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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. You had me bawling. His personality comes thru each photo. And he reminds me so much of my Pearl (who I also miss so very much. She's been gone a year last Feb)
  2. They have done wonders with canine heart problems. So keep thinking positive. My Pearl was diagnosed with heart disease (valuvular disease) at age 5, and hypertension age 7. She passed away at age 12 from CANCER. She saw her cardiologist regularly and we kept on top of any issues with her heart or BP. Good luck.
  3. Sending good thoughts to Althea. Try not to worry. My Pearl was diagnosed with heart disease (Valvular disease) at age 5, she lived to 12, succombing to cancer.
  4. Did any vets check her blood pressure? If not, get it checked ASAP. According to Dr. Couto of OSU, greyhounds have a propensity for hypertension with no known cause. My Pearl had it (as well as heart disease). ANd when she did exactly what your baby did on a walk I called her cardiologist. She said come in NOW. We had lost control of her BP and it was soaring. She upped some meds and changed some meds. I worked hard and controling Pearl's BP since she was 7. I lost her to cancer at age 12. So, she can do very well with hypertension as long as you stay on top of it. If she has it, she'll get meds and you'll have to check it periodically. So far, I've found most vets don't check BP. Don't know how to. So you may need to take her to a cardiologist or specialty clinic. But once it's under control, it's no problem.
  5. Can't say I blame them. I wasn't very sociable after my girls went to the Bridge. If you were closer I'd say bring Treasure over. Let me know if you're ever in NJ.
  6. How's Treasure doing? Is she missing her brother? I'm not sure Opal's recovered from losing all three of her packmates within a year.
  7. He's having a rough time. I hope he feels better soon. thanks for the update.
  8. NJ's in the 90's and tomorrow may hit 100, too. I put the AC on in the house (just one room) at 80, so that they don't overheat. I also have two doggie pools filled to the top. They can get completely wet if they want/need to.
  9. I could have used a thread like this when Dima had OS. But she went to the Bridge 2 months before the thread started. But Kristen and Robin, you are so right when you said you knew. All my girls limp some time or another because I have a huge yard for them to get into trouble with. But when Dima started limping, I knew. And it was cemented even before we saw the vet. She jumped into the back of my SUV and hit her leg. The scream she let out was heartbreaking. That night the xrays confirmed OS. I had an excellent 6 months with her post amp. I look at my current three and wonder who's next.
  10. I'm so sorry to hear that another Diamond is gracing the heavens. She was a beautiful old girl. My Diamond will greet her and show her the ropes. MP
  11. While I can't help with the financial part, I can tell you that my Onyx had her tieback surgery when she was 11 and lived to 15.5. I wrote an article regarding her living with LP and it's in this coming summer issue of CG magazine. She had a wonderful life and passed away not from anything with LP. Also, financial wise, Care Credit allows you a specific time frame (depending on the price of the procedure) interest free. If your vet uses Care Credit, I'm thinking you should have at least a year interest free. (just transfer to another credit card if you can't pay off by that time, you'll get whalloped with high interest rates and may have to pay interest for the whole year you hadn't. But, if you play by the rules with them, they are a godsend. Good luck with whatever happens.
  12. Thinking of you and Albi today, and looking for an update.
  13. Is there any possibility it could be LP?
  14. Oh Robin, so soon after diagnosis. I was off all last week and when I saw the locked thread in H&M I knew the awful outcome. I'm so sorry. Mary Pat
  15. Pearl was put on vetmedin in her last year too. It's a miracle drug for dogs. Her heart actually improved. She fought heart disease for 7 yrs until cancer of the spleen took her last year. I know you've seen a vet, have you seen a cardiologist?
  16. When I went to OSU for Diamond's amp, she also ended up with an infection. They started her on a general antibiotic and cultured the wound. It wasn't healing and after the culture finally came back they found it resistant to the general antibiotic and started her on another one that works on that particular bug. She cleared up once put on the 2nd antibiotic. Have they cultured the area? Is he on antibiotics?
  17. Oh Pat, I'm so sorry Don Juan had to leave you. He sounds like he was a very very special boy. Godspeed handsome man.
  18. Oh Nancy, I just read about Ramm in Albi's post. And was thinking how long he survived his brother. I can't fathom that he left so soon. I'm so so very sorry. Mary Pat
  19. Oh he was TOO young, as was Sophie. I'm sorry your Mom lost both too soon.
  20. I will never fully comprehend the loss of a partner such as you had. But the pain is clear in your words. I'm sorry he's gone.
  21. Can handsome Mr. Spencer handle Ensure Plus? If so, add that in sometime during the day in addition to his other meals. Maybe even two. It's meant to add weight. It kept weight on my little old lady, but I used it when she decided not to eat her regular dinner.
  22. Pearl was diagnosed with heart disease by a cardiologist when she was 5. She had valvular disease (leaky mitral valve). She had a murmur, no irregularities. So not quite the same as Althea. However with meds (and she ended up with a LOT of meds because of her additional hypertension) she lived until cancer took her at age 12. If you want a second opinion take her to a canine cardiologist. I recommend it. Pearl's cardiologist absolutely kept her alive and feeling just fine until the very end.
  23. I do want to add though, that if you do catch the tumor before it ruptures the first time (yes, it can leak and heal several time before a fatal rupture) and have it removed, the survival rate is about 90%. But that's the trick. There are no symptoms until after it ruptures. Those in the 90% bracket had the tumors found by accident.
  24. How's Chase doing? Is she back home? Did you celebrate her BD yet?
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