Poor Mom. She loved that horse--I wasn't there for that one, thank goodness. I am sorry for your loss. Just writing this made me bawl like a baby over my own.
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