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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. The problem is that the body doesn't know when a hemangiosarcoma tumor is bleeding. That's one way to know it's cancer when they draw the blood from the abdomen and it doesn't clot in the tube. Nothing triggers the clotting mechanism. So I'm not so sure amicar would help.
  2. Kim, how is Nubers today? Was he able to settle down last night? I hope he gets to feel a little better soon.
  3. I'm so sorry Heather. The look he gave your DH is the same look I get from my Tanzi. And it's a heart melter.
  4. Sometimes it's good to get a another right away, sometimes not. It is very personal. But when I lost my Topaz 12 yrs ago, I adopted Onyx 3 weeks later. We had trouble bonding. If you can get hold of CG magazine Summer 2001, look for the article Onyx: from Eggplant to Blossom. It details my journey after the loss of a 5 yr old and the adoption of a 4 yr old. (or google the article. I believe it's online somewhere) By the way, I had Onyx until she was 15.5. It made up for me losing Topaz at 5.
  5. I am opening my doors to babysitting after a long hiatus. I'm in the central NJ area. Contact me for rates and availability. I have three greyhound girls of my own. If you don't have enough posts to PM me you can contact me at mppwith 4 at yahoo dot com. remover all spaces and change the 'at' and 'dot' to the symbols.
  6. I'm so sorry your very handsome man left you. You're love for Mike came thru in your tribute. He'll be waiting for you at the Bridge, tail wagging furiously.
  7. Don't forget, it takes a lot more energy to hop on one front leg than to walk on two. (try hopping a certain distance that you could easily walk). My Diamond never could do the full walk again, it was too much for her. But that's ok. She didn't need to do it.
  8. How far are you from OSU? They will keep Havoc for several days, so you don't have to worry about taking care of him until he's ready. They have the Greyhound health and wellness which can help with bills They also have support groups that will allow you to stay over at someone's house to help keep bills down. And I know it was offered to me, someone might also be willing to help watch over Havoc while you are back at work until you can pick him up. Contact JoeJoesMom for more details on that last part. And as far as pain.....2 weeks for the surgical pain to disappear and that's it! I chose amp for a 12 yr old. She had a happy painfree 6 months. Good luck. I know how hard a decision this is. I doubted myself for a long time until I saw how happy and re-adjusted she was. I have no doubts now.
  9. OMG, my heart just bottomed out when I saw Fiona's name here. I read where she was heartbroken at the loss of Frankie, but I really didn't expect to see her name here so soon. My heart is broken for you. I wish I could do more than just tell you that.
  10. Background - 5 weeks ago Opal blew her lateral collateral ligament (in the hock) running around the backyard. (of course it was 9 PM on a Sunday!) Anyway she had surgery the following week. They did something to get the bone to fuse and put a plate over the joint (under the skin) and she's been in a splint since. We have weekly changes because of possible pressure sores which she does have. But they're not bad. So Opal had another splint change today but it was also xray day. They said her bone is healing nicely, no movement, so she's doing well. They said another 2-4 weeks with the splint then a wrap without the splint. she has another set of xrays in 4 weeks. Here's my baby in her pink splint from a few changes ago:
  11. MP_the4pack


    A beautiful tribute to a handsome guy. I'm so sorry he's gone.
  12. I'm so sorry. She still looked quite young in those photos. She was quite beautiful and regal. Farewell Master yet not farewell Where I go ye too shall dwell. I am gone before your face A moment's time, a little space When ye come where I have stepped Ye will wonder why ye wept.
  13. I'm surprised the vets kept him on Vetergesic. That's the first thing I thought of as I was reading it. Dogs can have an adverse reaction to any drug. My Onyx did to Valium and it was put in her charts in big letters...NO VALIUM. I hope he feels better soon. I can't say how long it'll take for it leave his system. But I would think the more water the better.
  14. He's so handsome. Good luck in whatever decision you make. We ALL know it's a hard one.
  15. You've gotten a lot of good advise here. You also did the correct thing. So just as extra info. For heat exhaustion or stroke, you want to cool the body down. Remove the dog (or human) from direct sunlight or heat source. Do not use ice. It cools too quickly. Or It can also close the blood flow to the extremities causing the opposite effect and not allowing the core to cool down. (decreased circulation). Apply cool damp towels to the armpits and groin area where the arteries are closest to the skin. Do not use alcohol on the skin to cool down. That's a wives tale. It closes the skin circulatory system, keeping the core hot.. Allow sips of water. Too much water to drink and too cold will cause stomach cramps. transport to the vets.
  16. Tristan looks wonderful. The swollen other leg could very well be because he's overdoing it. Remember, you can't see him limp on it now. But he does look wonderful.
  17. Has it been a year already? I do remember her butt scritch dances, they were hysterical). And you could just see the adoration in her eyes for you. (I'm glad to have been able to meet your whole clan)
  18. I'm so sorry for the dx. I chose the amp route which is not for everyone. My Diamond was 12 yrs old and had 6 painfree happy months before OS took another leg. Good luck in whatever you choose.
  19. Julie I can honestly say I know what you're going thru. My heart and soul left me 2 yrs ago. I have 6 at the Bridge to date.
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