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Everything posted by kamsmom

  1. Your title made me laugh out loud ... in a short answer, yes, most females are selfish At least I like to be sometimes I really don't know the answer to your issue, I have one that just goes with the flow and allows the other dogs to push her around. I typically just stay in the room with them while they have treats to ensure that she gets to have hers.
  2. It looks good! The pink skin is granulation. Good job
  3. If it were me I wouldn't go to the Evet unless you can find something. Just keep an eye on him for tonight. Could he have had a bloody nose?
  4. One of mine is thunder phobic. It is still very, very new to me as well. The best thing for him is that I put a bed in a bathroom or a room without windows and that is quieter. He still shakes and paces but at times will sort of "hide out" in the bathroom. I basically have to just leave him alone as I don't want to "encourage" the fear. I have a prescription for xanax but have only used it one time. It helped a bit but not totally. Talk to your vet, they have several options. I don't do sedatives but xanax is an anti-anxiety med that seems to help. Good Luck, I'm sure others that have much more experience will chime in and help you as well.
  5. The OP can't pm with less than 50 posts. In the Dallas area there are a few greyhound service pets. What specific service will this grey be doing?
  6. To me the dog in the video does not look like a seizure. My first thought was Essential Tremors. My brother has these. It is in his hands most often and it is at it's worst when he is totally calm. As long as his hands or arms are moving or doing something than the tremors stop. Just a though...
  7. kamsmom

    S Go Unruly

    Thank you for giving Rudy a warm and pleasant home for the time he had left.
  8. I did dogsit a severe separation anxiety dog that managed to knock over the xpen to get out of it. He would also try to claw his way out of a crate too and hurt himself very badly at his owners house. However, if your grey is calm and relaxed and doesn't show any signs of anxiety with it then they are good to go. Yes, the xpen has no top or bottom. I have seen people tie a tarp to the top to shade it if they were outside too. Good luck.
  9. Mine is called "Precision" but the one you have posted looks good. And I like that it looks like there is a door to it. Mine you have to unsnap the entire side to open it.
  10. That looks just like my x-pen. I can put three in one but only if they are comfortable with each other. Two fit very well together in it. How much are they asking for it on CL? I picked up mine for $35.
  11. Goodness! How many teeth did she even have left after losing 17? Poor Polli
  12. kamsmom

    Mokka Doyle

    Bev, I am so sorry about Mocka
  13. Does she wear a muzzle? Is there any chance she scraped or hurt her nose on the muzzle and it is swollen? Just a thought. Give that sweet girl extra kisses please
  14. Did your vet give you the manuka honey or did you order it? I know that the wound care physicians at work are having great success using Manuka honey on the patients with open pressure sores. They are doing several trials and tracking progress with different types of wounds. Good Luck
  15. kamsmom


    Photos of my beloved dogs.
  16. kamsmom

    GT siggy.jpg

    From the album: Dogs

  17. kamsmom


    From the album: Dogs

  18. Aww, poor Chance You have a great brother and he has an admirable neighbor Healing thoughts for both you and Chance
  19. Just wanted to let you know that I was thinking about you and Roscoe
  20. Most are pretty secure, I walk the perimeter before we let loose tho. I also take a bungee cord to hold the gate closed.
  21. I use Highpoint Animal Hospital on Alma and SpringCreek. Dr. Staph. They are a little bit pricey on regular visits but are very, very sweet and they listen and have lots of experience with greys. Where did you adopt from? We have a small group that gets together every so often for play dates and would love to have you come along. I also sometimes just go to the ball fields on my own. I have three kids, my youngest is 7 and we have 4 greys.
  22. Hello! I just saw that you are in Frisco I am in Plano! Anyway, your vet will probably use a capstar. It will help immediatly and then he will advise you on a preventative. Good luck.
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