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Everything posted by MP_the4pack

  1. My Emerald is quite a horney little girl. She'll start licking, and ends up doing the cha cha. Then gives me a look "Did you just watch me?!"
  2. Do you use chunky PB? If not, start giving it chunky without any pills in it. Let him get used to the peanut chunks. Then see if you can hide the pill in it.
  3. Mazy, may your journey to the Rainbow Bridge, be smooth and uneventful.
  4. I took Diamond to my vets several times for a dental. I couldn't understand why several of her teeth were kept in when you could clearly see the roots. They told me the teeth weren't loose. I ended up taking her to a canine dentist. Who uses xrays first. Diamond lost 23 teeth. But she was much happier and never had any dental issues again. However, I felt that more teeth than necessary were removed, based on the xrays. And BOY was she expensive
  5. Look at that beautiful kissy spot on Zariel!
  6. I had the vet come to my house. I left it up to my other girls if they wanted to be in the same room or not. They are very social so to have someone else in the house they normally would have stayed in the living room. But instead they all went into separate rooms. But I think being in the same house helped.
  7. Completely off the thyroid path, I had a 5 yr old that was very unenergetic. She couldn't keep up with her 6 yr old sister. (and I'm not talking about speed when running around. Just everyday stuff like going for long walks). I took her to the vets and they told me to give her horse vitamin pills. Well I Ignored that. But when she started to show a belly, I took her to a specialist. All regular test results came back normal. Then they did a liver function test. (the normal liver tests are for enzymes). The results of the function tests were completely off the charts. Off the planet! They unltrasounded her and found her liver was basically gone. I lost her at 5 yrs old. So, if thyroid proves to be normal, have them do a liver function test. Her only symptom was lack of energy until about a yr later when she started losing protein. By then it was too late.
  8. Brent was such a handsome man. I'm so sorry he's gone, Robin.
  9. Pearl was diagnosed with heart disease at age 5. She died of cancer at age 12! But I would take him to a cardiologist to rule out 'normal greyhound murmur'.
  10. Actually, I think you would have preferred to hear that news than to find out you amputated a leg that didn't need it. But I'm sorry it is OS.
  11. My first girl Brindle, who's been at the Bridge for 12 yrs now, was a pooping maching. She'd go out and make several stops before finishing. Many of my others did one poop after each meal. Then there's Da Bwat. She doesn't like to go on-leash. So when we do Dewey or GIG or any other social event where there's no fenced yard, She just won't go at all. The thing to look at is....is the poo runny or firm. If it's firm...you're fine.. Plus there are some foods that they poo more than others. But if it's not bothering him. Don't worry.
  12. Happy birthday to roooo Happy birthday to ROOOooooo Happy birthday dear Rusty Happy birthday to rooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Sung in 5 part harmony by the Heavenly Gemtones: Topaz, Onyx, Pearl, Diamond, and Crystal Conducted by Brindle.
  13. Oh no, another lost to splenic cancer (I've lost 3 to that monster). Power was a beautiful boy, inside and out.
  14. Actually, it doesn't sound like he wants to work with it. So I hope he returns the dog sooner than later.
  15. You said you're also itchy after petting him. Are you like that with any other dog? If not, is the foster on any meds himself? What's his food?
  16. I'm so sorry. I've often looked at him in your siggie. I love the cowdoggies. And I thought he was so handsome.
  17. Awwww, Trooper looks good. I'm guessing it was a hind leg amp? And what a beautiful kissy spot he's got on top of his head. I bet you come close to wearing the fur off that one area! Might I ask if you got his name from his racing name? If so, what's his lineage. I ask because I had two girls from Trouper (trooper) Zeke. They were both parti color. So I'm wondering if he's related.
  18. {{{{{ Tricia and Burke }}}}}} She was one very special girl.
  19. I still miss my babies that have been gone 13 yrs now. In the last two years I've lost 4 greys (One I had only 18 days), one horse and had to give back one grey. I keep saying no more, but I have three and keep looking at a 4th. My heart looks like a patchwork quilt right now. From all the holes my Bridgebabies made to all the new patches my earth babies put on it.
  20. Ok. Now comes the part where you have to be extra careful. Why? Because once Trooper starts to get around he's going to forget he's got only three legs and try to do things alone that you need to help him with. Like stairs. Furniture. Playing, Running. He will do more than he's capable of. My Diamond did that. Five days' post op (first day home) and she decided to jump off the deck onto the cement patio. Six steps!!!
  21. It's moot for me because I use the free clinic in town where I live and they give it in Jan. So I'm already doing a beginning of the year vac.
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