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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. MP_the4pack

    One Year

    Has it been a year already? I too remember seeing his name and thinking "gee there's two Riddicks on this site?" I thought I was robbed losing a 5 yr old, but Riddick? There are just no words.
  2. You can also make them easy. If you can cut wood and staple carpeting, you can make whatever you like.
  3. He's probably going back to GRR, his rescue group. But I won't be surprised if there is someone who's already interested.
  4. Gee, I JUST signed Tanzi up with HP. I hope I didn't make a mistake. I had my vets fax all her records to HP and they were fine with it. I think I'll hold off transferring Emma until I know I'm happy with HP.
  5. Um WRONG! Pearl didn't even have it. She just had changes in her heart that were not good. And this drug did improve her heart, she was on it only 5 months though before cancer robbed her of life. It's been three years since I bought VETMEDIN but while it was expensive, it wasn't what you are paying for it. It's a dog med, so I dont' think I got it at Costco, but you can give it a try. And Jane is right, it was scored so that all I had to do was break it. I think she was on 1 1/2 pills a day, I do remember breaking them in half. I'll take a look to see if I can find where I got the meds. In the meantime google it. There are places around. Please keep thinking positive, he may have many years. Mary Pat
  6. Oh Jane, I'm so very sorry. I wish I were there to comfort you in person. Hugs to you and your housemate. Mary Pat
  7. I'm so sorry for the diagnosis. I didn't have anyone with lymphoma, I had OS. I went the amp and chemo route with her and she had a very happy 6 months. She left me when OS hit another leg. She couldn't survive on just 2 legs. But she was happy, painfree and enjoyed life to the fullest. I had three with hemangio. I didn't have a chance to given them any extra time. I lost my first that night, I lost another within 6 days, and another within 3 weeks. Please remember........whatever choice you make, it's because you love him. No choice is wrong. Are you anywhere near OSU? Dr. Couto is a greyhound oncologist. (ok, he's a vet oncologist but he specializes in greyhounds.)
  8. I'm glad he seems to be feeling better. Nothing's worse than a sick baby. And he's a VERY handsome guy!
  9. Looks like the same dam cancer that took my Pearl.
  10. Jane, when did you get your VMD?! Stop beating yourself up. to you and Luke.
  11. Pearl had heart disease and uncontrolled hypertension. Her heart disease was a mitral valve, not DCM. She was diagnosed at 5 and given 2-3 yrs. (that prognosis came before her hypertension diagnosis!) She lived to 12 and died of cancer. And at no point did anyone that met her have a clue she was "sickly". She was happy, feeling good, and loving life until 3 weeks before she died. She was on a plethura of pills, 21 a day, 8 different meds. And she handled them relatively well considering the amount. I was told she would either have a heart attack and die or get congestive heart failure. So, please keep your chin up. You don't know how long Legs will live until he dies. He may die of liver disease at age 16.
  12. She looks and sounds SO much like my Onyx who did make it to 15.
  13. I can't help with anything Cushings related, but as far as meds, check with Costco. My Bridgegirl Pearl had heart disease and hypertension. She was on 8 meds a day. What would have cost me about $400/month ended up at around $60. Most her meds were human meds so Costco could do it.
  14. Kathy, I met your sweet wonderful boy when he was Jane's foster. I fell in love with him. He's just a wonderful boy. Anyway, you can make a ramp for him very quickly. No waiting for an order to come in or anything like that. Go to Home Depot or Lowes and buy a 6-8 foot board. (length depends on how high your SUV is. You don't want too steep of a incline or Desi won't do it. ) I found one about 2-3 feet wide. I haven't measured it, but it's very wide. And about 1/2 inch to 3/4 inch thick. It has to be just strong enough for his weight. Nothing more. Get a nice 'bubbly' type of carpet remnant. Something that is not smooth. Maybe even shag. Enough to fit the entire width and length and a little hangover on length. Staple carpet to board. There, You have a ramp. It's not very portable, I just keep mine in my garage. If' I'm elsewhere like the vets, they help me if I need it.. If you do need it portable, at the same hardware store, get two hinges, and a handle and hook. Cut board in half (hardware store will usually do for free), put hinges on one side, carpet on the other, Cut carpet where it will fold (over hinges). Put handle on one edge and hook so that when you pick it up, it doesn't fly open. Hook keeps ramp closed when folded. It took me all of 1/2 hr to make mine. All 10 of my girls have used this ramp over the past 17 yrs.
  15. I just went with Healthy Paws too.
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