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Everything posted by GeorgeofNE

  1. $9???? I just took my 8 pound cat to the vet. She charged $32 for an antibiotic shot. I have never paid less than $25 for ANY shot. I'd be rolling on the floor with joy at a $9 shot! As to the OP's question--why not buy your own vaccines? Give the dogs the shots yourselves. That's what many breeders do, and aside from rabies, which you're required by law to get, there is nothing illegal about buying your own vaccines. Omaha Vaccine sells them, and they also can provide a list of recommended vacinations and a schedule.
  2. How about just using a wash cloth moistened with warm water, hold it on the gauze (I assume you mean the gauze is stuck to the scab?) for a minutes, then gently pull it off?
  3. I'm sure you're dog has been examined many times before, unless you've got a puppy? No reason to think she's going to be afraid. In fact that's one of the cool things about greyhounds; they're so used to all the handling, they generally accept vet visits as nothing more than an opportunity to get some attention!
  4. Well, MOST dogs don't need to be bathed very often. In fact, bathing them too often drys their skin. Greyhounds are generally very dry skinned to begin with. Advantix is not to be used around cats, period, so if you have them... My vet won't even write me a prescription for is because I have cats and it can kill them. The stuff takes a day or so to fully sink in/absorb. There will be a greasy spot where you apply it. Should not be an issue for other DOGS, but...see above if you have a cat!
  5. My last dog, a mix, ended up covered with fatty cysts. Unfortunately, one of them ended up having a nerve sheath tumor right next to it, which was malignant and very painful, and what ultimately lead to his euthanasia. Cytology should give them a good idea if there's a problem.
  6. Patti, I am so sorry to hear about Flash. He was one of the first hounds on GT that I had a "crush" on, and I will miss him. Run free Flashy! Susan (and George)
  7. Lucy! Just seeing this--what a wonderful introduction! As if she needs it! Welcome home Momo. You have lots of friends and fans already!
  8. You cannot assume this is a Dermaxx reaction; first of all, it's not likely that it would happen 2 days after taking a half a pill. You need to take your hound to the vet for some routine blood work if nothing else.
  9. I would MUCH prefer Omaha Vaccine--they've been around a long time, and are a registered pet pharmacy--I've used them for years, and never had a problem. They charge 50-75% less than my vet. But FYI, you could probably get Prednisone a very low price at a local pharmacy. It's a very common drug and doesn't cost a lot. You might give them a call too!
  10. Oh no!! No words for you...just concerned support.
  11. Allergies tend to get worse and worse as time goes by. My mixed breed dog Kramer started off having a problem from about June to Sept., but eventually it was almost all year. The only relief he got during the difficult stages was from Prednisone. He was totally miserable otherwise, so we did short cycles on, followed by time off. It was awful for the poor dog. Then I got George, and within six months he started to have similar symptoms. I couldn't believe it. When I moved from my old condo to here, the symptoms completely stopped--so it turns out perhaps part of Kramer's problem was something IN my old condo, and not pollens, as I had thought. I have no idea what--the carpet? Who knows. Something in the HVAC system? Don't know. I also had a cat who licked all the fur off her stomach in that apartment--and in this one? She's back to her furry self. My point? It could be something other than pollens--some detergent or chemical in your home. These things are really hard to nail down. George sends his love to his brudder from another mudder!
  12. Just be advised if you have a cat or cats you CAN NOT use Advantix on your dog! I used it on George (someone gave me some) and he was fine with it--but then my vet blew a gasket and told me to NEVER use it again because it can be toxic to cats. I use Frontline Plus, and he's never had a flea or an embedded tick.
  13. Exactly what KennelMom said; there is no issue with Tramadol and Greyhounds. Some dogs (any breed) don't tolerate it well, but it's generally a very safe pain reliever for both people and dogs!
  14. Just my 2 cents. Someone said that it was the Tramadol killing the appetite--and I happen to disagree with all due respect. I take it myself--it does not affect my appetite at all. My last dog took it daily for over a year, and ditto. Sounds TO ME like the Rimadyl is upsetting her stomach and killing the appetite. Some dogs don't do well on Rimadyl. Perhaps Deramaxx would be better? My old dog was fine on Rimadyl, but got explosive diarrhea on Deramaxx; George takes Deramaxx and has ZERO side effects! I hope she's doing better by the time you read this.
  15. Do not EVER use the "Allergy Sinus" formula. Just the regular Benadryl (pink pills).
  16. Thank you for posting that. I moved in October from a building with elevators, where I was VERY unhappy, to a lovely place that is larger, but has no elevators, and is on the third floor. This spring, George was diagnosed with L.S. Part of his treatment? "Avoid stairs." Well, crap!!! So far, he is doing just fine. And fortunately for me, there are only 22 steps, with landings. And he only weighs 65 pounds. But I worry. What will I do if there comes a day he just can't get up and down them? There are virtually NO places around here that allow dogs over 25 pounds--aside from the place I left and the one I live in. I cannot afford a house, so I'm in a condo. The market being what it is, I already can't sell for what I paid. I don't know what I'll do, but I applaud you for finding a reasonable solution.
  17. Sounds like a contact allergy to ME. I had a dog with horrible seasonal allergies, and it was all about his ears and armpits. What you're describing reminds me of my brother's old mix, who was allergic to, are you ready? Drum roll please....GRASS. She got all itchy if she laid out in the grass! I second the Benadryl recommendation. Make sure it's plain benadryl though, not the "allergy SINUS" product!
  18. As we know too well, any surgical procedure on a pet or human involves risk. I like the advice of x-raying the rest of the leg an not just assuming her current problem is the toe. Barring anything else wrong with the leg, and knowing that I know about Sue loosing her Bessie, I would still go ahead and do it. Before I did, I would find out what the name of the supplement Dr. Couto has started giving ALL greyhounds before ALL surgical procedures to fight the bleeding issues so many greyhounds have. I can't remember the name, but I'm sure if you call the OSU Greyhound Wellness people, they can tell you. It's not a drug, I think it's an enzyme??? Darn me and my bad memory! Good luck with your decision.
  19. I live in the Boston area, and it's been VERY hot this week. You need to get at least one window A/C, keep your blinds drawn during the day, all the windows CLOSED and the A/C on. I got an A/C at best buy for under $300, and it was simple to install, and there is nothing permanent about it. I'm not a big person, and I was able to lug it up three flights of stairs and put it in myself. It's even an Energy Star rated one, so it's not costing me a bundle.
  20. I've never heard of treating an ear infection that way! But I've been fortunate enough to have healthy ears...sounds awful! Did you Google the medication and see if, by any chance, there are any tips on getting the junk off fur???
  21. Hey! That's what I was going to say. Me too--except for the leash and muzzle part! My father started me on tick pulling when I was 8 years old! Worst case if you leave the head--your dog gets a pimple-like bump which goes away on its own.
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