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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. How about Ensure for weight gain? My senior loved it.
  2. By the way, CG magazine had an LP issue. At least 2 articles, one from the vet point of view, one from the owner point of view dedicated to LP in the greyhound.. Summer 2011. (correct me if I'm wrong on the issue). So, why not contact the Greyhound Project and see if they have any spare issues? Or see if someone can lend you their copy.
  3. If it makes you feel better, the surgery (at least for my Onyx) was actually done from the side of her neck. They did not go in thru the mouth. They just scoped to make sure it was LP. It was a tiny incision on the left side and they tie back the larynx like you tie back a curtain. She was discharged that day and allowed to eat dinner. Once the anesthesia wore off, she was fine. Bounced back very quickly (she was 11 at the time)
  4. Ok, I've signed Tanzi up. I'll cancel VPI in a month. If I get a partial refund, then I'll do the same with Emma. If not, I'll wait til her renewal before I switch.
  5. Oh that sounds so positive. Hope you can get her diarrhea under control rightawayquick.
  6. Lauren, your tribute brought tears to my eyes. She was a very very special girl.
  7. I know there are a plethura of insurance topics out there. But this is pretty much a specific question. Has anyone not liked Healthy Paws? I currently have VPI and am switching. I wanted a yearly billing but Trupanion and Healthy Paws don't have it. Only Embrace. When I go for the 90% reimbursement and $100/ yr deductible, Embrace went several hundred dollars over Healthy Paws and Trupanion. So, I knocked down Embrace. I looked at Trupanion and Healthy Paws and HP is $100 cheaper per year and has one yearly deductible whilte Trupanion has a per incidence deductible. So I am leaning towards getting HP for two of my three girls. Since Opal has had several incidences, there would be too many exclusions for her to be switched. She stays with VPI. Anyone NOT like Healthy Paws?
  8. Scoping is not the same as xrays. If the vet suspects LP they will scope Ace not xray him. You can't see paralysis on xray. I know that when my vets suspected LP, they said that if they are going to put her under to scope they are also doing the tieback, since she was already under,. Most vets want to do it this way. So if your vet is going to scope ask about doing the tieback then and there. Get your options for LP before the scope and get your vet's opinion on how much they think it's LP versus something else. But, my 11 yr did just fine. The only real think you have to be careful of is them eating dry crunchy food/snacks that they could inhale. Aspirate pneumonia is more prevelant in dogs with LP with or without the tieback.
  9. Does he bark at all. If so, what does that sound like now? My Nana had LP and we did the surgery when she was 11. Just the left side tieback. She lived til 15.5. And her LP had nothing to do with her going to the bridge. But she didn't sound like Ace when she was quiet. Only when she got active. And her bark became very hoarse.
  10. I have a very soft spot in my heart for the black little old ladies. Rest in Pease Dreamy.
  11. My 15.5 yr old was in very good shape up til 2 weeks before she left for the Bridge. If Lucy is fairly healthy, her life shouldn't end because of fear from one day a year.. 4th of July is one day. Ask the vet to knock her out if need be. Or go take her somewhere for the day and evening. A mini vacation. And I would get her the dental. She is in pain.
  12. If you're going to go to NJ, go to Dr. Fiorito in Brick, NJ. SUPERB canine dentist. Expensive but SO WORTH it. I had my 15.5 yr old go under anesthesia with her because she is just so meticulous.
  13. Did you see a lot of other greys there? When I went, it was so gratifying to see many greys come thru. (luckily most for minor things).
  14. I love OSU! I'm glad it's not OS and hope it's something cureable. And I'll tell you, I won't hesitate driving 10 hrs from NJ to go there if my babies need to.
  15. When I went to OSU with Diamond, she spent the whole day being prodded and poked and looked over. I would have been surprised if I saw an update yet.
  16. She was so very young for a cat. How sad she had to leave.
  17. Oh that would be wonderful. My Diamond almost died of it. She was extremely sick.
  18. I'm sorry she's grieving so. Try a little Ensure for weight gain. It kept weight on my little old lady who was a very picky eater in her old age.
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